
Chapter 122


" That's it. We have all the evidence we need now and we can go show this to Shawn" Beatrice said eagerly.

" Not yet. This is not enough proof" Raymond said and removed the SD card.

" What did you do?" Beatrice asked.

" I'll show you, come with me" Raymond said and left with Beatrice.


" so where did you take her?" Casey asked.

" I took her with to see one of my friends who was a programmer. He told me that the editing apps where fake and opening them would cause a crash in whatever app it was opened from and that was where my suspicions were confirmed. I knew from the start that Nicolas and Max weren't so stupid to leave the video undeleted and I must admit, they were smart to have installed those device crashing apps but they weren't smart because I knew that evidence wasn't so easy to find and me finding that SD card easily told me something was off" Raymond said.

" Yes and after the video was taken to Raymond's friend, we showed him the video that was posted on the school website and the video that was blurred and he explained something. He explained that the blurred video wasn't actually blurred, it was just a mistake in the editing but it had not deleted due to some technical difficulties and we were lucky to have found it" Beatrice said.

" That was when I told him to give me a document indicating that the video on the website wasn't authentic, rather the video on the SD card was authentic" Raymond said. " It took a long time but at least I was able to get it and that's why I wasn't able to see you at the hospital" Raymond said.

" That's not all, immediately we got enough evidence, we sent it to the school board and then showed it to Mr Shawn but that wasn't all, we made sure the real video was sent to the school website and we got Nicolas expelled" she said proudly.

" So that's why I got called back to school" Ariana said " thank you Raymond, I love you so much" she said and kissed him passionately.

" You know, Beatrice did a lot too so don't you think you have something to say to her?" Raymond asked and Ariana got up and walked to Beatrice.

" It's fine, you don't have to say anything. Maybe this is my way of apologizing for the wrong I did to you" Beatrice said. " I....." Before she could complete her statement, Ariana pulled her in a tight embrace.

" Thank you" she said after withdrawing from the embrace.

" Does this mean you forgive me?" Beatrice asked.

" Not yet, one condition" Ariana said.

" And what's that?"

" You promise to never do anything wrong again" Ariana said and Beatrice nodded. " Then I forgive you" Ariana said and Beatrice smiled.

" Well, well, well. Isn't this great? Beatrice and Ariana have cleared up their misunderstandings, Ariana's name has being cleared but there is still one thing that remains unclear to me" Casey said.

" And what is that?" Raymond asked.

" That question should have been asked by Ariana but don't worry, I'll reply. Ariana knows what I'm asking about"

" Casey, this is different and....."

" What was a bottle of vironia doing in your cupboard?" She asked.


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" don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about because the truth is..... You know what I'm talking about so stop feigning innocence because we both know that you know the truth" Casey said.

'" I don't know how the f**k a bottle of vironia got into my cupboard" Ariana denied.

" Alright, let's say you don't know how but you must know how it got into your camp bag and why it was hidden" Casey said.

" I don't have answers to your questions and even if I did, I wouldn't give you answers" Ariana said and made to leave when she suddenly heard a voice, a voice she hadn't heard in ten long years.

" You might not have answers to the questions Becky but trust me, I have answers" the voice said.

Ariana turned, only one person called her Becky and that person stopped calling her that a long time ago but there were other people.

" Mummy?" She muttered as she met eyes with Ashley who had eyes filled with tears.


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