
Enchanted Harmony

Mike wakes up on a Saturday morning with a pounding headache and a sense of confusion. As he struggles to piece together the events of the previous day, he remembers receiving a mysterious call from someone known as the Maestro and encountering a peculiar locket with a glowing stone. As fragments of memories flood back, Mike realizes that something unusual and potentially significant happened involving the locket and a strange blue cloud. Determined to uncover the truth and alleviate his headache, Mike sets out on a journey filled with intrigue and discovery.

Fredrick_Udele · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


As the slow number came to an end, Mike decided to take a break with a glass of water back at their table. The band resumed their up-tempo music, and Melody danced her way over to Darcy and Stephen. Encouraging Stephen to take a break, the two girls hung together on the dance floor for a few numbers. Stephen, meanwhile, returned to the table, beginning to down another beer in record time. Turning to Mike, he asked as casually as he was able, "So how the hell does a guy like you land a catch like that? I mean, seriously, she's an absolutely perfect piece of ass! I bet she fucks like a pro…"

Containing his anger so as not to provoke Stephen further, Mike replied, "Just lucky, I guess. Of course, to quote Seneca, 'Luck is where preparation meets opportunity,' though I'm not sure how it's possible to be fully prepared for a girl like Melody."

"Whatever, man," Stephen mumbled, slipping back into his moody demeanor. Darcy walked up to the table a moment later, grabbing a glass of water as the band took a break. Melody hung out near the stage, chatting with the girl on backing vocals about their music.

"I'm gonna go take a piss," Stephen stated, walking off towards the bathroom.

Turning to Mike, Darcy said, "I gotta say, your girlfriend's somethin' else. Sweet, smart, and a lot of fun."

"You got that right," Mike replied, chuckling.

"As your friend," she continued, "I'm advising you to proceed carefully. You don't deserve to get hurt again. However, I'm not blind to the way you two look at each other. I can tell you're serious about her, and, unless she's the greatest liar in the universe, she feels the same about you." She looked him dead in the eye, saying, "You take care of her. Don't ever change. The guy you are today is exactly the kind of guy she deserves."

Squeezing her hand in gratitude, Mike replied with a smartass grin, "Thanks Mom."

Laughing, she punched him in the shoulder. "You know what I mean!"

"Yeah, yeah. In all seriousness, I appreciate it, Darcy. Thanks."

"She's really… perceptive," Darcy continued. "When I told her that you're exactly the kind of guy she deserves, she said the same thing right back to me…"

"Really?" Mike asked, his ears perking up.

Before they could continue their conversation, the band had started their next set of the night. As they looked over and saw Melody on the dance floor, Stephen returned from the restroom. However, rather than joining them at the table, he started making his way towards Melody. Clumsily attempting to dance with her, she moved to create a bit of separation between them. Stephen was having none of it, roughly grabbing her wrist to pull her close to him, a look of protest and displeasure clearly on Melody's face as she tried to resist.

"What the hell?!" Darcy exclaimed, rushing after them before Mike could even think of slowing her down. Arriving on the dance floor, she attempted to pull him off of Melody, shouting, "Stephen! Let her go!"

Stephen grabbed Darcy's shirt collar in a drunken rage, snarling, "Sorry, bitch. I'm trading up." He pushed her backwards, causing Darcy to land square on her butt with a thump.

"Hey, asshole! Get your hands off her!" Mike threatened as he arrived on the dance floor. Stephen paid him no attention, possibly not hearing him over the music, and was solely focused on corralling Melody by grabbing both of her wrists harshly. "I said," Mike continued, grabbing his arm and forcing him to release Melody, "Let. Her. Go."

Stephen glared at Mike, seething with anger and jealousy. "All right, shithead, now you get yours!" Stephen growled. He lunged at Mike with a wild swing of his arm, which Mike evaded easily. This first swipe created enough space for Melody to rush over to Darcy, helping her off the floor and safely away from the fight. Stephen continued his drunken assault attempts on Mike, but was still unable to land a single punch.

As Mike continued to dodge, he paid attention to Stephen's movements and tendencies, looking for an opening. Suddenly, Stephen charged forward, attempting to tackle Mike to the ground. Mike simply sidestepped, grabbing Stephen's arm as he passed and swinging him around to throw him off balance. He was momentarily disoriented, but quickly focused his attention back on Mike, going in for another haymaker. His attack was much more telegraphed this time, however, and Mike simply grabbed onto Stephen's fist, circling around him with the momentum of the haymaker, eventually using Stephen's own motion to land him square on his back. Mike pinned Stephen's right arm to the floor with his left knee, placing his right foot firmly on his chest to hold him in place until help arrived.

"Congratulations, asshole," Mike growled in his ear. "You just lost the only girl who ever gave a DAMN about you!" Stephen struggled under him, attempting to push Mike's foot and knee off of him, but to no avail. Just then, an off duty police officer arrived, having been alerted by Melody and Darcy.

"The guy on the ground, officer. That's him," Darcy said.

"I'm Officer Jones. Did he hurt you, son?" the large black man asked. Mike shook his head no, keeping his eyes on Stephen. "Well, in that case, I can't actually arrest him. But I can keep him here and take his keys until he sobers up."

Handing Stephen's keys to the officer, Mike responded, "That'll do. Thank you very much, officer." Slowly standing, he released Stephen from the ground. He was still mad, but far too drunk and dazed from the fight to continue his assault.

Turning to the girls, the officer said, "Ladies, if there are any further incidents with this gentleman, I would highly recommend a restraining order, for your own protection and peace of mind if nothing more."

"I don't think he will have any problem from here on, Officer Jones, but thank you," Melody replied, glaring at Stephen the whole time. "If anything else does come up, rest assured we will take legal action."

The officer shook Mike's hand and bid the trio goodnight before helping Stephen up to sit on a nearby chair. As Mike rejoined the girls, Darcy was clearly shaken from the experience, rubbing her temples as Melody comforted her.

"It's getting late, and we've had too much excitement for one night. We should probably head home," Mike advised.

Melody nodded in agreement. "I've gotta be honest, I don't think you or Darcy are in any state of mind to drive safely right now. I think we should let her crash on the couch tonight, and we'll bring her back to get her car in the morning. What do you think?"

Before Darcy could even attempt a protest, Mike replied, "Done. Just let me go talk to the manager to make sure they won't tow her car. He goes to my church, so it should be just fine."