Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.
The night crept upon us and we all sat in a circle just talking amongst one another. We shared a few laughs and Naora shared a few memories of me and Orimi during childhood. Himeko told us about her partnership with Ochiyo during the old days.
"You know, for a 34 year old, you all don't look so bad for your age." I smiled.
Himeko blushed and looked away. "Well you know, I care about my beauty a lot. I don't want to look like an old hag in my 30s."
"Yeah and I have no desire to look old." Ochiyo said and smiled.
"Same here, no one wants help from someone who looks like they have one foot in the grave." Namiyo said.
Naora smiled and looked at me. "Even with these terrible bags under my eyes, I still look good. At the very least tolerable."
"Hey I have an idea. It is night time so things can get really spicy. I want the monsters to play a game that we used to play with our old crushes." Himeko smiled.
"Oh God, hopefully you aren't talking about that game called Spin The Bottle." Ochiyo facepalmed and blushed.
Namiyo sighed and blushed. "Fuck and here I thought my highschool days would've been behind me.."
"Keishi, Mina. Especially Mina, you two can sit this one out." Himeko said.
"I was going to ask if I could. The Headmaster needs my help making the final exams for the academy anyhow. I'll be off." Keishi stood up and smiled.
"And Mina is very tired and needs to work on new Battlesuit ideas!" Mina skipped over to the tent and sat alone then pulled her laptop out of her bag.
"Before I explain the rules, do you want to sit out Naora?" Himeko asked.
"What are the rules first?" Naora asked.
"Well the rules are like the traditional Spin The Bottle game, BUT...Whoever the bottle lands on has to kiss Yoshida." Himeko smirked.
"Ehh?!" Orimi and Naora said then looked at me.
"B-But he's my brother!" Orimi said as she blushed hard.
"A-And he's my son..! It would be so embarrassing to k-kiss him..!" Naora blushed.
"Come on...nothing wrong with a little kiss. I know about your brother complex too, Orimi. A little...incest won't hurt." Himeko smirked.
"Himeko is Code 5 Drunk." Ochiyo said.
"Mhm mhm." Namiyo crossed her arms and nodded.
Himeko smiled at them and placed the bottle down. "Come on, let your wild side loose~ A kiss isn't gonna kill you~"
"Have you forgotten the rule? He's half Monster, a kiss is enough to turn us into one." Namiyo said.
"Actually that affect doesn't happen with hybrids. Since I'm also half human, I don't have that effect on other humans. If that were the case my high school girlfriend would've been a monster by now." I said.
"PLEASE don't bring that bitch up." Orimi said then crossed her arms. "I'll never forgive her for breaking your heart."
I chuckled. "Alright, alright I won't bring her up."
"So are you all willing to play?" Himeko asked.
They all nodded and said yes. Himeko nodded then spun the bottle. The bottle spun around in a circle then stopped on Bachiko first. I looked at the bottle then at Bachiko.
"My my..~ Already huh~" She came over to me and sat in front of me.
She leaned forward and I leaned forward as well then we kissed each other. Himeko and Ochiyo cheered and laughed. I blushed from embarrassment then Bachiko pulled back and went back to her spot.
"Okay okay, that was a good kiss there." Himeko smiled and spun the bottle again.
The bottle spun for a bit then stopped on Orimi. I gulped and Orimi blushed extra hard and had smoke coming from her ears.
"Now this is spicy..~" Himeko smirked.
Orimi slowly made her way to me and sat in front of me. She placed her hands on her lap then gulped then leaned forward towards me. I hesitantly leaned forward as well then we pecked each other's lips.
"Booooo!" Himeko said and gave a thumbs down. "That was weak."
"B-But he's my brother! Kissing him is very...taboo." Orimi blushed and looked at me then looked away.
"Shake off those shackles of morality. It's just a kiss." Himeko laughed a bit.
'Just a kiss..' Orimi thought to herself then looked at me shyly.
"It's not like you have to submit your body to him, unless you're into that sort of thing." Himeko shrugged.
Orimi looked into my eyes then leaned forward and closed her eyes. I looked at her and noticed she was going for a full on kiss. I leaned in as well and kissed her lips. She pulled back and left a trail of saliva between us.
"Oh my~ Now that was a good kiss there..~" Bachiko smiled.
Orimi hurried back to her spot and covered her face. "I just kissed my brother!"
The others laughed softly and Himeko spun the bottle once again and it landed on Mae. Mae's eyes light up in excitement as if she was waiting for this moment. She made her way to me and sat in front of me. She grabbed my shirt then pulled me to her then kissed my lips. We kissed deeply then she pulled back and smiled.
"Geez, nearly sucked his soul from his body." Namiyo smiled.
"We are in a relationship so it was only right that we kiss like that." Mae said in her typically monotone voice then went back to her spot.
Himeko once again spun the bottle for it to land on Naora.
"Pass." Naora said.
"Come on." Ochiyo smiled.
"He's my son." Naora said.
"And Orimi is his sister." Himeko said.
"Fine." Naora blushed and made her way to me and sat in front of me.
"For the record I don't have a Mother Complex." I said.
"And I don't have a son complex. This is a one off thing. Next time I'm actually passing." Naora blushed and looked at me.
I looked at her then felt my heart racing. She leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed back and she pulled back then bit her lip and went back to her spot quickly. She grabbed another beer from the cooler and popped it open quickly.
Himeko spun the bottle again and it landed on Ochiyo. "Oh? The old enemies?"
"I still won't forgive you for giving him the okay to shoot me after you allowed them to hurt Orimi." I said.
Ochiyo made her way to me and sat in front of me then held my shoulder. "I know, but in the end you got what you wanted...She's safe and everyone you saved are safe. What more do you want?"
"An apology would suffice." I said.
Ochiyo smiled and kissed my lips then pulled back. "There's my apology..~"
I blushed and blinked, watching her go back to her spot.
Himeko kept spinning until all the women playing were able to get at least one kiss from me. After the last kiss, I stood up and dusted myself off.
"I'm going to take a long bath. I need it." I said as I blushed then walked off.
"Alright. We'll be inside soon." Naora smiled.
I walked to the house that Orimi, Naora, and I lived in when Orimi and I were younger. It was Naora's old beach home, and my room had a bathroom that came with it. I walked inside the house and took off my flip-flops then walked upstairs to my room and went into the bathroom to run some warm bath water. After getting the bath ready, I took off my clothes and got in the water then sighed.
"What a day..." I said to myself and looked at the roof. "Himeko has a very wild side...each kiss kept getting progressively more passionate. Ugh..what am I saying. She's my superior, I can't be thinking about that at this time."
I closed my eyes then heard a knock at the door.
"Big brother.." Orimi said.
"Orimi? What's the matter?" I asked as I looked at the door and watched it slowly open. "W-Wait don't come in! I'm naked!"
"Okay. I'll wait for you to finish." She said and closed the door.
I heard the footsteps walk away from the door then blinked. "What...is going on..?"
I walked out of the bathroom with my pajamas on then saw Orimi sitting on my bed. I walked to the bed and sat beside her and looked at her. "Orimi...what's the matter?"
Orimi was strangely quiet and blushed a lot. She looked at the ground and had her hands between her thighs.
I held her shoulder and she looked at me. "Is something on your mind? You know you can tell me anything. I'm here for you."
"Big brother...I uh...Can we...kiss again?" She asked.
There was silence between us after she asked the question. The only sound heard was the sound of my fan. I looked at her with a bit of shock.
"It's fine if you don't want to..." Orimi blushed and averted eye contact.
"It's not that I do or don't...we are siblings and we only kissed because of that dumb game a wasted Himeko wanted to play." I said.
She turned her body to me and got even more on the bed, sitting on her knees then held my shoulder. "I know, but...my mind can't get you out of my head. I want to experience that rush again..."
I looked at her then turned my body to her, placing one leg on the bed and keeping the other on the floor. "O-Orimi.."
She let my shoulder go then placed her hands on the bed then closed her eyes and puckered her lips. I looked at her then pressed my lips against hers. I closed my eyes then we began to fully kiss each other. She pressed her body against mine, causing me to lay back then she mounted on top of me, making the bed make a quick noise. She pulled back a bit then opened her eyes. I opened my eyes and she blushed a bit. We began to kiss each other once again.
"Yoshida-san, Naora-" Himeko opened the door and looked at us.
I opened my eyes and noticed Himeko at the door then Orimi opened her eyes and looked at Himeko. I blushed as I noticed her stare.
"I'll...come back later." Himeko said then walked away from the door.
Orimi blushed even more then got off me. "Uhm...Maybe you should-"
"Ah..yeah.." I stood up and walked to the door and opened it. I looked back at Orimi who was still blushing then left the room, closing the door.
"Stupid! Stupid!" Orimi punched my pillow and laid down burying her face into the pillow. "Why...do I feel this way about my brother..?"