
Enchanting Magic (Dropped For Rewriting)

In A World With Dungeons And Monsters, Where Your Worth Is Determined By Your Class, Amelia Windsvelt Takes Part In The Awakening Ceremony To Determine Her Profession, But Something Goes Wrong That Changes The Course Of Her Life.

BrolyJamesWilliams · Thanh xuân
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16 Chs

Chapter Ten-The Strange Squad

A few seconds had passed and the app was done downloading, full of excitement and anticipation, Amelia clicked on the app and it began opening. Amelia quickly logged into the application with her Hunter ID, there were so many quests and feeds about dungeons, all this information was taking a toll on Amelia's mind.

'Let's just look for an F-Class dungeon for now'

Amelia began browsing through the app, alot of dungeons we're available and had good payment for destroying them, a smile formed on Amelia's face as she began to scroll through the endless options of dungeons, her fingers swiping up and down, the faint glow of her phone on lighting up her face.

As Amelia kept walking down the road heavily absorbed in her phone, she suddenly spotted something causing her to stop in her tracks. Amelia's face shined, her heart began to beat incredibly fast, she found a dungeon that she really liked.

[F-Class Dungeon-Goblin Cavern]

[Reward For Dungeon Cleared: 27500 Dollars]

[Would You Like To Trace Dungeon Location?]


Amelia full of joy and excitement, quickly pressed on [Yes], her phone projected a small map and Amelia began to walk towards the [Goblin Cavern].


[You Have Reached Your Destination] Amelia's phone rang.

Amelia stood there frozen, her eyes focused on what she was seeing. A large cave like structure with a swirling light in the centre, surrounded by with a few tree's and a large fence, guarded by two security workers dressed in black and holding onto what looked like guns.

Amelia blinked a few times, trying to process what she was seeing, she had heard stories of dungeons, their weird structures and horrifying monsters lurking inside of them. But seeing one truly gave her the chills, Amelia shook her head and quickly regained her composure, now was not the time to scared, she took a deep breath before approaching the guards.

"Stop right there!" The guard said holding out his palm.

Amelia took out her Hunter Identity Card and handed it to the opposing man "I'm a Hunter and I've come to clear this Dungeon"

The guard took Amelia's card and looked at it, he then turned to his partner next to him and nodded, the guard handed Amelia her ID and they moved out the way for her to enter. Amelia walked past them, her eyes fixed on the Dungeon she needed to destroy. Amelia suddenly heard a commotion happening near the Dungeon entrance, she looked forward and saw a group of Hunters similar to her age seemingly arguing about something. She brushed it off and made her way forward once more.

Amelia stood infront of the Dungeon entrance, the large menacing cave looming over her, the bright swirly light at the centre, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, this was it, her first Hunt as a Hunter. She clenched her fist and was about to take a step inside the terrifying labyrinth when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Wait a second!" A voice called behind her.

Amelia looked over her shoulder and a kind smile greeted her, her uneasiness faded as she gazed at the stranger, his red hair and leather armor was the first thing she noticed, carrying a long sword on his waist.

"Can i help you?" Amelia asked

The red haired boy lifted his hand off Amelia's shoulder and placed it on his hip, before pointing his thumb behind towards his other group members.

"Why don't you Hunt with us? We're in need of one more member and you look perfect for the team!" The red haired boy said, the confidence and pride clear in his voice.

Amelia looked past the red haired boy checking out his party members, there was a girl with short black hair, she wore a strange hat, a black robe and wore a short dark skirt, carrying a staff in her hands.

'She must be the party's Mage' Amelia thought

Her gaze then landed on the person next to the mage, he had short golden hair, wore a green uniform with leather boots and held onto bow. The bow was made of a mix of wood and metallic silver, the string was silky and shone bright under the sun, the quiver on his back housing a mass number of arrows.

'An Archer i assume?' She contemplated

Amelia then readjusted her gaze back to the red haired boy, her brows furrowed, she couldn't help but ask herself if it was okay to go along with these three, seeing the argument that they had earlier just shows that they are very poorly coordinated. Amelia was taught growing up not to judge or assume things about people upon meeting them, but she couldn't help but feel strange about these guys.

But then again, entering a Dungeon without any backup is very dangerous, she had never been inside of a Dungeon before, so she doesn't know what to expect and whether she'll be powerful enough to take on the monsters that lurk around inside. Amelia contemplated for a while before deciding on her decision, she looked at the red haired boy and back towards the party members, she placed both hands on her hips and let out a sigh.

"Alright, I'll join you for now." Amelia said, her voice full of defeat

"Great!" The red haired boy exclaimed "I'm Marlin by the way." He introduced himself extending his hand to Amelia. Amelia looked at the back of his hand, a strange mark resembling a sword in flames was visible. Amelia shook his hand before introducing herself "Amelia. looking forward to Hunting with you."

Amelia was then introduced to everyone in the party, the girl with short black hair was named Lia, she had the Proffession of [Black Mage] and the boy with the golden hair was named Eon, he was the group's [Archer]. Marlin began to explain the plan for raiding for raiding the Dungeon. After a few minutes of explaining we all understood the plan, but something was off about Lia's and Eon's behaviour, whenever Marlin would look at them they would flinch or look in another direction, their bodies would tremble whenever Marlin got annoyed, almost as if they feared him. Amelia began to have doubts about Marlin's character, his group members seemed scared and didn't look to excited about raiding the Dungeon.

The group stood infront of the swirly light, the anticipation of what's lurking on the other side was suffocating to Amelia, her body began to tremblea little, and a drop of sweat ran down her face. Amelia took a deep breath to calm herself down, now wasn't the time to feel scared, she gripped her hand into a fist, her adrenaline rushing through her veins and her spirit rising in her chest. "You guys ready?" Marlin asked. The group nodded and proceeded to step into the swirly light, Amelia closed her eyes as she felt herself pass through the strange light, her hair blew, as if a strong breeze greeted her, she felt a weird feeling grazing her body as she continued to walk through the light.

After passing through the group found themselves inside a cave, vines branching out across the walls, and a grassy plain underneath their feet. Amelia's eyes widened, she was in a state of shock, it felt like she was in another world, the air felt a little heavy but still comfortable to breathe in. She looked behind her and saw the swirly light, it's glow shining through the dark gloomy cave.

The group began to walk further into the cave, Marlin infront of the group, holding onto a torch lightning the way. Amelia kept observing the surroundings they walked through, finding beauty in this dark cavern, Marlin suddenly stopped the group from advancing, infront of them stood a green creature with pointed ears, red eyes and holding onto a stoney dagger.

The group drew out their weapons ready to face this terrifying creature.

Here is another Chapter.

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