
Chapter 31

Mrs Lambert could not help but feel pity for Ariana.

" Listen, when you're done showering, come down stairs with Cassandra. I'm making dinner. Tell her to......." Cassandra walks in.

" What's up mum? Is there anything you want me to help with?" Cassandra asked towelling her body.

" Nothing. I wanted her to tell you to remember to take your medicine. And you remember to tell her to take her medicine. When dinner's ready, I'll call you two down. Remember the rules" Mrs Lambert said and left.

" The rules? What rules?" Ariana asked.

" It's nothing. Her rule is just to tease me" Casey said blow drying her hair.

" And what's that rule?"

" You'll laugh when you hear her rules" Casey said.

" Tell me, I'm eager to know"

" Firstly, you don't eat too much on Halloween. Secondly, you must always be hydrated. Thirdly, you must always have fruits everyday. Fourthly, always be obedient, respectful and helpful and then lastly, don't be naughty" Casey said. " Hilarious right?"

" No. I don't think they're hilarious. I think she gave those rules because she loves you. Are the rules only applicable to you"

" Nope. Me and my two siblings" Casey said and started brushing her hair. " I forgot to tell you. Mum also believes in maintaining a good hygiene".

" Wow. Where are your two siblings?" Ariana asked.

" They attend evening lessons. They prefer going for evening lessons rather than go to movies or things like that" Casey said.

" I'll go shower" Ariana said and left for the shower.


" Dinner's ready girls"Mrs Lambert called.

" Be down in a second mum" Cassandra said. " Ari, aren't you dressed" she asked.

" Done" Ariana said. " Let's go" and they left for dinner.

" So, what are we having for dinner?" Casey asked.

" Well, for you I have prepared guacamole and chips. Your siblings will have pancakes and for you Ariana......"

" Chicken hamburger?" Ariana asked.

" Nope. Fruit salad" Mrs Lambert said.

" What? Are you serious?" Ariana asked making some puppy faces.

" Ha!" Casey teased. " You wanted burgers but you got fruit salad"

" Listen Ariana, when you recover fully, you can have burgers but for now, the doctor has advised you eat only healthy food. Hmmmm?" Mrs Lambert said.

" I get it" Ariana said and started eating.

" Hi mum, hi Cassandra," two kids ( a boy and a girl) walked in.

" Hi sweeties" Mrs Lambert said pecking both children on their foreheads.

" Mum, who's that" the boy asked pointing at Ariana.

" Oh. This is Ariana. She's Cassandra's friend from high school, she'll be staying with us till she recovers" Mrs Lambert explained.

" Hi Ariana, I'm Mariana Lambert. Casey's younger sister" Mariana said extending her hand for a handshake.

" Nice meeting you Mariana. I'm Ariana Wilson" Ariana said shaking hands with Mariana.

" Hi Ariana, I'm Santiago Lambert. Cassandra's immediate younger brother. Nice meeting you" he said and they shook hands.

" Come on and have dinner. You have to go to school tomorrow" Mrs Lambert said and say down. 

" Santiago, Marie, I left some chocolates in the freezer for you. Go shower and then join us for dinner" Casey said.

" Okay big sis" they chorused and left for their rooms.

" Wow. I never knew fruit salads tasted this great" Ariana said as she ate.

" Yeah. Mom makes the best" Casey said shoving some guacamole coated chips into her mouth.

" No kidding" Ariana said.

" Mom, I've showered and ready to eat" Mariana said coming down the stairs in her purple pyjamas and slippers.

" Get your pancakes, they're in the kitchen." Mrs Lambert said.

" Ok" Mariana said and left.

" Okay, I'm full. Good night" Casey said and left for her room.

" Mariana, make sure to clear your plates after dinner alright?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Yes mum" Mariana said sipping some juice.

" Good night sweeties"' Mrs Lambert said and left for her room.

" I'm off to bed" Santiago said and left.

" Won't you go to bed?" Mariana asked Ariana while clearing the plates.

" No. I have been waiting for you so that I could clear the dishes" Ariana said and assisted in clearing the dishes.

" Are you kidding me? You're our guest Ariana. There's no way I'm going to let you clear the dishes especially now you're just recovering" Mariana said and left.

" Hey!!!. I'm not asking for permission Marie. I'm telling you" Ariana said and started doing the dishes.

" I won't. You can go to bed. Besides, I enjoy doing this" Mariana said and continued what she was doing.