
Meeting The Mystic One [2]

Astra grunted as she slid back and fell to her knees. She panted and coughed blood. Bachiko overpowered her in more ways than one. She looked up at Bachiko and slowly stood up.

"It's no nice to see that you can still fight. Yes...keep giving me a show! Keep wasting your life! When I'm done with you, I'll just move on to the next Monster to kill. All inferior beings to me must be killed! I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me...but I'm in a torturous mood. Be a dear and keep me occupied for a few.." Bachiko smirked widely and her red eyes shined brightly.

Astra glared and summoned her lightning blade. "Why...why are you doing this?! What is your goal?!"

"My goal, like I've said previously, is to destroy the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy consists of the Tree of Life...and the Tree of Death. The Tree of Life consists of Apeiron, Theora, Cosmia, Iris, and Zeir. The Tree of Death consists of Thalamel and Lilith. My goal is to kill them and destroy the Monster Realm." Bachiko pointed to the sky and looked up. "My goal is to become Absolute. I will become the Crown. Better yet I will become the Tree of Duality. I will become that in which every other Realm will fear. My goal is to destroy the hierarchy so I can become the Hierarchy!"

"But you realize...If you destroy the Hierarchy, balance will be lost within the Omniverse! There is a reason why the Hierarchy exists! Not only will you throw off the balance, but you will be enabling our realm to be attacked by other realms and universes alike! You'll be releasing the Alternates into our one Universe. You'll be starting a universal war! More than a couple billion will die!" Astra said.

"Exactly. The more people that die, the stronger the person that dies, the longer I get to live. What's to me a Universe? What's to me a Dimension?! I can always start over with a new timeline. Genocide is my goal. My power will become infinite. I will become everything and nothing, I will become...The One Above All!" Bachiko laughed maniacally.

Astra grunted and got into a battle stance. "You're the villain...you're the witch...You are worse than anyone I've known. I'll destroy you!"

"There's that fire I've longed to see. Give me your anger. Your hate! Give me your Life!" Bachiko grinned evilly. "You'll only be helping me grow stronger!"

I laid on a bed and heard the sounds of birds chirping. I opened my eyes and noticed the sun was out. I sat up and my hair covered my eyes.

"Good morning, Yoshida." Melody smiled as she walked into my room with a tray.

I turned my head and noticed her walking to me. She set the tray down in front of me. I turned my head to look at the tray. My head was killing me. I held my head and gripped my hair. "My head hurts...my arms hurt...my shoulders hurt...my neck hurts...my chest hurts."

Melody looked at me then pulled up a chair and sat down. "Eat up. You'll feel better in no time. In the meantime...tell me about yourself."

I slowly looked at the bowl of oatmeal and picked up a spoonful. I slowly ate the oatmeal and my hair still covered my eyes. "Who is Theora..?"

Melody looked at me. "Why?"

"I feel like...I should know her. I feel like, she should be important to me. She's known as the Mystic One. The Escoteric Goddess. My monster aura is Escoteric Aura. Who is Theora?" I asked, putting the spoon down.

Melody looked at me and noticed me as I turned my head to look at her. She looked out the window. "She is Apeiron's sister. Apeiron was split into two different people. Theora and Cosmia. She's a beautiful woman...long flowing silver hair. Icy blue eyes...glossy red lips. Wherever she goes, she always has these butterflies around her. I wished to be like her when I studied under her, but sadly I can't as I was born an alternate. My mother is Lilith and my father is Thalamel. I am a human monster hybrid, I can't be like Theora, but I can always dream."

I listened to her as I ate my breakfast.

"You know...one time she told me, if you had been her son, none of what you went through for the last 13 years wouldn't have happened." Melody said.

"What did she tell you about me?" I asked.

"She said that you were strong...handsome...a caring person and you loved your sister more than anyone else. If anyone brought harm to your sister, you'd kill them without hesitation. Most of all...you hate the hierarchy and she fears one day you would join Bachiko to destroy it." Melody answered. "You and Bachiko have this distinct hatred for the Tree of Life and Death. You hate how everything is being ran, but you go out of your way to save the monsters and maintain balance while Bachiko goes out of her way to kill them and destroy the balance. She told me that you have a goal of permanently killing Apeiron."

"I do. And I still do. Apeiron will die by my hands. I will kill her...and rewrite the Tree. I will stop at nothing for the sake of Earth and my sister. Even if it means destroying the Monster Realm, I will do it." I said.

"You can't do it as you are though. Your anger clouds your mind. Your anger...bloodlust...the monster in you makes you weak. As an Escoteric Being, you are one of calm, clear minds. It's time for you to meet Theora and escape the hands of Apeiron. It's time for you to see YOUR True Path." Melody said then took the tray after I got done eating. She walked to the door. "Oh and one more thing. If you manage to complete the training...I'll let you kiss me so you can obtain my Echokine Aura."

I looked up a bit then heard her walking off. I looked outside the window and saw Yan Mei sitting under the waterfall. I looked at my hands and balled them into fists. I closed my eyes and exhaled. "She only wants the best for me. Yan Mei is an ally...not a foe."

Some time passed before I decided to walk outside the cabin to the training area. I wore the black martial arts clothing that was laid out for me. I jumped on the rock and sat down under the waterfall.

"Glad to see you've returned for another day of training." Yan Mei said.

"If I'm gonna complete my goal, then I must go through this training regimen. I must become the Escoteric Being I am." I said then closed my eyes.

Yan Mei smiled a bit then opened one eye. "Glad to see this newly profound determination. I can definitely see you aren't a quitter."

I nodded and concentrated my energy. Yan Mei closed her eyes once more and concentrated as well. We stayed in our positions for an hour before Yan Mei stood up and jumped off the rock. I heard her and knew she was in front of me on the battlefield.

Melody watched me and Yan Mei. She sat on a chair while the birds flew around her head.

Yan Mei shot an energy ball at me. I grunted as the energy ball hit me. "Don't think about me shooting energy balls at you. That's the first step. Release all that anger from your body and turn it into energy that will allow you to control the water."

I kept my eyes closed and exhaled. I felt the pressure of the water lighten bit by bit. Yan Mei kept sending energy balls at me and I made a few grunts here and there. Yan Mei kept shooting energy balls at me until I completely stopped feeling them. She noticed I wasn't reacting to them anymore. She also noticed the water wasn't hitting my body at all. My aura flowed calmly around my body as I was in a completely calm state and had a clear mind.

"He did it." Yan Mei said impressed. "He entered a Tranquil State and now has a completely clear mind. We can move on to the next step. Okay Yoshida! Let's move on to the battlefield!"

I opened my eyes and smiled then nodded.

Yan Mei and I stood on the battlefield. Yan Mei snapped her fingers and multiple water bullets rose up from the water. I looked around, noticing the water bullets.

"Now that you have a Clear Mind, you will be tasked into dodging each and every one of these bullets. Don't worry, none of these bullets are lethal. Sounds easy right, but no. You have to dodge them with your eyes closed." Yan Mei said.

"Eh? Why?" I asked.

"Because dodging with your eyes open, you'll be overly reliant on sight and instincts. You need to be void of all instincts and move without thinking about how you will move to dodge these bullets. Are you ready?" Yan Mei asked and placed a hand behind her back.

I closed my eyes and exhaled. "Let's do this."

Yan Mei began sending the water bullets at me. I listened to the bullets and dodged the first bullet. I began to dodge the bullets and I stepped back dodging a high speed bullet shooting at my cheek. I ducked dodging a large water bullet then sensed Yan Mei going for an attack and caught her foot. She looked impressed then smirked. She kicked my face, causing me to release her foot and sent me crashing into the large rock. I grunted and opened my eyes.

"You did good, but I could sense you've become overconfident. It isn't a bad thing, but it can be detrimental when you're in a Flow State." Yan Mei said.

"Hmph." I closed my eyes and smiled. "Alright. Let's go again!"

Yan Mei nodded and smiled.

Bachiko stepped on Astra's head and let out a chuckle. "It was entertaining to see you struggle, but...in the end...you still fall beneath me."

"I won't give up...I can't give up now I know your intentions! My sisters...Apeiron...I won't let you get away knowing you're out for blood!" Astra yelled and slammed her fists against the ground.

"Apeiron? If I recall...Yoshida also wants to kill her. A little persuasive words would be enough for him to be on my side. After all, sex with me was enough for us to be one. Granted he is still interior to me, I'm willing to swallow my pride for him. However, after all of the deeds are done, I will kill him as well and take his Monster Aura. He is heir to become the King of the Mystical Beasts. Heir to the throne of the Mystic Kingdom. I'll kill him and take that power for myself." Bachiko said.

"What..?" Astra looked surprised.

"You honestly think I'm the type of person to sucker up to someone inferior to me? Even as a human, I humiliated everyone who was lesser than me. I caused people to drop to their knees. I was Queen. I was Royalty. I was Absolute until that stupid clock tower fell on me, killing me in an instant. Now I'm a monster, I've become much more. No one, not even Apeiron can hold a candle to me. Now, I've had my fun with you. Now it's time for you to die now." Bachiko giggled and summoned her naginata.

Astra yelled and lightning surged around her body.

"Freeze." A woman's voice called out.

Bachiko stopped and looked back. She smirked seeing Blyze behind her.

"Bachiko...you bastard. I should have known...you and Yoshida planned this!" Blyze yelled and summoned her sword.

"Blyze stop! Yoshida has nothing to do with this! Bachiko...she's planning to complete herself and destroy the Tree of Life and Death! You...you have to find Yoshida and warn him! As much as I hate to say this...we need his help! Don't worry about me. Just go!" Astra yelled.

Blyze looked worried and closed her eyes. She clenched her teeth and ran off.

"How...poetic. Sacrificing yourself for the sake of your sister. I admire you. You are just like him. Throwing yourself away for your younger sisters, but you forget one thing." Bachiko duplicated herself and held her hand out towards Blyze's direction.

Blyze looked surprised as she was being pulled by a gravitational pull. She groaned and flew backwards towards Bachiko's clone. "Hnngh!" She grunted after being caught by Bachiko.

"Bachiko..! Stop this right now!" Astra yelled.

"I am what they call...a True Monster. I don't care who you are. Everyone will die!" Bachiko laughed then snapped her fingers. "Kill Blyze."

Her clone chuckled and threw Blyze on the ground.

"Stop it!" Astra yelled and tears formed into her eyes as she helplessly watched her sister being pinned down.

"No! Stop! Please stop this!" Blyze begged.

Bachiko laughed and forced Astra to watch. Blyze struggled then the clone of Bachiko stomped on her back, making her groan loudly. Her clone summoned a naginata then impaled Blyze through her back, stabbing her heart.

"No!!" Astra cried out. "Blyze! Blyze!"

"Yes! This is what reality is! Monsters will die in my hands! You have no hope of winning against me!" Bachiko laughed then began to cackle.

Astra looked at Blyze's dead body and tears flowed down her cheeks. Astra screamed in rage and lightning crashed down powerfully. Bachiko stopped laughing and got off Astra. "I'll kill you for this! Bachiko!"

"This power..." Bachiko looked a bit surprised seeing the Primordial Aura in full effect.

Astra's hair turned into a lime green and her eyes turned white. Astra groaned and roared in anger. Astra stood up and yelled. The ground began to crack and rumble. Astra grit her teeth and roared. She was unable to form any sentences anymore. The only thing she could repeat over and over was Bachiko's name.

"This...this is the Legendary Form for Monsters. The Berserker Beast!" Bachiko grunted as the powerful winds from Astra's aura began to push her back.

"Bachiko! Bachiko!" Astra yelled. "I'll kill you!"