
Enchanted Lunar Lust

In the shadowy underbelly of London, Pearl Midnight Jenkins, a Lycan of extraordinary beauty, uses her allure as a weapon. Trained in the art of deception by her parents, she navigates a world where mythical beings can transform into wolves at will, and survival is a ruthless game. Pearl's life takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with Alex, a Lycan from a rival faction. Alex, a rebel at heart, fights for freedom and justice, opposing the demon that Pearl's family serves. Despite their differences, an inexplicable spark ignites between them, leading to a forbidden romance. Their love story unfolds in secret meetings and passionate nights, even as they grapple with the dangers of their warring factions. But when they are betrayed and their secret is exposed, they must fight for their love and their lives. "Enchanted Lunar Lust " is a riveting tale of love, betrayal, and survival in a world where mythical creatures walk among us. It's a story that explores the depths of forbidden love, the price of loyalty, and the power of hope. This captivating novel will leave you questioning the lines between right and wrong, love and duty, and ultimately, what it means to truly be human.

Writer_Lilith · Thành thị
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2 Chs

First Bite

The chandeliers cast a warm glow over the opulent ballroom as London's elite mingled, laughter and clinking glasses filling the air. In the midst of this glittering scene stood Pearl Midnight Jenkins, known to the criminal underworld as "Black Pearl" – a skilled thief whose daring heists had made her a legend. Her waist-length red hair shimmered like fire against her pale skin as she moved gracefully through the crowd, green eyes flickering with mischief.

"Ah, there you are," a smooth voice purred. Pearl turned to find herself face-to-face with her target: a wealthy businessman who held the key to her current mission. She flashed him her most captivating smile, allowing her huge puppy eyes to widen in feigned delight at his presence.

"Mr. Worthington! What a pleasure to see you again," Pearl gushed, laying it on thick as she took his proffered hand. She could practically feel the man eating out of the palm of her hand – or rather, his. Deep down, she despised him and all he represented. But in order to maintain her innocent facade, she knew she had to be flirty and playful, suppressing her true feelings.

"Miss Jenkins, the pleasure is all mine," Mr. Worthington replied, leaning in to press a lingering kiss on the back of her hand. Pearl fought the urge to wipe her hand on her dress, instead maintaining her sweet smile and batting her eyelashes.

"Your party is simply divine," she commented, gesturing to the festivities around them. "I must admit, I've never seen anything quite like it."

"Only the best for my guests," Mr. Worthington boasted, puffing out his chest like a proud peacock. Pearl could almost hear the gears turning in his head, calculating how he could use her admiration to his advantage.

"Speaking of the best," Pearl continued, her voice dripping with honey as she leaned in closer, "I heard a rumor that you have the most exquisite collection of rare artifacts. It's such a shame they're hidden away in your office instead of being on display for all to admire."

"Would you like to see them?" Mr. Worthington asked, his eyes gleaming with interest. Pearl flashed him another smile, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"I would be honored," she replied demurely, allowing him to lead her away from the bustling crowd. As they walked toward the private office, Pearl's thoughts raced. She knew this was a crucial moment in the heist – the point where everything could go wrong if she wasn't careful.

But with each step, Pearl's confidence grew. She had successfully manipulated her target, and now she just needed to maintain her innocent demeanor while she retrieved the valuable item from his office. The thrill of the challenge coursed through her veins, urging her forward. And as she slipped her arm through Mr. Worthington's, she knew there was no turning back.

3 - 4

The sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air as Pearl Midnight Jenkins gracefully weaved her way through the sea of London's elite, their jewels sparkling like stars against the night sky. Her green eyes scanned the room, expertly sizing up potential obstacles while she maintained her grip on the wealthy businessman's arm.

"Such a lively soirée, isn't it?" Mr. Worthington remarked, his voice brimming with pride. "I always pride myself in hosting the most entertaining gatherings."

"Indeed," Pearl replied, her charming smile never leaving her face. "And I must say, your taste in decor is impeccable."

"Ah, thank you, my dear," he beamed, clearly pleased with the compliment. Underneath her innocent facade, Pearl couldn't help but roll her eyes at his vanity. The man was as easy to manipulate as putty in her skilled hands.

With each step closer to the private office, the stakes of her heist weighed heavily upon her shoulders. The risk of getting caught or encountering unforeseen obstacles sent a shiver down her spine, but Pearl's determination refused to waver.

"Tell me, Mr. Worthington," Pearl began, her voice soft as silk, "What inspired you to collect such rare artifacts?"

"Ah, well..." he hesitated, faltering under her unyielding gaze. "I suppose it all started when I traveled to Egypt for business. The history there is simply... captivating."

"Captivating indeed," Pearl mused, her mind racing with strategies to keep his focus away from her true intentions. As they neared the office door, her heart pounded in her chest like a wild drumbeat.

"May I?" she asked sweetly, gesturing towards the ornate doorknob. Mr. Worthington nodded, completely enthralled by her presence.

"Of course, my dear."

As Pearl opened the door, a wave of relief washed over her. She had expertly navigated through the crowd, avoiding suspicion and gaining access to her target's most valuable possessions. But now, with the door closed behind them, the real challenge would begin.

"Such an impressive collection," she breathed, feigning awe as she scanned the room for the prized artifact. "You must be very proud."

"Indeed I am," he replied, puffing out his chest like a preening peacock. Pearl felt a flicker of satisfaction in manipulating him so easily but knew she couldn't let her guard down for a moment. There was still much work to be done, and any slip-up could cost her everything.

"Would you mind if I took a closer look?" she asked, batting her long lashes at him.

"By all means," he granted, waving her forward. As Pearl moved closer to the display cases, her thoughts raced. The risks were high, but the rewards would be worth it – if she could pull it off.

With every step, Pearl mentally calculated her moves, her keen senses alert for any unexpected obstacles. And as she reached out a trembling hand to touch the glass case containing her prize, she knew that, despite the danger, she wouldn't have it any other way.