
Chapter 121


" dude, take it easy. I don't even have the camera rolling" Max said from behind the camera.

" What do you mean by that?" Nicolas asked.

" Oh! So you think this whole nonsense we've been saying was on camera?" He asked.

" That's right" Nicolas admitted.

" You're such a dumbo" Max said and Sofie chuckled.

" Why'd you chuckle?" Nicolas asked. " Dumbo isn't a funny name"

" I laughed because that name dumbo actually has a history in our school." Sofie said.

" And what history is that?" Nicolas and Max chorused.

" Well, you wouldn't know because you both just joined. Back when Ariana and Raymond were still enemies, Raymond used to call Ariana dumbo and everyone would laugh because of it" Sofie explained.

" Ariana isn't dumb so what would make him call her that?" Nicolas asked.

" Well, there was a time they had a little clash and Ariana was about walking out on Raymond but guess what...... She forgot she didn't have shoes on" Sofie said and they all laughed.

" Now that's a dumbo" Max said.

" Come on, let's start the video" Sofie said and went behind the camera.

" Shoot" Max cursed.

" What happened?" Nicolas asked.

" I had the video on the entire time and everything we said was recorded" Max said.

" So, delete it. It shouldn't be that difficult" Sofie said from behind the camera

" I'm trying but it won't delete" Max said in frustration.

" Just leave it. Start a new video and besides, once we edit the whole thing, we'll get rid of the camera and the SD card" Nicolas said.

" Alright then, action" Max said and the video ended.


" That's it? That wasn't even enough evidence". Beatrice said.

" We're not done yet" Raymond said and scrolled to the next video.


" Ari, Ari" Nicolas called seductively.

" Nicolas?" Ariana called softly. " I can't see a thing, can you help me zip my tent? I'm feeling extremely sleepy" she said.

" Don't worry Ari, I'm here and I'll take sleep away from you for a very long time" he said and leaned in.

" What are you doing?" Ariana pushed him away, " I have a boyfriend and I can't cheat on him" she said sleepily.

" You mean that fool? That Raymond, what did you even see in him? I'm a better match Ari and I'll treat you better than he ever will" Nicolas said and moved closer to her.

" Stay away from me Nicolas. I'm warning you, you won't like what Raymond will do to you if he finds out what you're doing?" Ariana said.

Even in her sleepy state, she still wasn't willing to cheat on her boyfriend. How cultured!!

" There's no need to act Ariana, we both know you want this so stop acting like a nun" Nicolas said and pulled her up.

" Let me go" Ariana pushed him away and staggered backwards. " Aren't you ashamed, I'll tell everyone that you're trying to force yourself on me" she said and tried to stagger away but Nicolas grabbed her.

" Do you really think I'll let you go Ariana? You're mine and mine alone" Nicolas said and pulled her to himself.

" I'm not yours, I'm Raymond's and no one else's" she said and stepped on his toe, causing him to let her go.

" What do you even see in that guy Ariana? He is not your type. You deserve someone who is as humble and fun loving as yourself not someone who is as arrogant as Raymond" Nicolas said and tried to move closer to her which was easy because she was under the influence of a sedative.

" I see things I could never have seen in another guy. You don't know him that's why you're criticizing him because if you knew him, you'd want to be more like him" she said and fell to the ground.


" WOW, she really loves me" Raymond said after the video stopped.

" Yes but this still isn't enough evidence" Beatrice said.

" There are still more" he said and swiped to the next video. " That bastard will pay for this"


" Did I really say all those to Nicolas?" Ariana asked.

" Yes" Beatrice replied but Instead of the hateful glare Ariana would have cast her, she smiled.

" Now, listen to the whole story" Raymond said.


" I'd never want to be like a jerk Ari, come now and let's do it and I promise to treat you right" Nicolas said and bent to her level.

He started by placing kisses on her neck, leaving hickeys behind before going for her zipper and sliding it down.

" Let me go" Ariana muttered.

" No Ari, I might never get this chance again so I might as well use it" Nicolas said.

He went for her lips and just as he was about to kiss them, Ariana bit his lips and he winced in pain.

" Aaaah" he screamed.

" Hey, reduce your voice, someone might hear you" Max scolded.

" I don't think I'm interested, she doesn't want it. I'm leaving now" Nicolas said and made to leave.

" You fool, try again. Didn't you know she wouldn't be interested before you agreed to do it?" Max asked and Nicolas frowned.

He walked over to Ariana and bent to kiss her again but this time, she kicked him in the crotch and he fell.

" Aaaah" he screamed in pain. " Get her expelled yourself, I'm not in" Nicolas said and made to leave but Sofie stopped him.

" I think I have an idea" she said and whispered something Raymond and Beatrice couldn't hear from the video.

" And me, what do I gain? I need it now" Nicolas said.

" I knew you were just one lustful fellow from the start. Didn't you hear what she said? She'll be the one In the video and we'll edit it to be Ariana's face'' Max explained.

" Wow. I love the idea'' Nicolas beamed.

" I'll go change into her clothes" Sofie said and led Ariana behind some shrubs.

" What's taking that fool so long?" Nicolas asked.

" Can you stop being horny? Ever since we made the plan, all you've ever wanted was to be in a girl" Max said.

" You can't blame me, it's being a while and I need it urgently" Nicolas said and took off his shirt. 

" I have the part of you kissing Ariana so when I join it with your make out with Sofie, it'll be good enough" Max said.

" It shouldn't be good enough, it should be perfect because I want her expelled. She rejected my love for that fool and she has to pay for it" Nicolas said.

" That's the spirit" 


" Why does the video keep cutting?" Beatrice asked.

" They think they're smart but sadly, they're not. we're gonna prove Ariana's innocence and it'll be done ASAP" Raymond said and swiped to the next video 


" I have a question" Casey said.

" What is that?" Raymond asked.

'' it's being on my mind but if Ariana is not the girl in the video, then how come she felt pain in her lower abdomen when she wasn't the girl in the video? As far as I know, abdominal pain is for only newbies." Casey spoke.

" That's also something that baffles me because when I looked up jonapi, it stated that jonapi caused abdominal pain for only those who are addicted to vironia and Ariana isn't" he said.

Immediately he said those words, Ariana started coughing like she'd just choked on peppery food.

" Are you alright?" Raymond asked after giving her a glass of water.

 " I'm fine" she said and stared at Beatrice who gave her a questioning look.

" No you're not Ari. You......"

" I'm fine, I'd like to hear the remainder of how you were able to prove my innocence" Ariana said and quickly looked away from Beatrice.

" Well, we watched the remainder of the video and saw how Nicolas made out with Sofie but there was something, "

" What is that?" Casey asked.

" That was the end of the video"