
Chapter 120



Immediately Casey walked down the stairs, she heard Raymond say something about jonapi causing abdominal pain for vironia addicts, she remembered that day, Ariana had admitted to having abdominal pains, which meant something.......the bottle  of vironia was really Ariana's.


" Hold on" Raymond said after his eyes caught sight of something. He walked over to it and picked it. It was a card, an SD card.

" Maybe this can help" Beatrice said, took the SD card and ran out of camp Griffin.


" I knew it. I knew she couldn't be trusted, did you hear that? She took the card that could have proven my innocence and ran away with it" Ariana screamed.

" You haven't even heard the whole story. Sit and I'll tell you" Raymond sighed.


" Beatrice, get back here with that card" Raymond yelled as he ran after Beatrice.

" Sir, can I have your WiFi password?" Beatrice asked the man at the gate.

" Of course but you have to pay" the man said.

" How much?" Beatrice asked.

" It's just one dollar and 19 cents" the man said.

Beatrice shoved her hand into her pocket and paid for it after which the man gave her the password.

" And what do you need his dumb WiFi password for?" Raymond asked.

" This SD card contains vital information and I'm sure it'll be useful for us" Beatrice said and put it in her phone.

" Play the video" Raymond said and Beatrice frowned.

 " What does it look like I'm doing?" She asked

" It's started" Raymond said and they started watching the first video that appeared.

After some time, they got frustrated and tired. Not because they were tired of trying to prove Ariana innocent but because the video on the SD card was the same video that had being shown to the principal where Ariana and Nicolas were making out.

" This is useless, it's the same video I saw on the school website and it's of no use" Raymond said bitterly.

" No. It is useful, infact this is what we need to prove Ariana innocent" Beatrice said with a smile on her face.

" And how exactly does this help in proving Ariana innocent?" Raymond asked.

" Give me your phone Raymond" Beatrice said eagerly.

" What do you wanna do with my phone?" Raymond asked.

" Just give it to me. Infact, open the school website and show me the video of Ariana and Nicolas making out from the school website" Beatrice said and continued to watch the video.

" Why would you wanna watch the same video in two places?" Raymond asked, confused. He just couldn't understand any of Beatrice's moves and it baffled him.

" Just do as I say and let the rewards speak for me" Beatrice said and took Raymond's phone after the video started.

" Now can you explain to me what you're trying to do?" Raymond asked.

" Now look at these two videos, do you notice anything different?" She asked.

Raymond looked at the two videos and compared them. The video on the SD card was somehow blurred and in some parts, Ariana's head didn't lap with her body but the video posted was clearer and sharper and Ariana's head lapped perfectly.

" The video on the SD card is not sharp while the video on the school website is sharp" Raymond said, confusion evident in his voice.

" Ok, now that you've seen the difference, I'd like to show you something" Beatrice said and took out the SD card from her phone. " These are all the apps on my phone, true or false?" Raymond nodded true. " Good, now if you notice, when I put in the SD card, what happens?" She asked.

" The number of apps on your phone increase" Raymond said, he was now beginning to understand where Beatrice was headed.

" And now, what is the extra app that was added?" She asked.

" Video crop and video shop" Raymond said.

" Now connect the pieces. We found a sedative buried in the ground, an SD card containing a video which Is completely blurred and now, video editing apps. This only means that......"

" The video was edited" Raymond said and Beatrice smiled.

" yes, the video was edited but the we have one problem" Beatrice said.

" And what is that?" Raymond asked.

" We don't have the original video. No one especially Mr Shawn is going to believe us if we only provide an SD card and a sedative as proof" Beatrice said, downcast.

" I have an idea" Raymond said and took the phone. " Jackpot" he muttered and showed Beatrice the real video.


" What do we do?" Nicolas asked the person behind the camera.

" I don't know, just find a way to make out with her, the camera's already rolling" the person said.

" Come on Max, aren't you gonna help me? I thought we were in this together?" Nicolas asked.

" You fool. I have to help with everything" he said and walked out from behind the camera.

He grabbed Ariana from Nicolas and smiled. He tucked her hair behind her ear and just as he was about to kiss her, Nicolas stopped him 

" What do you think you're doing Max? I'm the one who has Ariana tonight. You've had her many other nights so can't you leave her for me? Even if it's just tonight" Nicolas said, almost in anger.

" I wish I'd had her every other night while we were still together but sadly, I didn't. She might come out as a bold and audacious girl but ignore her, she's still a virgin and me letting you take her flower is something you're gonna be grateful for the rest of your life" Max said and gently placed her on the floor.

" What do you mean by she's still a virgin huh? Do I look like a fool? How can you tell me that you lived in the same house with someone as beautiful, hot and tempting as Ariana and you never even touched her for one day? You even dated. Dude, you're a liar" Nicolas said.

" Why do you think I cheated? Why do you think I went to find actual women and not V women?" Max asked. " Sometimes I wonder if girls like her still exist in this world,at 18 she is still a virgin, who does that? It's almost like she wants to be a virgin Mary" Max said and laughed with Nicolas.

" What are you two fools laughing about here?" Sofie asked. " I thought that by the time I came here you'd have you two would have being done with the plan but no, you are both here laughing around" she said with a frown on her face.

" Hey Sofie, listen to this. Do you still think there's an 18 year old in this world who's still a virgin?" Nicolas asked and she burst into laughter.

" At eighteen? I'd say yes if you'd said twelve but eighteen? She must be a hobo then" she said, still laughing.

" Then I'll like to prove you wrong, Ariana's still a virgin" Max said

" And how do you know that?" Sofie asked.

" He didn't get intimate with her throughout their dating period" Nicolas said.

" So, does that make her a virgin? Listen Max, maybe she was just trying to know the kinda guy you are but sadly she found out you were a bad guy so she didn't let you. It doesn't make her a virgin for not letting you" Sofie said.

" I'd have believed it if she hadn't told me herself. She told me herself that she was a virgin and she was keeping it for her husband" Max said and went back to standing behind the camera.

" Ariana's so funny you know,who in this modern age and time keeps their virginity for their husband? She speaks like someone who was raised by her great grandmother" Sofie said 

" Enough with the whole Ariana part, can we get back to the main reason we're here? " Nicolas asked and started caressing Ariana's face.


" I'll make sure that monster pays for ever touching her like that" Raymond spoke in anger.

" You'll make him pay Raymond, not with your words or fists but with your evidence" Beatrice said with a grin on her face. " Let's watch the video and we'll make sure that they pay for this" Beatrice said and Raymond diverted his attention back to the video.


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Good night lovelies