
End of the Magic Era

The world that gave birth to the peak of magic civilization is about to be destroyed. The last survivor returned countless years in the past, that time was the birth of the magic civilization, countless mages were fumbling their ways on that thorny path. He, who came from the end of the era, was treading toward the Supreme Throne

Zhuang Bifan · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1472 Chs

100,000 Runes

Dịch giả: Shiraishi Biên tập viên: TheAlliance

The most annoying part was that what Lord Shawn said was entirely true.

Lin Yun really had relied on Lord Shawn's help to come back alive from Barov's tomb, so Lin Yun couldn't say anything about that...

The mechanism of the Reincarnation Eyes and alchemy puppets truly had worked as Lin Yun thought. Each time he touched the Reincarnation Eyes, another batch of alchemy puppets would be alarmed, and each group would have one or two more than the previous group. There weren't many at the start.

Thus, after each fight, Lin Yun only needed to rest for a few hours before he could touch the Reincarnation Eyes again. Lin Yun had already accumulated over ten thousand runes by the seventh or eighth wave. At the same time, he had formed the 3rd Magic Array.

With three Magic Arrays, he could already complete six Formations. Moreover, the might of each Formation surpassed the elemental Shock Burst.