
Chapter 144


Becks gulped, " my name's not Rebecca Morgan"

" And what is your name then? The only name that can be linked to Becks M is Rebecca Morgan so don't you dare lie to me"

" Her name's not Rebecca Morgan" Arnold said and Raymond turned.

" What are you saying dude?"

" Let me elaborate" she got herself free from him, " he's trying to say that before you try to lay claims at a chosen woman, you should make research" she said with a smirk on her face.

" Wtf are you two talking about?"

" That's what happens when you never watched a Becks M movie" Arnold said and took out his phone, showing Raymond a picture.

" What the hell is this?"

" Read it" Arnold said " it'll give you a lot of info" 

" Becks Monica Antonio, known professionally as Becks M is an American born actress who is known for her roles in movies, love or death, truth or death, her love and many more. She is popularly known as American's queen of acting" Raymond read out.

" Does my name sound like Rebecca Morgan?" Becks asked.

" It can't be, you look exactly the same so how can it be?" 

" You should ask whoever you need to. I don't have an answer to that and for you, if you try to harass me again" she pointed her finger at him. " I'll make sure the world knows you're a wannabe CEO" she said and left after scoffing.


" Aaaaah" Raymond yelled in frustration as he threw Arnold's phone to the ground.

" Hey dude be careful" Arnold said.

" Why!! Why is the universe so cruel to me? Here I am trying to forget that I lost Ariana years ago but I can't now that I've found her lookalike. She's right, she can never be Ariana, Ariana's way better" he said and ran his hair back.

" You've gotta be calm dude. Yelling won't solve anything"

" I've insulted Ariana, I've made a mockery of her by calling someone else her name" he said before going to the bar that was hung in the dining room

" What are you planning on doing?" Arnold asked

" I'm gonna drown my sorrows away" he said and gulped the bottle of whiskey in a go without taking it out from his mouth.

" Dude don't..... " Before Arnold could finish his statement, he received an incoming call. " I'll be back, don't do anything stupid"

As if waiting for Arnold to leave, Raymond took three extra bottles of whiskey and drank them all.

He staggered and out the house he went, unto the streets of Orlando.


" Hey, what's wrong with that man, he's drunk himself to stupor" two men in the club where Raymond had gone gossipped.

" Maybe his girlfriend dumped him" one of the men said and they both burst into laughter.

Raymond took the glass and gulped it in a go.

" Sir, don't you think you've had too much? This is your third bottle" the bar attendant asked

" Just shut up and I'll pay" Raymond spoke and it was evident in his voice that he was hurt.



I took another glass to reduce the pain and guilt I was feeling in my heart. How could I have tried to give someone else Ariana's identity? I I gulped the glass of alcohol in an entire go and just as I was about to take the fourth bottle, the bar attendant stopped me

" I'm sorry sir, we can't let you" he said and took the bottle for me.

I couldn't argue with me even though I'd have loved to. Why wasn't I passing out? I'd had like six bottles of alcohol including the ones I had at home and all I was feeling was a pain in the head.

I got up and staggered out of the bar to the streets of Orlando where the road was bustling.

" Hey Raymond" I heard Ariana's voice say and I turned, only to see a lightening.

 I continued to walk and soon, it began to rain and I didn't have where to go. I continued to walk when I suddenly began to feel dizzy. I tried walking more when I suddenly fell to the ground, passing out.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't in my room.

" Aaaaah" I got up in shock to see the room I was in. There wasn't a room like this in my house so where was I?

" Good morning" a man walked in with a cup of coffee.

" Morning. Where am I?" I asked, still staring around.

" Oh, I saw you on the road unconscious so I brought you here" he said and walked to me.

" Forgive my manners, I'm Raymond. Raymond Styles" I introduced myself.

" Oh, I'm Leonard Antonio" he introduced himself and the name struck a bell.

" Do you mean Leonard Antonio as in Becks' husband?" I asked and he nodded.

" I see you're a Becks M fan. Welcome to the group" he said with a smile before dropping the cup of coffee beside me.

" I'm not a Becks M fan. I just thought she was someone else and trust me when I say I messed up big time" I said and got up.

" How did you mistake her for someone else? Becks has being one of America's most popular actress for years so...... "

" Maybe because I never watched any movies in ten years" I said, ashamed of myself. How could I have stayed for ten damn years without watching a movie? I felt damn ashamed of myself.

" Here, have coffee" he said and gave the coffee to me and I drank from it.

" Tell me, Is Becks home? " I asked.

" Yes, why? Is anything the problem? "

" I just wanna see her" I said.

" I'm sorry but I can't let you see her. Becks doesn't have any guards because she doesn't want to and when she's in this house, I'm her guard so if you have to see her, you have to see her with me" Leonard said and I chuckled. It was obvious that he was madly in love with her and here I was claiming she was my girlfriend.

What a slap in the face for Ariana! 

" Come on, let's go" I said and we got up. He took me to a room where I found Becks on her laptop.

" Honey, someone wants to talk to you" Leonard said and ushered me in.

" Who is it? " Immediately I walked in, a frown crept on her face and I couldn't blame her. I'd really messed up. I sighed deeply, I was gonna do something I hadn't done in my entire life and I needed to be prepared for it.

I walked towards her and sat on her bed. " I'm sorry Becks" I spoke. I'd never apologized to anyone in my entire life but here I was, apologizing to Ariana's look alike.


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An affair with my brother-in-law.


More updates coming tomorrow

Goodnight lovelies