
Chapter 153



I placed her on the couch in the reception as I rushed to the water dispenser to get water before splashing it on her.

This meant she'd been trapped in the restroom for hours. I really felt bad for her.

She coughed as she slowly opened her eyes to stare at me.

" Sir" she called out weakly as she struggled to get up.

I helped her get up and she stared down, coughing. It was obvious she was suffocated.

" I'll go get water" I told her before going to get more water from the dispenser. " Here you go" I said and she drank it.

" Thank you sir" she muttered.

" Tell me, what happened?" I asked, wondering how she got locked in the restroom.

" I don't know, I'd called mum before going to the restroom to pee and that was it, I got locked in. I knocked and screamed but all to no avail" she said and stared at me. " I thought of the cheque and it scared me because I'd kept it on the table" she said and screamed " the cheque"

She rushed to her office and I followed suit. She walked into the office and saw the cheque on the floor, stained with ketchup.

" Oh my goodness!!" She screamed.



I slowly opened my eyes to see Mr Raymond staring at me and from the look of things, he was worried.

He gave me water and inquired what happened from me and I felt glad that he at least cared about me.

I was explaining how things had happened when I suddenly remembered that I'd kept the cheque on my table. I hurriedly ran to my office and just as I was about to walk into my office, I saw a piece of paper on the floor, it was stained with ketchup and as I bent to pick it, I silently prayed it was not the cheque . I picked it up only to realize it was the cheque.

" Nooooooooooo" I screamed and broke down into tears. Who could've ruined the cheque and why? This cheque was my ticket to finally getting dad treated and paying off all our debts but now it had been ruined.

I couldn't control my emotions and I sobbed. What would I tell mum? I'd told her about the cheque and how it would solve all our problems so what would I tell her now?

" Why did you do this Maya? If you knew you didn't want the cheque why take it and ruin it?" I heard Mr Raymond ask and I turned to stare at him.

" Do you really think I did this? Why would I ruin the chance to paying off all our debts and saving my dad?" I asked in tears as I stared at the cheque. Who'd want to ruin the cheque and why? I didn't have any enemies so why would anyone do this to me?

" So you're saying you didn't do this?" He asked.

" I didn't. Who could've done this?" I spoke in tears as I fell to my knees.

I dried my tears before leaving my office.

" Where are you going?" Mr Raymond asked.

" I'm going home sir" I said in tears.

" Come on, I'll drop you off" he said.

He dropped me off at home and immediately I got home, I rushed into my room and locked the door behind me. Mum came knocking but I didn't open up. What would I tell her? Would I tell her that a cheque of half a million that was given to me was stained with ketchup and hence useless? I couldn't and I decided to lock myself up. I broke down in tears, did it mean my late sister,  Liliana's wish of us living a comfortable life would never come true?

I sobbed more as I remembered how Liliana had died due to the fact that we couldn't pay for her medical bill after the accident we both had years ago.


" Stop here driver" Liliana told the bus driver as she and Maya approached their destination.

The driver nodded and tried stopping the bus but he couldn't.

" Driver, stop the bus" Maya said as the bus sped past their destination.

'' I can't stop the bus, it's like the brakes have failed" he said and tension rose amongst the passengers in the bus.

" What do you mean by that driver? " One of the passengers in the bus asked.

" I don't know" the driver said as he continued to stomp hard on the brakes all to no avail.

" I'm scared Lilly" Maya said as she held on to her sister.

" It's fine Maya, don't be scared" Liliana said in a shaky voice. It was obvious she was scared but she had to remain strong for her younger sister.

The driver continued to drive, trying hard not to crash into anything that would risk the lives of the passengers.

He continued to drive till he crashed into a truck that pushed him out of the road. He continued trying hard to keep a balance but it wasn't helping and the bus made it's way to the edge of a cliff. He tried hard to keep it from going down the valley but it was of no use as the bus twirled before crashing into a tree that pushed it into the valley.

" Aaaaah" all the passengers screamed as the bus fell deep into the valley, flying them across the bus.

Maya knew she had to act fast so she took her phone and called her mum.

" We're in trouble, our bus is.....

" Before she could complete her statement, the bus somersaulted and with great force, landed on the floor, shattering the glasses and setting it on fire.

At that time, every body in the bus, including the driver had lost consciousness.


Maya slowly opened her eyes only to see herself in her house, a drip was connected to her and she was badly injured. She even had a bandage on her head, indicating that she had a head injury.

" Aaaaah" she winced in pain and touched her head as she got up. 

" How are you? '' her mum asked worriedly.

" I'm fine" Maya said. She suddenly remembered that she was in the bus with Liliana.

" Where's Liliana? " She asked and her mum kept mute. Even though her mum was mute, Maya could tell that something was wrong. " Tell me mum, where's Lilly? " Maya asked, fear beginning to get the best of her.

" I'm afraid she's worse than you are. She had pieces of glass stuck in various parts of her body and we have to pay to get her operated on.

" So? Pay for the operation" Maya said.

" We've mortgaged everything we have but the loan we got still isn't enough so we were asked to bring her back home" her mum said in tears.

" Where is she? " Maya asked.

" She's in her room but she hasn't regained consciousness" her mum said in tears.

" I need to go see her" Maya said and removed the drip before struggling to her sister's room.

" Maya" her mum called as she rushed after her.

Maya walked into Liliana's room and shut the door behind her. She stared at her sister and tears streamed down her eyes.

There was not a single part of Liliana's body which was not wounded. Maya burst into tears as she stared at how Liliana's hand and leg was hung and it felt like a dagger was thrown right into her heart.
