
Chapter 2: The Plan

Five hours have passed and i'm finally done meditating.

He's also done crafting that gun with kind of green liquid or something.

Now he's preparing for dinner.

(I wanna wash up, where is the bathroom.")

I didn't wanna disturb him so i tried to look around where the washroom is.

(Now that i look around here, it seem pretty spacious but messy so many papers around and tools maybe because he is a detective and fighter.")

There are 4 rooms in here in this house.

The first is where i got up, the bedroom.

One of the three rooms is where the washroom is, in the other two his secret office and the last one is like a warehouse where he keeps valuable stuffs or report.

I can't go to the room where he keeps his valuable things and also his office like room..

Maybe, i'll just really asked.

Umh, Wher-"

"In that second room in the left, your stuff are in the room you got up you can get your stuffs in there.

Tha-thank you?"

(I didn't even finished what i was going to asked but whatever..)

I get my stuffs in the bedroom and enjoyed my warm bath..

Yess.. Much better.."

I headed to the table he prepared delicious food, like a feast.

But before i eat anything i think it's also better that he make things clear for me, about our plan.

Julius, about the plan could you explain it to me now.

I think it's better to know it now than later so i know what to do."

He was washing his hand and look after me, i was just thinking of saying it to you"

then he sat.

"Our first mission is safely stealing a USB containing files without anyone knowing.

Just as i say where not going anywhere in one month, we are just gonna stay here strengthening our strengths and polishing our plans.

So the plan that i thought of is after one month where gonna head in to the City of Anka" we might encounter some of them there but it's better there than any city.

That city forbids any kind of black magic, some of the people who wants to kill us use black magic, they're just one organization they're called "Donovan".

Their power will weaken in this city so it should be better even if they outnumber us we can still beat them, i also prepared some weapon for us it isn't hard to use as it's just light and you can easily control it.

Next, when we leave the city, we're gonna visit our secret site, there we are gonna get everything that we can use, we also have mana strengthening there which will help us to gain more strength.

After that we are gonna go to the Donovan's first Camping Site The Main City of Dendenova" it's a popular City full of tourist we can mix in the crowd then go to their site without being seen,to do that we have to change form from the color of our mana and clothes.

We have to act like them there,we're gonna steal the USB , it contains some "files" that have some of clue about the "culprit".

That's our first mission after that we're gonna head to our second Site It's located Underneath the floor of an abandoned train station, there we'll gonna plan again about our second mission."

Feel free to say anything you want to change because i also think this plan will change again.

There's nothing that i can say about it, i don't know anything about this world maybe in the second mission i can add some.

But why would it change?

Maybe something would happen.


Later i'll show you to the Working room and also the weapons you'll use.

Then let's eat,first.

(It's unfortunate that i can't remember anything about this world.

Because the last that i've read about this Book is in my last life at the age of 23, i died at the age of 35 and now i'm back again at 23 years old.

I also don't remember anything about my last life, the only things i remember is my death there and me going back to the past again.

There's just something that doesn't click, but is this really the past?

Why did i do in my last life though?

Why did he save me?

I think i'm having an upset stomach.")

Are you okay Miss Denia?

You seem upset, is there something wrong with the food?

I look up to him.

Woahhhh!!! what's this you look like a dog?")

(Am i having hallucinations?

i rubbed my eyes and look up to him again.")

Are you really okay?

He seemed panicking, i thought he have cold personality but don't.

I laughed looking at his face.

Yes, i'm okay. I'm really okay..

"Then please have some water.

After that the atmosphere seems better.

(I'll just have to pretend for now.

There's just something you don't have to know Miss Denia.")