
Chapter 160


Immediately Becks heard the news, she jumped in excitement. She was so excited that she didn't know when she rushed to Raymond and embraced him. 

" I'm pregnant Raymond" she said excitedly and Raymond embraced her like they were a couple.

" Congratulations Ari" Raymond said as he pecked her and Leonard felt jealous.

" Come on, let's go" Leonard said and took Becks with him.

" Hey wait up" Raymond said and scurried after them.


" What was the meaning of that Leonard? You didn't even give Raymond and I the chance to celebrate the coming of our first child together" Becks said angrily.

" And what about me? You're so happy about the coming of your first child and what about me Becks? Don't you care about me or how I feel?" He asked

" What are you talking about Leonard?" She asked, confused.

" You know it's ironic Becks. It's ironic that even after ten years of us living together, you still don't know me" he said, pain evident in his voice.

" What do you mean by that? What is there to know about you that I don't already know Leo? "

" You don't know anything about me Becks because if you did.... " He pulled her to himself " you'd know I've been in love with you for years" he said and her jaw dropped.

She freed herself from his grip and chuckled, " you're joking Leonard right? Tell me you're joking and please if this is a joke, stop it because it's not funny"

" You see? You don't even know me. I just confessed my love to you and you think it's a joke" 

" I'm sorry Leonard. I'm not in love with you. I've been in love with Raymond for ten years and I'm afraid it's not gonna change. Not when we're both expecting a child" she said.

" So what are you saying? Are you saying I don't have a chance with you? " He asked.

" I'm afraid yes" she said.

" And what about the kids? What will happen to them? " He asked

" Stop using the kids to make her stay" Raymond said and walked into the house. He walked to Becks and fell to one knee, bringing out a beautiful diamond ring with pedals on it. " Will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me? " He asked and she moved back. Things were going too fast and she didn't know what to do. She had always hoped that one day she'd be with Raymond as Mrs Styles but like this..... She was confused. Her confusion got so much of her that she passed out.


When she got up, she met with great news.

" You're saved Ari, you're saved" Raymond said excitedly.

" What do you mean by that?" She asked.

" The baby you're carrying in your womb, it's come as good news" he stated happily.

" How is that?"

" The doctor has said that you can receive a kidney from the baby when she clocks five"

" Will I still be alive by then?" She asked Raymond.

" Of course you'll be. You'll be on drugs that'll sustain you till then" he said and he pulled him in for an embrace.

" Thank you Raymond. Thank you for blessing me with good news" she said and Raymond embraced her back.

Leonard stood at the door and felt tears stream down his eyes. He felt like the odd number in their relationship and it hurt him but what could he do? True love was about helping the one you loved get true love. He sniffled before leaving them to enjoy their selves.


Few days later, Becks, Leonard, Trish, and Liv decided to go shopping not knowing that at the mall, a life changing decision would be made.

" What do you think about this purple dress Liv?" Becks asked as she took the dress to show Liv.

" It's beautiful, I'll take it" Liv said and giggled.

" Alright then, let's look for others" Becks said and the kids walked in front of her. She wanted to walk when she noticed Leonard wasn't following.

" What's wrong Leo? Why aren't you coming with us? " She asked.

" Oh it's nothing. I'm behind you" he said and walked to the kids. She knew what was going on, he was still hurt that she rejected him but she did it for the best.

She sighed before walking to join them.


Raymond sat in his car as he wanted to drive to work. He was pretty late and that was because he went to see Becks to confirm she was fine. After his first proposal that made her pass out, he hadn't tried again but that didn't mean he gave up. He was still going to propose to her. He was just waiting for the right time.

He turned on the radio to listen to some music as he drove but it got interrupted by the news 

" Breaking news, a group of terrorists have just escaped from jail and they're headed towards enchanteur mall so please if you know anyone there, advise them to retreat because we have just been given word that they're armed and they have explosives with them" the announcer said.

Raymond stopped his car, something clicked in his head. The same mall where the terrorists were headed was the same mall Becks had gone.

He took his phone and dialed Becks number and it informed him that she wasn't reachable. He dialed Trish's number as well as Leonard's but it informed him of the same thing.

" I have to inform them of this" he said and reversed, headed to the mall.


" Becks!!" He yelled as he ran from section to section in search for her.

" Why are you yelling my name?" Becks asked as she finally saw him.

" We have to leave, terrorists have made their way here and it's very risky for us to stay here for another minute" he said.

" And how do you know that?" She asked

" It's on the news, let us go" he said 

" I'll go get the kids" she said and just as she was about to move, a gunshot was heard and from the speaker, a terrifying voice was heard.

" Stay where you are and don't move or you die" the voice said.

" My kids. I have to save them" she said and ran and Raymond chased after her.

" Stop there" a voice commanded and Becks and Raymond turned to see a scary looking man pointing a gun at them.

Becks gulped, the man was looking way more scary than an anaconda. The tattoos around his body, the piercings on his ear, nose, eye and arms sent shivers down Becks' spine coupled with that voice of his.

" Run" Raymond yelled but Becks couldn't find the strength to run. She was rooted to the spot and it gave the man the opportunity to walk towards her and grab her.

" Let go of her" Raymond said and swung a swift punch across the man's face but it didn't seem to affect him as he just stood there, the only difference was that anger could now be found in his eyes as he threw a punch to Raymond's face which sent Raymond staggering backwards which made Becks panic.

She took off her shoe and made to hit the man while he wasn't looking but he caught her hand and pushed her back which got Raymond angry because not only did the man push the love of his life away, he also pushed the mother of his unborn child.

He moved to the man with anger and started hitting him and this time, it had an effect as the man groaned in pain. Seeing that the man groaned in pain, Raymond signalled for Becks to find the kids and she snuck off.

Raymond continued to hit the man but then the tables turned, the man took his gun and shot Raymond in the leg.

" Aaaah," Raymond groaned in pain as he raised the foot that had been shot.

The man moved back a little to try and regain his strength, he'd been beaten up badly by Raymond.

" Hey tiger, what are you doing standing there?" One goon asked as he saw the man Raymond had beaten standing.

" Take this man with you, I'll go find the woman" tiger said and left.

Raymond struggled to get free but the pain from his right knee where he'd been shot was excruciating so he couldn't really fight back and he was taken to the reception of the mall where he found many other customers including Trish and Leonard been held at gun point by the goons.

" Are these all?" A man in a mask who seemed to be the leader asked.

" I don't think so. I think tiger saw someone and he's gone to find them" one of the masked men said.

" Very good, tie him up and every half an hour, we'll kill someone. The government needs to know we're serious about our demands" the leader said and Trish jilted in fear at the sight of the scary looking men.

" Raymond" Trish yelled in tears as she saw Raymond been tied up.

" Don't cry sweetheart, everything is gonna be fine" Raymond assured her. He crossed his fingers, he didn't care if he had to die. All he cared about now was the safety of Becks, Liv, Trish and his unborn baby.


Hey lovelies, I'm so excited to inform you all that this book will be coming to an end tomorrow, 29th of March 2022. Don't forget to give your support by rating and reviewing.

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