
New Battlesuit: Arjé Adept

Mae sat on the floor as she read through the books and took pictures with her phone. "Apeiron is the source of all of the Monster's power..? So after she abandoned Yoshida and Orimi she turned into a giant statue known as the Arjé Stone..? She has all 18 forms of Monster Aura...but we know know of two..well now three. What are the other 15?" She spoke to herself as she read the books.

Naora stopped working on the power suit and looked at Mae. "It's important to note that Anti-Energy isn't the thing that took down Apeiron."

"So how did they do it? It says here she can drain all forms of energy and get stronger from that energy. She can't be affected by any form of Monster ability or MHF Energy." Mae looked at Naora.

"We had to use her own Monster Aura. Someone had to be the sacrifice. Someone had to sacrifice themselves to fuse with the Arjé. I was that sacrifice, the price to pay was sleepless nights. I haven't slept in over 20 years and somehow I am still alive. I guess the Arjé has more to offer than one could imagine." Naora said then looked at the power suit she was working on.

Mae stood up and walked to Naora and looked at the power suit. "The Midnight Buster. This is the Power Suit used to beat Apeiron."

Naora looked at the Power Suit and placed her hand on the arm. "This gal has gotten me through some shit. We've been through thick and thin from the OTF days and even through the UPF days when I joined the Universal Protection Force. It was always me and the Midnight Buster until I found Yoshida and Orimi."

"What can the Midnight Buster do?" Mae asked.

"It can control an element and wields a powerful claymore. I was planning to give this to Yoshida, but based on the build of it..."

"It fits Orimi more huh?" Mae asked.

"Yeah.." Naora nodded. "Listen...I am helping the MPT because I don't want another incident like what happened 20 years ago. Me and Himeko have been working on a Power Suit to have Yoshida test out. Wanna come with us on Friday for the test runs?"

Mae looked at Naora and looked down. Since she no longer works with the MHHQ, she didn't know where she belonged, but she looked back up. "Anything that will help Yoshida be safe, I'll help with. I will join you."

"Great." Naora smiled.

The next day....

I yawned as I woke up and felt two people on me. I looked to the sides of me and noticed Rimuri and Karasu sleeping beside me. "Alright. Both of you wake up." I said then pulled their hair.

They both whined and tried to make me let go of their hair.

"Yoshida...That hurts.." Rimuri whined.

"Don't pull so hard.." Karasu whimpered.

I let go of their hair and sighed. "What are you two doing in my room?"

Rimuri sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I was getting lonely...and wanted to sleep with you. I don't know what the bird is doing here."

"Humph! I wanted some Yoshida time but I guess the Anger Issued Witch wanted to prevent that." Karasu sat up and looked at Rimuri.

"WITCH?! Well aren't you the one to talk! You almost destroyed Japan too! Besides Yoshida said that he loved me! He's my lover not yours!" Rimuri wrapped her arms around mine. "That means we get the sleep together!"

"Nu-uh! He kissed me which means he loves me too!" Karasu wrapped her arms around mine as well.

Mae walked in the room and looked at us. They looked at Mae and Rimuri got on the defensive.

"Careful Yoshida! It's the witch! She's here to cause more damage! I'll protect you!" Rimuri yelled.

Mae walked to me and grabbed my shirt then pulled me to her and kissed my lips. Both girls screeched and blushed madly. Mae pulled back and looked at me. "I know it's your job to save these girls, but I don't want you cheating on me okay?"

"Wha-Wha-What are you doing?!" Rimuri yelled.

"He didn't tell you? We are in a relationship." Mae said in a monotone voice.

"R-Relationship? Yoshida explain! What's a relationship?!" Rimuri asked.


"There's no time to explain. The MPT needs you by 10 AM. Go get ready." Mae said then pulled me out of bed. "Himeko said she has something planned for you. She told me to not tell you, just meet her at the abandoned city."

"Alright, geez you're stronger than I expected." I said as I stood up.


I made it to the abandoned city of Kontsuchi. Rimuri, Karasu, Mae, and Orimi followed behind me. I looked around and noticed a large red mecha landing in front of us. Rimuri and Karasu got into a defensive mode.

"You finally made it. I was starting to think you wouldn't have shown up...my son." A woman said as she stood on the shoulder of the mecha.

I looked up and noticed a woman jump off the mecha then land in front of me on her feet. "Naora..?"

"M-Mama?" Orimi hurried to her and looked surprised.

Naora smiled and crossed her arms. "It's been quite some time since I've last heard from you two."

"Ahh well.." I looked away.

Naora rubbed my head and I blushed a bit. "I'm working with the MPT to help save the monsters and prevent the destruction of Japan. The MHF doesn't understand even after all the attacks done and damages to different cities that killing these monsters will do no good in the end."

"That's right." Himeko said as she landed on the ground holding a red and black battle suit to me. "Here, this is a little gift from the MPT. A Battlesuit called the Arjé Adept. It is a Battlesuit that Naora had planned for a while for you since the first day she heard you saved Rimuri. I don't know why she fused the Battlesuit with Monster Aura, but I can only trust her judgement. She's the builder, not me."

I took the Battlesuit and put it on. I didn't feel any different. I then caught the katana Himeko tossed to me. "Wha-" Once I held the katana the Battlesuit activated. My right arm began to develop into a gauntlet and I grunted as Monster Aura emitted from the gauntlet. The hands of the gauntlet turned into talons and the arm guard expanded, covering my entire right arm.

"It's working better than I expected." Himeko said. "Now we must do some tests. We have practice holograms that you can physically hit and they can hit you back. We want to test the capabilities of your Battlesuit."

I looked at the katana in my right hand then looked at Naora and Himeko. "I don't know how to fight though. I've never fought a day in my life. Well never fought with a sword."

"Well if you want to combat the MHF and stop them from killing monsters and survive the attacks from monsters, you will have to go through our training." Naora said then crossed her arms and smiled. "You'll be fine, just swing the sword, overtime you'll develop some finesse."

I sighed then nodded. "Right."

Himeko pressed a button and holographic enemies appeared on the battlefield. "If you begin to feel overwhelmed, just tell me to stop and we will end our training session for the day."

"Got it." I nodded.

"Alright! Begin the training session! You will be graded on how many holograms you defeat." Naora said then watched the girls get out the way.

I nodded then thought about one of my favorite video game characters and got into a stance. The holographic enemies ran to me. I watched them and took a deep breath and exhaled then ran to them. I slashed right then left and followed it up with another slash right and slashed upwards, jumping up from the ground as well then kicked off one of the enemies then threw my sword at the ground, causing an aura explosion. The explosion defeated the enemies around the area.

"That's four enemies defeated so far. The Battlesuit is definitely better than I could've imagined." Himeko said. "I think he would do great at our academy for Battlesuit Training."

"Would be best for him and the others to come on my side of Japan. They won't be targeted as easily over there and it's more calm than Fujitori." Naora said. "Plus I'll be reunited with my children again."

I picked my sword up from the ground then noticed more enemies rushing at me. I tried to dodge the attacks, but it seemed that the new wave of enemies got a difficulty boost. They became faster and harder to predict. I managed to block one of their attacks but was hit on the side by another enemy. I groaned then was struck on my stomach then kicked away. I landed on my back then panted. "I think...I've had enough."

Himeko pressed the button and the holograms disappeared. "Okay I think we may have made the second wave a bit too hard."

"That's our fault." Naora smiled nervously.

My gauntlet vanished and I groaned softly as I stood up. "Training my ass..."

"Is it too soon to say we have another surprise?" Naora smiled with a bead of sweat rolling down her cheek.

"What's the surprise?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"We are going over to my side of Japan..? We are going to Yahoma!" Naora gave a nervous laugh.

"You know, I would act surprised but somehow I'm not surprised. I'm damn there taking care of two monster girls, an airhead and I got a mystery girl with me now. What's next, I'll be transferring to a school full of other students who are going through Battlesuit training?" I asked.

"Ahem." Himeko cleared her throat.

I walked away.

"It's not gonna be THAT bad! Sweetheart! Yoshida!" Naora looked at me.

"I'll go with him." Mae said then quickly caught up to me.


Mae had taken me to her home and let me rest there. I looked out the window and noticed her coming back with some tea. I looked at her and she sat beside me. She scooted closer and I watched her. "You took a pretty heavy blow, but only left with an ouch. Impressive.."

"I mean it did hurt though. I guess after dying twice, my body just...became stronger." I said and looked at my hands and arms.

'He has the Arjé inside of him...he was revived from the Void Energy and the Avian Energy. Two forms of Monster Aura. Since he does have the Arjé, I can only guess he's getting stronger but that's only two of the other 15 Monster Aura. I wonder...' Mae thought to herself as she stared at me.

I took a sip of the tea she made. I made a disgusted face and choked then fell back. She sat on top of me and placed her hand on the floor. "M-Mae..?"

Mae looked down at me. "I need to as you an important question."

"You could've asked me without the need to assassinate me!" I said then she moved her hips forward and I blushed madly.

"Now that I've got your full attention, I want to ask you to take me to the Asamaki Museum tomorrow." Mae said. "There is something I wanna see.."

"Y-Yeah sure. I'll take you there tomorrow, c-can you get off me now?" I asked.

She closed her eyes then got off me. "Don't be late for our date."

"Yeah...sure..." I sat up and watched her.


A woman walked down the sidewalk and stopped when she heard a mecha land behind her.

"You...You bastard.." A MFH unit said as she growled at the woman. "You killed them! You killed all of them! My friends! You...you will pay for that!"

The MHF unit yelled and began to make the mecha charge for a destructive blast.

"Your time...is up." The woman said then raised her hand into the air, snapping her fingers. A burst of dark aura rushed in the air, stopping time completely. She lowered her hand then turned around and smirked. "How does it feel, having no free will? Killing monsters...is my job."

She laughed and snapped her fingers again then time resumed and the MHF unit noticed the woman as gone then groaned as she was stabbed through her back. The woman's dark spike went through the mecha and killed the MHF unit. The unit's life force went straight to the woman and added to her power. The unit's body slowly turned into nothing but dust.

"Now...to find the man I was supposed to be searching for. Where are you...Yoshida Asato?" The woman vanished through a dark portal.