
129. A promise

"Shiro! Shiro!!" shouted Slayer, getting annoyed that Shiro did not immediately turn his head to her.

Shiro looks busy facing some Headless DurianRuntuh that surrounded him. "Yes, dear! What's up? Do you miss me?!" said Shiro while continuing to withstand the attacks from the headless Undead.

"Don't joke around in such situation like this! Look southwest!" said Slayer, jumping to avoid Teke Teke's scythe swing.

Shiro activates the Absolute Defense skill to protect himself from the Undead hordes that surround him and then look southwest. "What the hell is that bright light?" said Shiro, staring at the sky in the southwest.

"Shiro-sama, i think that's a portal." said Bunda who is eradicating the Undead mob that surrounded Shiro.