

Sometimes love can be painful, sometimes wait can kill us, and sometimes it's really hard to survive but that one person can change everything and bring us back to life, so this story is about one true love.

ruchika_mangeshwar · Thanh xuân
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41 Chs

Episode 36

Lucas's Point Of View,

"Why you are wearing a mask", I asked him and tried to remove it but he just pulled himself back and shook his head.

"I am having a cold and Mumma said that if I want to play here I have to wear this mask and I am not allowed to remove it", he explained it to me and I am just feeling that he is such a cute and lovely kid.

Her mom raised him so well. I am so glad to see him. And this coffee is also so nice. Maybe I am gonna have a nice day now.

I drank the coffee and I am feeling much better now. I should go back first. There is still a lot of work I need to do.

I will see what I need to do with that James guy. He is really an obstacle for me while he did not do anything to me but I can not stand him near her.

"Thank you so much, little boy. You just made my day perfect with this coffee. Thank you so much for this", I said to him and I wanted to pick him but he shake his head again.

"Mumma told me to stay away from strangers. So I can not allow you to pick me", he said again and I was just looking at him with wide eyes.

He was smarter than a kid. I mean he is really like a bomb. I have seen a lot of kids. They easily interact with others but seems like her mom is kind of solid. She did a great job.

I am feeling really good to see this kid. I have seen a lot of child kidnapping cases these days. Kidnappers first tried to come close to kids and then they just take them and then demand a lot of money. It is all so risky so I am glad that he is raised that way.

"Oh okay, little boy. Your mum is so great. Tell her that she did a great job and also tell her to thank you for this yummy coffee", I said to him and he nodded his head to me and jumped down from the bench. As he was about to leave when I called him.

"And also tell her that this coffee was a kind of magic", I smiled at him as he again nodded his head and ran away from my sight.

I was now having a big smile on my face. He really made my day. I did not know that these types of kids also exist and are so caring.

I just got up from the bench and looked at her house one more time. There was no one to see. I just took a deep breath and started my bike and made my way back to my home.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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