
Endless samsara

'ray' a man from earth had enexplicably 'transmigrated' to a sci-fi world he was very enthusiastic. he reached the pinnacle of life in sci-fi world, he owns space battleships universal scale company, he also reached the pinnacle of power by 'genes' modification. he have everything wealths?power? beauty's? he have it own. million years later, he got tired of his life and create 'anhilator spear'. and committed suicide...... but, he didn't plung to the eternal sleep and 'reincarnated again' but in different world, 'an immortal world' with cultivator's flying everywhere.... and thus the endless reincarnation BEGUN....

Shadyperson · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: reincarnated again

In the south side of nordean empire' at a small city, at a particular house with bricks as the foundation like in the western middle age's in earth(medieval age's , the house wasn't to luxury and neither shabby and it can only be regarded normal.

Inside the house you could see a youth at age around 16-17-years old sitting at the edge of the wooden bed he was slightly skinny, his face wasn't handsome but he have a refine face but this not the eye catching about him but his eyes~.

His eyes were deep as the night sky and constantly flickering with the sage like eyes as if an old man that already experience the vicissitudes of life, and everything that could happen will no longer surprise him ' it's hard to think that a youth would have such eye at such a young age.

this youth with sage like eyes is our protagonist, 'ray',

at this moment 'ray suddenly 'said calmly with his eye flickering with a trace of desolation"I, I reincarnated again" at the end of the sentence you could hear 'ray' sigh at a low voice, " I've been reincarnating for thousand of times already when will this stop, I already experienced everything that could've be experience, I've been the richest person at a sci-fi world, become immortal cultivator like in Chinese novel', I've experienced becoming a beggar for whole life time, how did this even happen to me?, I thought back at earth that becoming 'immortal' like existence,with godly power will make you happy, but I'm not happy at all,

accounting my life at 'immortal cultivator world' I don't even know how long I existed.

immortality? Wealth?beauty? No all of that is bullshit 'the best thing in the world is 'death!' ,but each time I committed suicide I would reincarnate again," it can be said that 'ray' lifetime would only end if he committed suicide although it's hard.

he was like the child of heaven 'once he want to commit suicide there would be unpredictable thing that save him' and made it as a fortunate encounter' for example when he was in 'immortal world he jump at the 'chaos sea he didn't die but got save by a strange small bead with weird patterns and even have 'deep understanding of 'chaos', chaos' is not something that could be cultivated at immortal world, such luck was to much, even if he deliberately not dodge an attack from opponent, he would still breakthrough after, even ray himself we're pretty daze at such, he could only smile wryly.

Ray just wanted to 'rest' (die)

"I'm to tired of this" he had always been've trying to figure out the secrets behind his endless reincarnation and how to end it but he always failed.

what ray plan now was to have fun to each lifetime, he was to tired of trying to end this, he could only helplessly accept it's not like he has a choice anyway.

Anyway this world ray' transmigrated now we're a 'fantasy'  world, because of the background and theme, their were Knight's, magi as such in legends' he was certain.

magi's was pretty rare and all of those people that had been've a magi had all left behind legends at nordean empire'.

the body he transmigrated to we're a civilian (an orphan of course it's such a pain to write.) And his name we're 'william rolfe' a common name at medieval age's, this place he is currently in we're In the 'commoner area', at a nameless city, and as long as he knows.

the 'the place he is currently on is under the nordean empire', on the south area of nordean empire' this all the knowledge he have' of course he knows this because this is a 'common thing known, even by commoner's".

At this time while Ray's deep in thought an arrogant shout with a hint contempt came from outside "William! Come here outside and let me show you whos the boss!" This voice we're extremely familiar and also extremely unfamiliar for ray.

but who can only be more familiar than him', that is 'william' the body he transmigrated to.

After he browse the memories of William he learned that William was a pretty braggy kid, and often talk shit behind people backs.

"This William brag about beating the shit out of  'gawain' What's with this original owner of this body isn't that just looking for death? Does he have a brain damage"ray thought mockingly, this William should've only stay talking behind people back at commoner's but now he 'provokes a train guard.

William didn't die committing suicide or in near death, he was only forcefully got kick out of the body by the heaven . "As ray thought" but now I'm the one occupying this body ' I won't let myself get beaten up" since he was the one occupying this body he won't let such a weakling to beat the shit out of him although he was rich in combat experience but the 'gawain' is trained guard 'although he was bigshots in many lifetime, he never understamated anyone.

"but I've just transmigrated, I can't practice my main techniques from 'immortal world' because of difference of universe rule's,

but I should've be able '[external strength]' from murim world.

He had also reincarnated at murim world' he invented many high level training techniques and been've undefeated in world of murim.

and later been hail as the anscestral of power.

External or "hard" martial arts are generally characterized as arts that focus on improving muscle, cardiovascular fitness, and overall physical strength. These arts generate powerful movements from tense muscles, and focus on fast, explosive, and agile movements.

"Although external strength martial arts need tempering but I should be able to utilize it even if it's at beginner level' with my terryfying battle experience's" although ray has always been've the son of heaven's that doesn't mean he was useless and can't do anything' 'he can let the 'gawain outside to beat him and the heaven would help him but he won't do that 'how can he let himself be beaten by a weak chicken?".

All of this thoughts we're only a few seconds.

Ray cut a little at his wrist and a wound appeared, he tap his finger to the blood.

at this time the banging on the door we're becoming more loud and couple with gawain arrogant shouts "William! What now? didn't you say that you beat me shitless?"

Ray didn't pay attention at the loud noises and he keep tapping himself with blood it was not a random tap but he tap the joints and core area of the body' to joints for flexibity the core area was where the momentum of attacks comes from his body now we're convulsing and eye's we're bloodshots "The external strength sure is pretty painful" ray couldn't he help but lament', he had already practice this from his reincarnation at murim world, the pain of opening the 

'core strength' was really painful, it feels like getting rip million times and get bitten by millions of ants over and over again.

At this time outside the door

A man with a sturdy body shape and at 190 cm or so height, it's hard to tell his age because of his face is fierce but he also emits youthful aura.

such a weird combination was quite funny.

he was wearing cloacks ,Tunic, pants, and a leather shoes like in northern European guard's clothes in medieval times,

this is 'gawain' a train guard',

gawain was already very angry' this brat had really gotten at his nerve Plus he doesn't respond, if he don't beat him shitless today he won't be able to sleep peacefully 'he was a noble guard but a weak commoner had actually provoked him "William! If you don't come out I will destroy your door! And beat the shit out of you inside your house!"


As there's no response 

Gawain face was already full of veins and his eyes were bloodshot "william!! I will fucking kill you!!" As gawain was Already clenching his fist to punch the door he doesn't care anymore even if he have to pay for the cost of the door or if he kill 'william' he had only one thought now' kill! William!'

gawain had already move his fist, the punch condense and it could 'kill any ordinary person' as the fist was about to come in contact on wooden door,

A blast could be hear "boomm' the wooden door had been blasted and and there's a fist that Slowly advancing and does not look inferior to 'gawain fist' if  the two collided it's hard to tell if whose fist was stronger! The two fist was slowly approaching each other..

'the two fist collide and there's a crisp sound of breaking 'ahhhhh!!' a painful howl could be heard that alarm the people living in next door of 'william's' house' when they stick their head of the door they saw 'gawain' howling in the ground with his broken arms they were extremely 'shock' they knew that 'gawain' came here for 'william' they already been've treating william as a dead man ' how dare he provoke a train guard?'

But different from their expectations the one howling in the ground like a dog was not 'william' but gawain.

"How could it be? Is William also a train guard?"

"No I saw him grew up how could it be?" An European like features grandma we're was also extremely shock and even doubted if that's really the William she saw grew up.

People's keep talking as they sorrounded the place

Gawain the one lying in the dirty ground with his broken hand while howling painfully like a dog look extremely pitiful 'gawain couldn't be bothered much about the gossip around him because of the pain his broken arm.

William now look at gawain extremely pitiful appearance he couldn't help but felt satisfied

'he just use one of his powerful martial fist technique, from murim world' it was a technique about making your fist vibrate it's very hard to practice sufficient control is needed' and could be even be crippled for life if your now following the manual, but he does need manual he was the one that created it,

although he was still weak now he can still use a bit of it ' and when his fist collided with 'gawain' it vibrates to much and cause cells inside gawain hands to be destroyed' this is one of his main technique in murim,

a punch when he was on peak could pulvurise 1,000km in diameter from ground to mountain's but it needs to first activate "internal strength" it was like a spiritual power to spread your spiritual power and use this fist technique, if you don't use internal strength it could only condense in fist although it wasn't flashy as using it with "internal strength" but everything that your fist hit will turn in to nothingness, and would also make your enemy scared shitless, no one would survive this attack in murim world, but now that William strength is still lacking it can only make the arm of enemy "uncured' and could only live with his cell 'dead' arm.

William is now thinking if he should just kill this 'gawain', and leave this nameless city and go to the other province in the south of nordean empire' well medieval times was very chaotic' and there's many criminals hanging around and even punishment we're pretty 'cruel', as he thought he decided to kill this 'gawain' it's not that this 'uncivilisized people could kill him',

because he already experienced many dangerous chases like getting Chase by many space battleships that could destroy galaxy and been've Chase by many immortal's' it's not really new for him, and had turn the situation around because of the favor heaven lol.

William walk at 'gawain' 

Gawain' who was clutching his arms, his face instantly turn from pityful to horrified when he saw 'william' aprroached,

"You'll be wanted!, by the city lord!, Do don't, don't come here!, you won't have a place in the city!" he stop clutching his arm and he would just stand up when a beam light flew at his forehead His

eyes instantly turn empty and white, with a horrified expression.

The people we're instantly stun and horrified dare not look directly at William afraid of being killed.

William didn't care about these commoner and go back at his house the crowd instantly open a path for William they didn't dare block his way,

forgot about blocking the way they didn't even dare to breath.

As such William pact up his clothes and leave the city he didn't stay to long because the news spreads very fast, "but before that he search for a map in south region of nordean empire' and quickly steal the map, the shop owner didn't dare utter a single word🤣