
Chapter 131



I stared at the file and tears streamed down my cheeks. I couldn't believe it, I barely had  six months to live and no one bothered telling me.

I rushed down and scolded them for not telling me. It was my life and I deserved to know what was going to happen but no one bothered telling me and it shattered my heart.

I couldn't live the rest of my life waiting for death to come my way so I made a decision. Why wait for death to come your way when you could call it.

I rushed and took a knife before placing it on my wrist.

" What.... What are you doing Becky?" Dad asked

" I'll kill myself and end it all. You should have let me die when I jumped off the cliff, why did you let me live, why" I asked in tears.

Mrs Lambert tried talking me out of it but I just wouldn't have it. I wanted to end it all, I couldn't have anyone looking at me with pity in their eyes just because I was about to die so I just had to kill myself.

I tightened the knife on my wrist to slit it and I bled, I took in a deep breath and just as I was about to slit my wrist, I felt someone from behind snap the knife out of my hand and I winced in pain.

I turned and saw that it was Raymond and I was happy even though I was still sad.

I thought about how Raymond would feel after my death and I just couldn't let him be sad so I asked him to leave.

" You should leave Raymond, I can't bear it if you're to be In pain after this. I just can't be that selfish" I said and left the house. I needed to leave the house because I felt suffocated, I wanted to be alone for sometime and I couldn't only get it in one place... The park.

I walked into the park and I stared at the children playing with their parents, the dog owners chased their dogs while others played fetch while some lovers played around and the oldies, they just sat and watched, probably because their time was almost up.

This was what my life felt like now, I felt like an oldie because I was soon going to die but the only difference between us was that they didn't know when they'd die but I knew when I'd die, in a few months. I dried my tears and took a seat on one of the free benches in the park while I stared at everyone having fun.

I felt tears threaten to fall but I had to hold it in, I had a few days left to live and I couldn't spend those few days crying. I stared at a couple having fun and I wished Raymond was by my side. Maybe I was a little mean when I asked him to stay away from me but I didn't mean it that way, I only wanted him to stay away so that when I die, he wouldn't have a hard time moving on. I sighed as I watched the lovers do what they did best, kissing, the parents doing what they did best, playing with their kids and the oldies doing what they did best, reading.

I sighed after remembering that I never got a chance to come to the park with my mum because she was kidnapped and my dad never had time for me. My foster mum, Elizabeth never had time for me because she was always off to work.

I'd promised myself that I'd make time for my kids when I had mine but I guess I'll never fulfill that promise because I won't be alive.

I decided to take a stroll around the park to take my mind off death when I suddenly tripped on a stone. Just as I was about to hit the ground, I felt a muscular hand hold me and pull me back up.

I got on my feet and stared at the person who'd just pulled me up.

" Are you alright?" He asked.

" I'm fine" I told him and made to leave when he stopped me. 

" You don't look alright so what's going on?" He asked and I hissed, why did he want to know if I was fine or not when I just admitted to being fine even though I was lying because no one in their right senses would feel fine when they knew their days were numbered.

'' I said I'm fine"

" Alright then, I'm Leonard" he said and extended his hand for a handshake.

" Ariana" I said and shook his extended hand before leaving. I didn't want to get involved in a conversation that'd lead to friendship. My time was way too short for that.

I walked around the park till I got tired and decided to head home.


I walked into the house and saw the worried looks on the faces of everyone seated in the room. Everyone was present except Raymond.

" Ari you're back" Mrs Lambert said and rushed to me. " Are you alright, we were worried sick about you" she said and led me to the couch.

" I'm fine, I just needed to get my mind free" I told her.

" I'm sorry you had to find out about it this way" she apologized" we didn't want you to spend your final days waiting for death to come take you that's why we hid the truth, we're sorry" she said and I realized she was right, infact they were right for not having told me because ever since I returned from the hospital, I'd being doing well and happily not until I found out few hours ago.

In those few hours, I'd cried more than I'd cried in a week. I looked at them, I wished I'd not found out about my death.


" Becky, promise us you won't do such a thing next time" Edward said at the dinner table.

" There won't be a next time dad, I'm in my final days and I refuse to spend them in a shadow of myself. I'll right my wrongs and live my life to the fullest" Ariana said and smiled to herself.

She had finally made the decision to enjoy her final days and it was a good way to go for her.

" How about we all go shopping tomorrow? " Mariana asked.

" Not bad, it's a good idea and we'll all get to spend time together" Ariana said with a smile on her face.

" Alright then, we'll go shopping tomorrow" Edward said and they all laughed as they ate.

After dinner, they took their plates to the kitchen before retiring to their rooms.

Ariana stared at herself in the mirror as she brushed her hair and she realized that something had changed in her. She was getting skinny and her eyes looked pale. She had dark circles under her eyes and when she stared at her arm, there were some marks on it.

These were signs, signs that she didn't have much time left.

She finished brushing her hair before climbing on her bed. She stared at Casey who was sleeping peacefully and she smiled, this was how she once slept until she found out she was in her final days. She remembered Raymond and decided to put a call across to him.

She took her phone and dialed Raymond's number before waiting for his response.

" Please pick up Raymond, please" she muttered as she redialed his number.

" Ariana?" Came a sleepy Raymond's voice from the other end of the call.

" Raymond, are you asleep?" She asked.

" I won't be talking to you if I was asleep" he said and they both chuckled.

" I'm sorry about today" she said apologetically.

" It's fine Ari, I know how you feel so I decided to let you free your mind and since you called, I believe your mind has being cleared" Raymond said.

" Yes. Infact, the entire family is going shopping tomorrow, wanna join? " She asked, hoping his answer would be a yes.

" Nah. Shopping is a girl thing and I don't do girl stuff. If you'd talked about going to watch a football match, I'd have come but shopping...... Not my thing" he said.

" So, we're cool? " Ariana asked.

" Of course we are" Raymond said.

" Alright then, good night" she said with a smile on her face.

" Good night" Raymond said and hung up.

Ariana smiled, at least she still had her boyfriend.