Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.
Bellatrix wandered around the city with high curiosity. She was excited to see all of the different shops and people around. Some people looked at her curiously. I sighed then snapped my fingers then her shadow held her down.
"Eh? I can't move?" Bellatrix asked then looked back, seeing me walking to her.
"You need to calm down...I get you're excited, but you can't just be running into people like that." I said then released the shadow chains from her legs.
Tsuki and Exousia panted as they finally caught up with us. They went to sit on the bench to catch their breath.
"She's so wild. That's why we kept her in that Twilight World. She's borderline uncontrollable.." Exousia said. "Plus she could snap at any moment if she were to be angered."
"Don't worry I have her under control." I said then looked at Bellatrix.
Bellatrix looked at me and heard some excited screeching. She looked back and pointed at the rollercoasters. "What's that?" She asked.
"That's a rollercoaster. A lot of people seem to like the amusement rides. It does bring a lot of joy and heart racing excitement out of people. Would you like to go on one?" I asked.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Bellatrix said excitedly. "You two join as well!"
Tsuki and Exousia looked at each other then shrugged and smiled. They stood up and we all made our way to the amusement park. We went towards the rollercoaster Bellatrix pointed to then got in line to wait.
As the line moved, Bellatrix became more and more excited. Soon we were able to get on the ride and we got buckled up. Tsuki and Exousia felt their hearts racing and Bellatrix couldn't contain her excitement. The ride began and we began going forward. The ride soon went up and we ascended to the peak of the ride. The ride stopped for a brief moment then descended quickly.
"Weeeee!!" Bellatrix laughed with joy and raised her hands in the air.
"Get me off this thing!" Tsuki squeaked loudly as she had a firm grip on the handles.
Exousia began to pass out slowly then woke up again and began to scream.
The ride ended and we all got off. Tsuki fell to her knees and panted heavily. Exousia's were shaking.
"That was borderline unenjoyable.." Exousia said.
"You fly for a living and you're scared of a rollercoaster?" I chuckled as I held Bellatrix.
"Sh-shut up! Flying and that death trap are two different things!" Exousia blushed.
Bellatrix's legs were shaking hard and she had a firm grip on me. "I want to go on another!"
"Hold your horses there, Daredevil. Your legs are practically Jell-O. As if you can go on another ride." I said.
Bellatrix looked at her legs and smiled. "Is this what excitement feels like? Human emotions are amazing..."
Tsuki's stomach began to growl. We all looked at her and smiled. I went to take them to get something to eat.
We went over to the food area of the amusement park and I got them hotdogs, burgers, basically everything they wanted. After buying everything I noticed how big a pure monster's appetite was. I sat with them as they ate and played games on my phone.
"Yoshida, I have a question." Bellatrix said.
"Mhm?" I looked at Bellatrix.
"Since you're a half breed and I am a half breed, if we were to mate and create an offspring, would our child be Monster and Angel, Monster and Demon, Human and Monster, Angel and Demon, Human and Angel, or Human and Demon?" Bellatrix asked.
Exousia choked on her juice and coughed. Tsuki looked worried and pat Exousia on get back. "What the fuck..? What are you talking about?!"
"Hm...If I were to be honest, I feel like hypothetically our offspring should take our best traits or if they are unlucky our completely worst traits, but in this case since we both are hybrids...I feel like they would be all four. Human, Monster, Demon, and Angel. Then again if I were to be a father of an offspring, I'd like to have my child to be the best but I would not go the route my deadbeat dad and mom took." I answered.
"And you actually answered.." Exousia said. "Since we are on the topic, how about me? What would our child be like?"
"It would be 50/50 between purebred or a Nephilim." I answered.
"And me?" Tsuki asked.
"Same with you except the Nephilim would turn into a Cambion." I said.
All three women nodded and accepted their answers. Until Exousia spoke up...
"Who are you most likely to choose to breed with?" Exousia asked.
"S-Sis!" Tsuki blushed madly. "You shouldn't ask such a question like that!"
"That's an easy answer! Obviously it would be me! Hypothetically speaking, whatever that means, if me and Yoshida were to mate with one another, our offspring would be the best! The worst case scenario would be our offspring would only be a Human Monster. We have several different outcomes and the best one would be our offspring would have all four species!" Bellatrix said.
"Hell no! I would be the most likely candidate! Everyone knows a Nephilim has qualities you wouldn't find elsewhere! Plus no one wants to breed with a tyrant like you!" Exousia said and stood up as she slammed her hands on the table. "Our child would become a Demigod if powerful enough."
"With Bellatrix, the offspring would already have Demigod like power. Not saying she's the most likely candidate I'd do it with. Just stating facts." I said.
"See? Yoshida here understands the might of-"
"But the downside to that is your Twilight power would only work at it's fullest in the physical world during Dusk or Dawn while a Nephilim's and a Cambion's power can work during the day or night plus they can just create a White or Dark World while you need balance to make the Twilight World." I added to my previous statement.
"Ha!" Exousia said as her ego boosted.
"Don't get too excited though. Nephilim's also have their share of downfalls as well. Base abilities are about the same with a Cambion's so we just look at the power aspect of both the Nephilim and the Cambion. Most Angels generally favor their one hit kill move known as Smite. Meaning they have an ability called Absolute Attack, but most Demons favor their ability to make use of their Absolute Defense that can block smiting and they can use their darkness to Nullify abilities and other traits. So if I were to choose our of the three to mate with and will give the offspring a higher chance of survival, Tsuki would be the choice I make." I said.
"But us Angels do more than Smite people. We have all sorts of abilities that give us the upper hand over Demons. No offense to Tsuki but Demons are overrated because of their ability to Nullify abilities and attacks." Exousia sat down.
"Elaborate." Bellatrix said.
"Well for one, Demons can't banish people like us Angels can. Plus we have Resurrection, Purification, and Salvation. If me and Yoshida's offspring were to die, they could just resurrect and continue. We can remove all evil and nullify the darkness, plus using Salvation we help lost souls redeem themselves and whatnot. We have abilities that can help overpower demon's nullification abilities." Exousia said.
"Mmm you forget that a Monsters like me can do that and more. Yes my Twilight Abilities will be rendered useless, but you forget that I am Angel and Demon." Bellatrix said.
"You forget there is a chance our offspring may not even get your angel nor demon abilities. At least with Exousia and Tsuki it's guaranteed." I said.
"We have at least six or seven different possibilities right? We can just make six or seven different children!" Bellatrix said and looked at me.
"It doesn't work like that." I said. "There is a chance all of them would only be a Human Monster." I said. "Okay let's put it like this. I have sex with all three of you. Only one of the three will come out the best, at the least above average. All three off springs would obtain Arjé Energy causing them to have either Primordial, Esoteric, or even Cosmic Energy right?"
"Mhm.." All three said.
"At base level, Tsuki and my child would have the best child due to her abilities and mine. We've established that, at peak level. Both the Angels and Demons have Weather Manipulation right? Exousia and my child would be the best because if our child obtains Primordial Energy, they would most likely have the ability to manipulate the Sky obtaining the ability Primordial Sky Manipulation." I said.
"Ahh...None of that made sense to me." Bellatrix said.
"It didn't make sense to me either. I was just talking out of my ass to be honest. Well are you all ready to go? We still have all day." I said.
"Yeah!" All three smiled and stood up.
They went to throw away their garbage and I stood up.
"Hm...does it actually work like that? Then again the worst outcome for all three is a Human Monster, but if they obtain my ability to copy a monster's power they would be exactly like me." I said. "Only time will tell.."
I shrugged and noticed the three walking towards me. We continued forward and exited the amusement park and I took them to the main plaza for a little shopping action.
"Let's go to the clothing store! We need new clothes. If we wanna blend in we gotta look the part you know." Exousia smiled.
"Yeah, then again no one has really said anything about you three, but I'll let you all get what you want." I smiled.
They cheerful rushed into the clothing store to get a little clothes shopping done. I entered the store as well to look around. I walked around then noticed Namiyo shopping as well. I walked towards her and bumped my hip into hers.
She gave a little smile and looked at me. "You're here as well I see?"
"Yeah they wanted new clothes so I'm letting them shop till they drop." I said.
"You're a good boyfriend to all of the monsters even to Mae and Orimi." Namiyo said.
"Boyfriend?" I asked.
"Ha. You don't get it huh? You've created a pact with all of the monsters. By default you will become their boyfriend. I mean you did kiss all of them with the exception of the real Bachiko and Exousia...and the new one I saw you with." Namiyo said.
I looked at the girls and watched as they happily picked out clothes they wanted to wear. I looked back at Namiyo then she wanted me to lean towards her. I leaned forward.
"Soon...you will have to progress the relationship from a normal relationship to a truly romantical one. By completely sealing the deal, they will be kept at bay and be undyingly loyal to you. You will become their Master." Namiyo said.
"Eh..?" I blushed, feeling embarrassed but managed to keep my composure.
"How do you think that man kept Apeiron at bay? Granted after his death that link was broken, but still. Plus, Rimuri has already confessed she was curious about sex. I'm sure the others are curious also. Why not...I don't know mess around with them a little." Namiyo suggested.
"Hm..." I stood up straight. "Are you sure? I feel like they might go berserk if anything goes wrong."
"I'm sure they are smart enough to understand to not kill you during it. Besides even if they do, you can just come back to life. It's just a suggestion thought. You won't really gain anything from it other than pleasure and satisfaction on both sides. I guess you'll establish a true bond with them." Namiyo shrugged. "I'd consider it if I were you."
I watched her walk off and head towards the cash register. "They were asking about offsprings and things like that. And Exousia did say she was breedable.." I said to myself and crossed my arms.
The three girls walked back to me with their arms full of clothes. I looked at them and sighed then walked to the cash register. The cashier looked a bit shocked when he saw all the clothes. I snapped my fingers and sped up time for him and snapped my fingers to return time back to normal after he was done.
"Whoa that was fast." He said and looked at his hands.
I smiled a bit the paid for the clothes and took the bags. He waved and bowed then we left the store. I opened a void and placed the bags inside the void to send them back home.
"Naora...it's- GAH! UNNGH! HNNGH!!" Himeko groaned as the first bag hit her head. She fell on the floor then the second back fell on her face then the third bag fell on her stomach.
"Sorry about that." I said through the void.
"Ugh.." Himeko groaned.
Tsuki tugged my shirt and I looked down at her after the void closed. "I wanna go there." Tsuki pointed at a store called Gaming Central.
"We can go there." I nodded.
We all made our way to the store Tsuki wanted to go to. She hurried inside and we followed behind. Tsuki fell in love with video games ever since she first moved in with us.
"Gaming? I didn't know Tsuki was a gamer." Exousia said.
"Yeah she's really huge on gaming since I got her a Nintendo Switch back when we first got accustomed with one another. Ever since then she's been really big on games." I smiled and watched Tsuki wander around the store.
Exousia also went to explore the wonders of Gaming Central. She looked stopped in front of a shelf and placed a hand on her hip. "I never found the appeal of gaming. For one people tend to rage when they lose when in fact it's never that serious."
"I agree that raging isn't good, but I sometimes rage on games so I'm not one to talk." I chuckled.
"Hm." Exousia looked at all the games then picked one up. "We are playing then when we get back home!"
I looked at the game then rose an eyebrow. "Z-Chronicles? That game is gonna take like 100 years to get all the characters for the vs. Mode. They are still updating the game with new versions of the main character."
"And? We will play with what they have unlocked. I'll go back and unlock the characters later or something." She walked past me and walked to the counter.
Tsuki came back with some games she wanted then placed them in the counter. I paid for what they wanted then looked at Bellatrix. She waited patiently at the entrance. I took the bag then we exited the store.
"How about we continue our date at home. I've had my share of humans." Exousia said and walked forward.
"I agree." Tsuki nodded.
"Come with us Bella. You can stay with us." I smiled at her.
"Really? You're not sending me back to the Twilight World?" She asked.
"Why would I? You haven't done anything wrong." I said.
Her eyes sparkled then she hurried to me and held my arm happily. "Thank you!"
I chuckled and we walked together with Exousia and Tsuki back to the house.