

Aris Hausen is a shut in who skipped school and would played games all night long. He is living with his twin in the fair town of Linden. A simple errand outside of his house lead to his unexpected demise, when he tried to rescue his twin and her friend. After he died, a system announced that he crossed to Lamiales, a world governed with magic. Unfortunately, a guardian had appeared before him telling him that he died due to a mistake. The guardian was supposed to take the soul of the princess. Since, he could no longer get back to his original world, Aris was forcefully given the option to live in another world and to become someone else. Left with no choice, he was hurled into a world he only thought had existed in video games. When he came to, he became Aliester. The son of the Duke of Alcove who is on the run from pursuers. He thought he would lead a slow life in another world but instead he had to live on the edge for survival. Though he was not given any cheat ability, his system, Zarame is there to assist. Unfortunately, the missions that were a little too much to handle. "I am just a shut-in... why do I have to do this hard mode life?!" he inwardly screamed. And to add the cherry on top, he was given a special quest by the guardian... he had to be the one to make sure the heir would return and rectify the mistakes in that realm. Will this shut-in succeed with his mission impossible?

ky_rine · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

A deal with a guardian

After that intense pain, everything stopped, as if the line has been cut off.

Then, Aris suddenly felt like he was floating on air. Everything seemed unreal.

Then, the tranquility was broken when a robotic voice announced. [Notice: soul had successfully crossed to Lamiales.]

"Soul? Is it talking about my soul?" he asked no one in particular. "Did I die?"

[Answer: yes you died.] The reply came.

He opened his eyes and noticed that his hands and body were see through. He bolted from the cot where he had been lying in disbelief.

The robotic voice continued. [The cause of death, being hit and crushed by a coconut.]

"What the hell?! I died when the coconut hit me!" He shouted at the absurdity.

Images of what had transpired flashed his mind. The car hit the tree which made the coconut sway. Since the tree was old, and probably due to the impact, the tree toppled down.

The two girls almost got hit by the falling nuts. So, reflexively, Aris pushed them out of the way. But unfortunately, he was the one who had been first hit by a nut on the head which sent him lying on the ground.

Since he was knocked down, he wasn't able to move when the entire trunk fell on top of him.

"What a ridiculous death!" He muttered in disbelief.

After contemplating about his untimely demise, he noticed that he was no longer in the area near the shore.

Instead it looked more like heaven. Pillars supported the structure and white draperies hung to accentuate the place. They were a few shrubberies here and there.

"Where am I?" he asked as he stood and tried to explore the room.

[Answer: you are in the alternate world of Lamiales.]

"Lamiales? where is that?"

[Answer: Lamiales is an alternative realm governed by magic, where supernatural creatures exist...]

The rest of the explanation fell on deaf ears as Aris got excited.

"Alternate world, magic and supernatural creatures. It sounds really familiar." He muttered to himself.

"It is like the animated series that I have watched and the novels and manga that I have read." he grinned.

He suppressed his excitement and shifted his focus on the voice that had been speaking to him since earlier. He could not see anyone around. 'So, where is this voice coming from?'

He asked. "Who are you? Why are you speaking to me?"

[Answer: I am your system: Zarame. At your service...]

With those words, Aris imagined a maid who have bowed down before him. But since Aris could not see Zarame, he just concentrated on her voice.

[I will serve as your guide in this realm. It will be my task to give you mission to let you grow strong and achieve your goal.]

Confused, the boy asked. "Why am I here? What is my goal?"

Before Zarame could answer, another voice was heard.

"Finally, I was able to summon you…"

A young man who was barely on his teens appeared. He donned a white clothing which draped around his body. His shoulder length golden locks fluttered as he made his way towards Aris.

The boy noted that the young man had fine features. Although Aris is a guy, he could not helped but be mesmerized.

Since he was a shut-in, it was rare for him to see guys who are good looking.

"We do not have time to waste… I will brief you of what you must do…" the young man stopped short. His sharp hawk like eyes bore on Aris.

"Wait! You are not the princess?!" the young man exclaimed.

"Do I look like a girl to you?" Pissed at that remark, Aris bit backed.

Instead of answering, the young man turned pale… and with a sudden burst of light, he transformed into a bird.

The area darkened, thunder clapped and lightning crackled. Aris was shocked.

"Is this thing real? I only saw this in fantasy games and in anime…"

The bird that emerged has golden yellow feathers and can summon thunder and lightning…

"It this a p*Kemon… z@pdos?!" Aris curiosity got the best of him. He approached the bird and almost touched its massive wings.

"What are you trying to do with my wings? Insolent human!" He released a zap of current which made Aris move back a little.

But that electric shock was nothing, since Aris's inner otaku was awakened.

His red eyes sparkled while asking. "Who are you? How did you become a bird"

The bird looked a bit annoyed but replied nevertheless. "I am the guardian of Verbena. I am called Raiha, thunderbird."

"I became like this because this is my true form. And I could not hold my human form due to stress…" Raiha said dejectedly. "How could I make such a mistake?"

His dejection lasted only for a few moments before he perked up. "Wait! It wasn't my mistake. The plan was going well…" Raiha murmured to himself. "It had only failed because someone interfered."

Not realizing the change in Raiha, Aris continued. "Why am I here? If I died I would have to go to the grim reaper's place or something…"

"It was a mistake! I was aiming to bring the princess back to this realm." The thunderbird replied.

"Everything was going well until you step in..." Raiha released a few sparks but did not reach Aris. "you had to push her away and died in her stead."

Because of the sudden electric shocks, Aris moved away. "I did not know that I am ruining your plan. I just want to save my sibling and her friend."

Then something caught Aris's attention.

"Princess? They were two girls: his sister and Kanna. One of them must be the princess Raiha was referring to…" the boy mused.

"It would be impossible for the cool and monster-like Aria to be a princess. She is more like a demon lord." Aris thought of his sister.

"Gentle and sweet Kanna must be the one. Plus, the goons were aiming at Kanna…" Came the boy's conclusion.

"but wait… why would you want the princess dead?" Aris asked.

The bird who had almost run out of patience answered. "Her soul belonged to one of the heirs of the enclave. And since she is a direct descendant, we need her back here to correct the mistakes done by her father."

"To sum it up, the princess had to die in Fahren and be brought back here in Lamiales." Aris mumbled. "However, I have died instead of Kanna."

Aris's thoughts were interrupted when Raiha said. "Why do I have to suffer like this? My predecessor died and I am not old, strong and powerful enough to take on his mantle." the thunderbird informed. "I have to take over prematurely."

"My task should have been simple, summon the princess and assist her in making things right...BUT!" Raiha spread his wings in agitation. "you are the one who got summoned instead of her.

"How am I going to take her here? My powers aren't enough anymore." Raiha lamented.

"What? Your powers aren't enough? Does that mean I cannot get back?" Aris asked.

"You died back there. There won't be any vessel for you to get back to." Raiha answered in a matter of fact tone.

"Or are you suggesting that you are going to back in exchange for the soul of the princess?" Raiha asked as his haw-like eyes narrowed.

"Is that possible?"

"No. I don't have much power left in me. I have to bear the consequences of interfering with lives from Fahren. Besides do you want to live as a girl?"

Aris stopped short at that. "I am male and I don't think I want to be in the body of the girl that I have a crush on…"

Images of him transmigrating in the Kanna's body invaded his mind. He shivered. "That's awkward… no…"

"So, what will happen to me? You could not send me back. Am I going to become a wandering soul or something?" Aris queried.

"Since you are already here, I might as well ask for your help." Raiha brightened up as if a brilliant plan has formed.

"What is it in for me?" the boy asked suspiciously.

"If you succeed in the tasks I will be giving you. I will talk to the other deities to give you a second chance." The bird offered.

"Sounds shady." Aris grumbled.

Thunder rumbled and lightning streaked the sky. The thunderbird suddenly flinched.

"Listen, human. I don't have much time. My powers are getting weaker. I could not explain everything about what is happening. Not to mention, an emergency came up."

"I will have to send you to the son of the Duke of Alcove. He needs help the most. I will be contacting you on your mission at a later date." Raiha hurriedly said.

"Ehhh… wait! What am I supposed to do?" Aris asked in a fluster.

"I already lent you Zarame when you cross worlds. It will guide you in achieving your mission." Raiha then spread his wings wide, a pentagram appeared.

"Good luck, boy." He bid the boy good bye. and activated the circle.

"Waaah!" Aris screamed when he was suddenly hurled towards down the ground. "I haven't agreed yet!"

I don't have a fixed schedule yet since I am still busy with school. But I will be updating chapters every other day if possible.

I apologize for the terminologies I am using. I do not have other equivalent terms in English, so I will use Japanese words from Anime from time to time. Hope you forgive me for that.

ky_rinecreators' thoughts