
Chapter 111

Ashley sighed in relief after the blood was taken from her and the drip was connected. At least her blood was safe enough to transfuse to her daughter.

She was still in thought of how she'd face Edward after ten years. She closed her eyes and in time, she fell asleep.



" I thought you said you were going to call someone to help? Don't you think it is time you tell them not to worry?" Casey asked Mariana.

" Not yet, I still got a trick up my sleeve"

" What are you planning?" Casey asked.

" Just let Ariana recover, you'll know soon and trust me, you'll be proud of your sister" Mariana said with a smile on her face.

" You are not assuring me Marie, you're scaring me. Just tell me what you are up to" Casey begged.

" I wish I could sis, I wish I could but I can't, it's a surprise"

" I just hope you are not planning something stupid"

" Trust me, I'll go check up on mum and Santiago" Mariana said, winked at Casey before leaving.

" I don't know what to feel. Should I be happy that Ariana is being operated on or should I be worried about what Mariana is planning or should I feel restless about Ariana's past or should I feel curious about what Mrs Wilson is planning? I honestly don't know what to feel right now" Casey thought as she walked over to the bench outside the operating theater to wait for the doctor.

" Please save her Lord, please save her" Casey muttered to herself.


" mum, how are you feeling now?" Mariana asked

" I'm feeling better, you?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" I'm feeling better now. If only I knew who that woman was" Mrs Lambert muttered much to Mariana's hearing.

" How do you know it's a woman?" Mariana asked.

" I can tell a woman from the way she walks and her stature and the person who came had boobs. Men don't have boobs you know"

" How foolish of me" Mariana muttered.

" Where's Cassandra? I'd expect that she'd be at the hospital to check up on us" Mrs Lambert spoke, a little disappointment evident in her voice.

Mariana's voice cracked, " she is in the hospital, she's just not here for you" 

" And who could possibly be more important than her mum that she chose to go see instead of me?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Ariana. She is here for Ariana"

" Ariana?" Mrs Lambert got off the bed. " What happened to Ariana?" 

" She attempted suicide and is currently undergoing surgery" Mariana informed her.

" What am I doing here then? I need to go see her" Mrs Lambert said and rushed out of the room while Mariana followed suit.

" Cassandra!!" Mrs Lambert called after seeing Casey offering silent prayers outside the operating theater.

" Mum!!" Casey called as she rushed to Mrs Lambert and embraced her.

Immediately she hugged Mrs Lambert,all her emotions let loose and she burst into tears.

" She tried to end her life mum, she really did" Casey said as she sobbed.

" It's alright dear" Mrs Lambert said as she patted her daughter.

Casey withdrew from Mrs Lambert, " mum, I just found out something" 

" What did you find out?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Ari's a fake. She's not genuine and there is no Ariana Wilson, there's only Becky Morgan''


" Ari's a fake. She's not genuine and there is no Ariana Wilson, there's only Becky Morgan" Casey said.

" What do you mean by Ariana's a fake?" Mrs Lambert asked, confused.

" I met her mum, ......her real mum and she told me everything. She told me that Ariana's not really Ariana, Ariana is Becky Morgan"

" And you believed her? Tell me Casey, did you really believe a stranger over your best friend?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" At first I didn't but when I saw how much concern she showed for Ariana, I knew she wasn't lying. She is really Ariana's mum" Casey said in Ashley's defense.

" Alright, Cassandra, how old are you?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Eighteen"

" Now, if another woman is to come to you and show you so much care and concern and then tell you she was your real mum and I wasn't, would you believe?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Of course I wouldn't. Why would I believe such nonsense? You are my mum and I know it"

" So why would you believe a random woman who told you that she was Ariana's mum and Becky was her real name?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" She was showing genuine concern and from the look in her eyes, it was obvious that she was genuinely concerned about Ariana"

Mrs Lambert chuckled, " come on Cassandra, I can't even expect such childish thoughts from fourteen year old Mariana talk more of you. You are eighteen years old for goodness sake" Mrs Lambert cried out

" But mum, she was showing genuine concern and such concern can only be showed by a mother for her daughter" Mariana said.

 Mrs Lambert sighed, " alright then. Remember when Ariana was poisoned and she needed space to recover?" Casey nodded " did I or did I not show genuine concern for her?" 

" You did"

" Good. Now if I came to you and told you that since I was showing genuine concern for her, I was her real mum and her real name was Becky. Would you have believed me?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" No I wouldn't" Casey and Mariana chorused

" Good so how can you believe someone who you don't even know telling lies against your best friend? I'm disappointed"

" I'm sorry mum," Casey apologized.

" I don't need your apologies. All I need is for you to become less gullible"

" Yes mum" 

" Good. Now where's that woman who fed you all these lies?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Ward 22. She just had a blood transfusion done so she's weak"

" I'll be right back" Mrs Lambert said and left

" I'm scared of imagining what mum is gonna do to Ashley" Mariana said.

" Me too. We better go have a look" Casey suggested and they ran after their mum.


Mrs Lambert furiously slammed the door behind her as she walked into ward 22. The sound from the slam was loud enough to wake Ashley so she got up.

" Who are you?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

" Who am I?" Mrs Lambert walked over to her and gave her a resounding slap across the face. " You dare ask me who I am? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Ashley disconnected the drip and got off the bed. " How dare you slap me, what gave you that right?"

" Oh! So you are asking me what rights I have? Let me tell you, I have rights, rights you could never dream of having. I have a right as a mum and you can never have that right because you are a wrecker and nothing more"

" Hey!!" Ashley yelled as she raised her hand to hit Mrs Lambert.

" Don't even think about it" Casey spoke after catching Ashley's hand mid air.

" Thank goodness you are here. Can you believe this woman, throwing insults at me. " She faced Mrs Lambert, " women like you are the reason why most people commit suicide. It is because of judgemental women like you that many mothers get separated from their children. Let me tell you, you are a shame to all mothers and I pity your children for having to call you mum" Ashley said with disgust.

" Enough!!" Casey yelled as she pushed Ashley to the floor.



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