



As soon as Kayden brought Scarlet home, she walked straight inside the house.

"Hey, where are you going?" Kayden stopped her with a question.

"To the room," Scarlet answered dryly.

"What about food? You have not eaten anything since yesterday, right?"

"I'm not hungry."

"But you need to–"

"I just want to be alone, Ayden," she cut him off.

Seeing his somewhat shocked expression, she sighed and shot her eyes closed. She knows he is just being a caring big brother as always.

She did not want him to feel bad for being so. But all she really wanted to do at that moment was be alone.

"I just... I just want to rest. You know I almost died and all... I want to be by myself for now. Okay?"

Kayden nodded. "Okay. Your room is the one on your right, down the hall. It is opposite mine just in case you need anything. But I have not cleaned yet because... You know."

"Yeah. Thanks," Scarlet managed to show a small smile before she went to her appointed room.

Kayden sighed as he watched her retreating figure fade further away into the passage. Although she did not say it directly, he knew she was going to cry about their parents' death.

He knows she is in pain for their loss. He is too. But he had to keep his emotions under control despite how hard it is. For her sake.

He is not that heartless to feel nothing. But it will only make her feel worse if he shows his true emotions. How hurt and pained he is for losing his parents.

Now, it is his responsibility to make sure they both are alright. He has to be her parents and brother all at once. And he hoped he will do a good job.

Shaking out those thoughts from his head, Kayden rolled up his sleeves and ventured into the kitchen. When he opened the refrigerator to fish out what is needed, it was empty.

"Aish!" He smacked his forehead. "I forgot we have no groceries here. Tsk. Take-outs it is," he closed the refrigerator and went to get his phone to place an order for food.

Meanwhile, Scarlet has curled herself up in a corner of the room. Her face was already dampening from the tears she has shed and is still shedding.

Death is a very cruel thing. It has no empathy whatsoever.

Scarlet was the second child of her parents and the only daughter. This made her parents and brother pamper her so much. It's a miracle she could stay on her own during college.

And all her life literally revolved around her family and her studies. But having her parents taken out of the world on the same day was much too tragic for the poor girl.

She could not see a future without them and that was the sole reason she jumped into that river.

But it looks like it is not her fate to die yet. At least for the sake of her brother who is probably struggling with the new responsibility placed on him automatically.

Life will now be different. A difference she does not think she will ever be familiar with. Never.

Who is going to encourage her when she feels like giving up? Who is going to call her every day just to check up on her?

Who will she go to for advice on a decision to make? Who will gently scold her once in a while?

All these things and more that her parents used to do for her, who will do it now? She does not expect her brother to do all this.

He is in pain too and there are things their parents do for him that he will miss. The vacuum will forever be there.

No one can easily replace a parent in an individual's life. Not to even talk of both parents. It's as good as being impossible.

Scarlett crude herself to sleep that day. Not moving from where she was nor reacting to Kayden's voice.

Even when he knocked and informed her of the food's arrival, she did not move. It was as if she was not even hearing anything.

Even when her phone was buzzing with hundreds of messages and calls, there was no reaction at all. She began to slowly detach herself from everything.

She began to feel numb as well. But the feeling of pain remained as firm as the day she lost both her mother and father.

Days went by quickly and now it has been a week and a few days since Mr and Mrs Davis' death. And finally, Scarlet came out of her room.

The reason? Her parents' funeral had to be conducted. Kayden took the responsibility of contacting a few people as most of their relatives were no longer in existence.

It was literally just them remaining in the Davis and Anderson family(their mother's side). Their aunt, who is their mother's elder sister could not be considered family anyway.

The people who showed up more were their parents' colleagues from work and a few friends. So with the number of people who truly cared that Kayden could gather, the funeral was set and in action.

The cemetery was not as quiet as usual but it was not noisy either. It was the voice of the pastor speaking and a few sobs and sniffs here and there from the people invited.

Each and every one of them was clothed in black formal wear. The only thing white were the caskets, handkerchiefs, inner shirts and flowers in their hands.

Standing at the forefront was none other than the Davis siblings. Their red hair made a good deal at making them stand out from the crowd.

Both Kayden and Scarlett stood unmoving and emotionless while staring at the picture frames of their parents.

However, Scarlett's eyes still watered and tears flowed. Her eyes were red and puffy. One could instantly tell how much mourning she has been doing.

She looked as if her world is in shambles... Of which it is in.

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