Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.
I woke up the next day to hear an explosion outside. I grunted then sat up. Mae groaned softly and sat up as well.
"What the hell is that..?" Mae asked groggily.
I got out of bed and walked to the window. "I don't know.." I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I opened the curtains then opened my eyes. My jaw dropped from the sight I was seeing. Karasu and Exousia were fighting.
"Sis! This is taking it a bit too far! You don't need to fight over Yoshida!" Tsuki said.
"Yeah and it's too early.." Bachiko yawned.
Exousia sent rays of light crashing down at Karasu. Karasu dodged the rays of light and flew to Exousia then kicked her away. Exousia grunted and slid backwards.
"Ugh...what's all this fucking noise?!" Mayoko asked as she walked outside.
Exousia flew to Karasu then grunted and dodged a beam of darkness. She jumped back then noticed Bellatrix walking outside.
"Why...are you two fighting this early in the goddamn morning?!" Bellatrix bellowed and her twilight aura surged.
I walked outside in some shorts and a tank top then walked to the beach where everyone was. "Hey! Hey! Everyone calm down! What the hell is all of this about?"
"That's what we are trying to figure out." Bachiko yawned and placed hand on her hip.
"Yoshida! Pick one of us!" Exousia said then flew to me. "Either me or Karasu! We want to have sex with you too!"
"So this is what all of this is about." I sighed and scratched the back of my head.
"It is that time of month." Bachiko said. "Us Monster Girls have a breeding season every other month."
"Wait what? It's March 4th. So if none of you get any sexual interaction this month, the season would be.."
"May. We have six seasons meaning you'll be having sex with us a lot." Bachiko smirked. "Not only that, but us monsters have a special hormone called the Aphrodisiac. It's inside of our blood and activates every other month and it's always active even after you have sex with us."
I looked at Exousia and Karasu. "How come these two are so wild and the rest of you aren't?"
"Well for one I have control over my hormones even when I listen to you fuck other women. Exousia and Karasu on the other hand...Their Aphrodisiac Blood activated when they stimulated themselves listening to you have sex last night. They are uncontrollable at this point. Unlike them, I can wait my turn." Bachiko said and shrugged.
"So I am to choose between you and Karasu on who I want to do it with next." I asked.
"On second thought..." Bachiko smirked and moved her hips from side to side. "I might want to cut in front of the line and take you for myself early. After all, I am more worthy than they are."
"Oh what the fuck ever! You aren't more worthy than I am! He loved breedable and submissive women and I am just that." Exousia said. "I'll submit to him whenever he tells me to..I want him that badly."
Tsuki's hips began swaying from side to side as well. "I also want to experience what it feels like to be wanted."
I looked at the four monster girls then looked at Mayoko. I walked to her and rose an eyebrow. "Is your blood not full of that Aphrodisiac stuff?"
"My body is made of acid therefore my blood is also acid. I don't have that Aphrodisiac Blood like the others do. In fact I'm possibly the only monster girl without that hormone." Mayoko said.
I looked at the rest of the monster girls then heard Naora calling my name. I looked back and she waved at me and wanted me to go inside to see her. I walked back to the house then walked inside with Naora. She took me to the couch in the living room and we sat down.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I know you've been having sex here, and I don't mind you doing it. We do have to set some rules though. I can't just send you back to your house since that's all the way across Yahoma. That's why I'm moving your bedroom to downstairs." Naora said. "It can't be helped that the girls go through this season of sexual behavior, and it can't be helped that you are the only one who can please them."
"Your room is also downstairs, plus you, Namiyo, Ochiyo, and Himeko hang out here until like midnight. I feel like it would be better to go back home." I said.
"And have your house blow up? The Aphrodisiac Blood makes the monster girls really aggressive. The higher their violence the more sexual drive they will have and vice versa. They crave sexual interaction, it doesn't even matter if they can feel love or pleasure or not. Even the most heartless and unemotional monster girl will crave sex if it is that time of month. I also should've taught you about sex back then, but it seems like you've figured it out." Naora smiled.
I nodded and noticed she was blushing. "Are you okay? Your face is a bit flushed."
She blinked then shook her head. "I-It's nothing. You should try to calm the girls down outside."
I nodded then stood up to go back outside.
Ochiyo walked into the living room and sat down beside Naora. "You're having thoughts. I know that flushed face anywhere."
"Is it that obvious? I can't believe I'm having thoughts of having sex with my own son. I can't be having those thoughts at all. I am his mother, I can't allow myself to act like some stupid teenage girl." Naora sighed and stood up.
Ochiyo looked at her then grabbed the remote from the table. "How about you seal the deal like the others? I mean obviously you want him."
"Yeah but my case is different. It's because I'm super horny and haven't had sex in over 20 years. 20 is an exaggeration it's only been like eight, but still. I can't have sex with him. I refuse." Naora sighed and covered her eyes with her hand.
"Your body says different. Let him satisfy you. He isn't your little boy anymore. You're safe as well, he can't turn you into a monster. Just do it and get it over with." Ochiyo said.
"Mmm.." Naora groaned a bit.
"Let's get this shit started!" Himeko yelled in excitement. "We got this official tournament going! Whoever wins this, gets to have sex with Yoshida-san! Our fighters are Tsuki, Exousia, Bachiko, Karasu, Bellatrix, and Mayoko! Round 1 is between Tsuki and Bachiko!"
Tsuki and Bachiko stood in front of each other in the battle zone. Bachiko smirked and sensed a slight change in Tsuki's energy.
"Let's see if Tsuki has any noticable changes with this new Dark Cloak form of hers." Himeko said then pointed her scanner at Tsuki.
{Acquiring Information on Tsuki...}
{Information Acquired!}
Name: Tsuki (Cosmic Dark Cloak)
Type of Aura: Nega Aura
Overall Threat Level: 3
Strength: 196
Defense: 423
Agility: 97
Recovery: 102
Intelligence: 201
Overall: 1,019
Ranking: C
"Ha...Even with that cloak, you still are way below me. Here I'll tell you what. I'll allow you to set up your Dark World. I actually want a good fight since I haven't fought since the day Apeiron vanished." Bachiko smirked.
"Alright I'll set up my Dark World, but I've been working on something in my room when I experiment in the darkness. I'll show you what I've learned!" Tsuki yelled and raised her hands in the air then the area began to be surrounded by the darkness. The sun was covered in darkness, causing the air to grow colder. Her eye color turned black and her pupil turned white. The Yin symbol shined on her hand.
Himeko's scanner beeped. "Hm..?"
{Acquiring Information on Tsuki...}
{Information Acquired!}
Name: Tsuki (Cosmic Dark Cloak + Yin Mode)
Type of Aura: Nega Aura (Yin Mode)
Overall Threat Level: 5
Strength: 320
Defense: 500
Agility: 210
Recovery: 200
Intelligence: 280
Overall: 1,510
Ranking: B
"Sis is really going all out...Last time I saw Yin Mode was in the Monster Realm when she was protecting me." Exousia said.
"Yin Mode?" Mayoko asked.
"It's an form that only activates when Dark World is active. Yin Mode has all sorts of abilities and two special abilities that is the reason why Yin Mode is one of the best forms. Tsuki has Conceptual Defense and Conceptual Attack in this form meaning she can negate all forms of damage and virtually attack anything and everything. She can also cause an Eternal Night while in this form. Tsuki's Yin Mode could possibly be on par with Bachiko, possibly a bit stronger." Exousia said.
{Acquiring Information on Tsuki...}
{Information Acquired!}
Name: Tsuki (Cosmic Dark Cloak + Yin Mode + Eternal Night)
Type of Aura: Nega Aura (Yin Mode)
Overall Threat Level: 5
Strength: 385
Defense: 500
Agility: 210
Recovery: 300
Intelligence: 310
Overall: 1,705
Ranking: B
"Heh...so you're really going all out. This should be good." Bachiko smirked.
"Begin!" Himeko said.
Tsuki dashed to Bachiko and held her hand out then a sword appeared in her hand. Bachiko looked at Tsuki and her eyes shined. Tsuki slashed quickly in a circle and released a dark cutting wind at Bachiko. Bachiko dodged the cutting wind then summoned her naginata then twirled it around and got in a stance.
"Does Bachiko have any notable forms?" Karasu asked.
"She does actually. She has a Cosmic Divinity Form, she has an Eternal Mode, she has a Fate Mode, in one timeline she was the ruler of the Fourth Dimension. Anything time related she has a form for it. She has every Temporal Ability known to man. She is virtually impossible to defeat." Himeko said.
"She must be holding back..this is the real Bachiko we are talking about." Exousia said.
Bachiko dodged the attacks of Tsuki and sweep kicked her off her feet then snapped her fingers. A clone of her appeared above Tsuki and thrusted her naginata at Tsuki. Tsuki grunted and blocked the attack. Another clone of Bachiko appeared then another. Tsuki looked around and noticed she was surrounded by clones of Bachiko. Bachiko giggled and laughed like the Yandere she is.
"You've already lost the moment you matched with me, Tsuki." Bachiko said.
Tsuki fended off the clones of Bachiko and slashed at them one by one, destroying them. She noticed Bachiko raising her hand on the air. She grunted and cleared a path so she could reach Bachiko.
I walked outside and noticed a Dark Dragon in the air. "What the hell..?"
"You're finished! Dark Dragon, Obsolescence Beam!" Tsuki yelled.
"Infinitum." Bachiko closed her eyes.
The dragon roared and fired a beam at Bachiko. Tsuki dashed to Bachiko and slashed at her.
"Reload." Bachiko said the snapped her fingers.
The Dark World began to crack and shatter. Tsuki's buffs began to disappear slowly. Tsuki looked surprised and noticed her dragon turning into magic particles.
Himeko and the others looked shocked to see the Temporal Reload effect being used.
Bachiko's red eyes shined brightly as she smirked widely. "You can't beat the real me. This isn't a clone you're fighting anymore. I don't know why you're surprised."
Tsuki stumbled backwards. "How..was I affected by your time?"
"Explaining how I bypassed your Conceptual Defense would take more than a few hours to explain but I also don't want to give away my techniques. I'm not that dumb to explain my attacks. I was also prepared for this fight. I knew you were the first opponent. The chances of you beating me were 1 in 99999999. That 1 was if you were to seal my powers, but that would involve you to seal my heart therefore killing me." Bachiko said.
Tsuki fell to her knees and looked at the ground defeated. "I surrender."
"Bachiko...wins the first round and with one special move as well." Himeko said.
"What the hell is- Himeko?! You're allowing them to fight?" I asked and looked at Himeko.
"What? They become more violent as they become more sexually aroused. It's best to just let them fight it out!" Himeko said.
"You are no better than a teenager..." I said then sat down. "Alright...Let them fight I guess."
"Don't worry big brother! I am using my cosmic shield to protect us from damage." Orimi smiled.
"You know. It isn't really worth fighting anymore." Exousia said. "If Bachiko can do this then she can just reload to the moment before we started fighting and just one shot me. I'll have my share of Yoshida next time."
"I agree." Karasu nodded.
"Glad you all came to your senses." Mayoko sighed.
"Nah I want a taste of her power! If she wins then she can have Yoshida to herself!" Bellatrix said then stood up.
"Bella." I looked at her.
Bellatrix went to stand in front of Bachiko and smirked. Her eyes shined and she summoned her gauntlets. "Don't worry, Yoshida. I won't destroy the beach."
"Eh?" I looked confused.
{Acquiring Information on Bellatrix...}
{Information Acquired!}
Name: Bellatrix
Type of Aura: Twili Energy
Overall Threat Level: 5+
Strength: 612
Defense: 402
Agility: 312
Recovery: 393
Intelligence: 400
Overall: 2,119
Ranking: A
"The Twilight Beast is physically stronger than most of all monsters. Combined with our Angel and Demon abilities, she's a threat not to be underestimated. She's a fearsome opponent. Sadly her skills can't shine because she can only use her Twilight Abilities in the Twilight World. Still this should be a good fight." Exousia said.
"Begin!" Himeko said.
Bellatrix appeared behind Bachiko and punched. Bachiko dodged the attack then dodged her kick and sent a clone at Bellatrix. Bellatrix punched the ground and a wall of darkness protected her from the attack of Bachiko's clone. Bellatrix appeared above Bachiko and came down and punched the ground, shaking the ground and causing the sand to rise up. Bachiko dashed to Bellatrix and slashed with her naginata then spun around while twirling her naginata then thrusted the blade at her. Bellatrix palmed the blade out the way then palmed Bachiko's stomach. Bachiko grunted and flew backwards.
"Because of Bachiko's incredibly low defense, any strike that lands on her will be pretty fatal if her opponent is stronger." Himeko said.
"I'm ending this battle now!" Bellatrix laughed then her dark aura surged around her body. "Oblivion."
She palmed the ground and released an omnidirectional darkness wave. Bachiko grunted as she blocked the wave with a temporal shield.
"Oblivion?" Orimi asked.
"It's one of her strongest moves. It's an attack that can scale cities as big as Yahoma if she wasn't holding back." Tsuki answered.
"Hey you big goof! You said you weren't going to destroy the beach!" I yelled.
Bellatrix looked at me and placed her knuckles against her head and closed one eye. "Oops."
"That was cute.." Bachiko smirked and appeared in her original position unharmed.
Bellatrix looked at Bachiko and smirked. "You used Temporal Reload on yourself? Smart, but eventually you'll-" Bellatrix felt her heart thumped then her aura vanished and she fell to her knees panting.
Bachiko's red eyes shined menacingly. "With a single heart beat from my heart, different effects can happen. I caused your heart to age quickly with a single beat of my heart."
"Bachiko that's enough!" I commanded.
Bachiko's eyes stopped glowing and she looked at me. "If you say so, senpai." She smiled at me.
Bellatrix panted and smiled. "Your power is insane...I haven't been brought to my knees in ages. You win.."
Himeko looked at Bachiko then looked at me. "Good luck."
"Thanks.." I said then rubbed the back of my head.
Everything had calmed down after the victor was declared. Bachiko took my hand then raised me up off the ground. She wasn't gonna waste any time. I followed her to wherever she dragged me to. We ended up going to my room that was now downstairs. She locked the door behind us.
I sat on the bed and looked at her. "I wasn't aware of how strong you truly are, but you really could've killed Bellatrix."
"I know. I would have if you hadn't said anything." Bachiko said then put her hair in a ponytail. She walked to me and sat beside me then looked at me.
I looked at her face then she began to lean towards me to kiss me. I let her then we kissed. I pulled her closer and we began to make out. Our tongues slipped into each other's mouth as we made out. I pushed her down gently and broke the kiss. We both panted softly, catching our breath.
I slowly unbuttoned her pants and she bit her bottom lip. I unzipped her pants then she began to take her pants off. She kicked her pants onto the floor. I reached my hand inside her panties then rubbed the slit of her pussy then slid my middle finger inside her. She gasped a little and held the covers of the bed. Her pussy was very wet and slippery, I was able to finger her with little to no difficulty. Her breathing deepened as I began to finger her a bit faster.
"Stop teasing..~ Just give it to me already..~" She moaned softly.
I took my hand out of her panties then stood up, and took my pants and boxers off. I brought my member closer to her pussy and rubbed my tip against the slit of her pussy. I blushed as I slid my cock inside of her. She moaned and tightened her grip on the covers. I held her hips and began thrusting. She moaned a bit louder and arched her back.
"Oh fuck this feels so amazing~" Bachiko moaned and closed one of her eyes.
"Your pussy is squeezing me so tightly.." I moaned and began to strengthen my thrusts.
"Haah!~ Mmph!~ Ha-Harder!~" Bachiko moaned and buried her head into my pillow.
I began thrusting harder like she wanted. She began to squeak a bit and spread her legs wider. I gripped her shirt and began thrusting faster. She gripped my shirt with both hands and cried out in pleasure.
"C'mon~ That all you got?~ Show me that monster side of you, make me your bitch!~" Bachiko begged.
As she said that, my hormones switched from normal hormones and activated my Aphrodisiac Blood. My body began to move on its own. I pinned her down by her neck and began fucking her with great force.
"Ahhaah!!~ Yeah like- Thaaah!!~" Bachiko moaned loudly and held my wrist. Tears came from her eyes and her pussy began to squeeze my cock even more.
I panted and fucked her quickly. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she couldn't make a sound as she was overflowing with pleasure. All she could do was grunt softly and pant. She began to squirt and have multiple orgasms. She finally made a sound and wrapped her legs around my waist.
"Don't stop..!~ Don't stop..!~ I love this so much..!~" Bachiko could only muster whispers as the intensity of the sexual pleasure wouldn't let her speak.
I took my hand from her neck then grunted loudly as I began thrusting my cock deep inside her. I held her hips tightly, letting out satisfied moans with each thrust. Her hips began moving to match my thrusts.
I gave one last thrust before stopping to catch my breath. Bachiko panted heavily as well and wiped her tears. She sniffled and looked at me.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Y-Yeah, just need to catch my breath. That was intense." Bachiko panted and looked at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and finally was able to stabilize her breathing. "I'm ready to continue."
I nodded and began to thrust again, slamming my groin against hers. She began to moan loudly once more and arch her back. She groaned loudly then flipped the position while I was mid thrust. She panted quickly and placed her hands on my pillow. I held her hips and kept thrusting. She rolled her back and let out wordless whining. Her body began to shake as she was reaching another orgasm.
"I'm so close." I warned and moaned.
"Yes..!~ I want it inside me!~ Give it to me!~" Bachiko moaned and held my shoulders.
I held her hips tightly and groaned loudly as I came inside of her. She moaned loudly and her voice was shaky as I pumped my semen inside of her. She panted heavily and lowered her head. She raised her hips slowly and my cock slid out of her. Cum dripped out of her pussy and she let out a soft chuckle.
"You filled me up. You're lucky us monsters don't get pregnant as easily as humans do." Bachiko said and looked at me.
My Aphrodisiac Blood began to die down and my normal hormones came back. I panted and my hair covered my eyes. "Never make me activate my monster blood again.."
"Why? It made this like ten times better~" Bachiko smirked. "Us Monsters can fuck up to ten times a day if we wanted..~"
"Ten..?!" I groaned softly. "That's literally once every 2 hours and 24 minutes. You got me fucked up."
"I know your human side can't take it, that's why we settle for less with you, Master~" Bachiko smirked and got off the bed.
I closed my eyes and rested for a bit.
Bachiko had already gotten dressed and left the room.
I sat up and held my head. "How much longer till all of them are satisfied..?"