
Empyreal Awakening: A Son's Odyssey for Earth's Ascension

In a world where Earth has gained extraordinary powers through a mysterious trial, humanity finds itself divided between those who have ascended to new heights and those still trapped in the trial's enigmatic grasp. Among the latter is our protagonist, Ethan, a young man driven by an unyielding love for his mother, who remains steadfast in the face of adversity. #Heavy Incest #Taboo

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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Divine Empyrean

Time in the trial had become an elusive concept for Ethan. The once-bright landscapes had turned into surreal vistas as he faced ethereal challenges, encountered mystical beings, and honed the power of the Divine Empyrean. Ten thousand years had passed in this otherworldly realm, but Ethan remained unchanged, locked in a timeless existence.

As Ethan faced the trial's strongest monster, the Divine Empyrean surged within him. His black hair transformed into mesmerizing snow-white strands, and his stats tripled, allowing him to perceive his opponent's weak points with an uncanny precision.

The battle was a cosmic dance, Ethan's movements synchronized with the harmonious flow of the Divine Empyrean. His strikes were swift and precise, a display of ethereal elegance. The monster, a grotesque behemoth, roared in futile resistance as Ethan unleashed the full might of his newfound power.

With each blow, the boundary between the trial grounds and Earth quivered. The trial struggled to contain the overwhelming energy released in the clash. Finally, with a burst of celestial brilliance, Ethan delivered the final blow. The monster disintegrated, and the trial's boundaries shattered.


Ethan found himself hovering in the sky above Earth, still in his Divine Empyrean form. The system's voice echoed in his mind, guiding him through the revelation.

[The trial system couldn't withstand the power unleashed during your battle. The boundary between the trial grounds and Earth has shattered.]

Confusion clouded Ethan's eyes as he surveyed the familiar landscapes of Earth beneath him.

He could see the familiar landscapes and city lights below, but the system's glitch obscured the clarity of the view.

Ethan, desperate for answers, questioned the system about the duration of his absence.

"How long have I been away?" he asked, anxiety tainting his voice.

"Ten thousand years have passed within the trial, but only five years have elapsed on Earth," the system replied, its voice carrying the weight of the temporal disparity.

The revelation left Ethan in shock. A profound sense of loss gripped him as he realized the magnitude of the time that had slipped away. His thoughts raced to his mother, and he implored the system to locate her immediately.

However, the system's capabilities were limited. It explained that it couldn't find individuals unless they were in immediate vicinity, and the scanning area was restricted.

Ethan, frustrated and distraught, called the system useless and decided to take matters into his own hands. He flew towards his home, hoping against hope for a reunion with his mother. Yet, the sight that awaited him shattered his hopes.

His once-homely residence now lay in ruins.

Gently landing on the devastated ground, Ethan demanded the system to locate a human survivor. The system complied, identifying a middle-aged man in army attire and a younger man beside him.

Approaching them, Ethan questioned the pair about the cataclysmic events that had unfolded during his absence. Their eyes held a mix of confusion and sympathy as they recounted the gates erupting, monsters wreaking havoc, and the ensuing chaos that claimed countless lives.

Ethan's despair deepened as he heard the accounts of the catastrophe. Tears welled in his eyes, and he barely held back the anguish threatening to consume him as he thought of his mother.

The army officer, seeing Ethan's distress, informed him that some survivors had been relocated to Sector B7. A glimmer of hope ignited in Ethan's eyes as he immediately soared towards the designated sector.

(Sector B7)

In Sector B7, chaos unfolded as an A-rank gate erupted. Monsters ran rampant, terrorizing the remaining inhabitants. Ethan landed just in time to prevent a tragedy, saving a fallen child from a vicious monster.

The child's mother, grateful, thanked Ethan with tears in her eyes. Ethan, with a bittersweet smile, nodded towards the woman. His heart ached as he looked at her, the image of his mother superimposing itself in his mind.

The eruption of monsters escalated, and Ethan engaged in a series of battles, each clash a testament to the power he had gained in the trial. His Divine Empyrean form radiated strength and determination, the snow-white hair billowing with each dynamic movement.

After half an hour of intense combat, the boss of the gate emerged, a colossal and nightmarish entity. Ethan, driven by purpose, faced the monstrous boss in a final showdown.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location, a beautiful but cold woman received urgent news of the gate eruption in Sector B7.

"Ma'am, there's an A-rank gate eruption in Sector B7. It requires your intervention," her assistant informed her.

Without a hint of emotion, the woman commanded her team to prepare for departure. The urgency in her demeanor suggested that she held a significant role in dealing with such calamities.

Back in Sector B7, Ethan's battle with the boss monster reached its climax.

He commanded the system to locate his mother again, but the system remained ominously silent.

"System, what happened?" Ethan questioned uneasily.

"Sorry, Ethan. There is no person who matches your mother's countenance here," the system finally replied.

Ethan staggered, his heart sinking. Tears welled up, and the foundation of his world started to crumble. However, amidst the despair, a familiar voice reached his ears.


He froze, slowly turning in disbelief. There she was beautiful as always – his mother, standing before him, taking shaky steps as if unable to believe her eyes. The world seemed to stand still as they moved towards each other, and Ethan gently touched her face.

"Mo-Mother," he whispered, and Sarah tightly embraced him. Ethan, overwhelmed with emotion, felt a mixture of disbelief and joy.

Sarah clung to Ethan as if he were a fragile dream that might dissipate with the slightest breeze. The people who had accompanied the cold and emotionless guild master watched in disbelief as their stoic leader desperately held onto the young man, a scene so uncharacteristic that it defied their understanding.

"E-Ethan, Ethan, my baby," Sarah whispered, her voice a melody of relief and overwhelming joy. She rained down kisses on Ethan's face, as if each touch confirmed his tangible presence after an eternity of uncertainty. The guild master, usually unmoved by the world's turmoil, clung to him like he was her lifeline.

In that moment, the guild master's demeanor underwent a profound transformation. Her stoicism melted away, revealing a vulnerability that mirrored a person gasping for air after being submerged for too long. She held Ethan as if he were the very oxygen sustaining her, a metaphorical lifeline she refused to let slip away.

The air buzzed with emotions – relief, disbelief, and an overwhelming sense of reunion. Sarah, overwhelmed with the joy of having her son back after what felt like an eternity, held him so tightly that it seemed as if she feared he might vanish with the next heartbeat.

Ethan, too, felt an indescribable relief. He exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, the weight of the trials and the uncertainties lifting from his shoulders. Gently, he stroked his mother's head, his touch a soothing balm on the wounds inflicted by time and separation. He kissed her forehead, a silent acknowledgment of the love that had endured through trials, both ethereal and earthly.

The scene painted a picture of raw, unfiltered emotion – a son finding solace in his mother's embrace, and a guild master, known for her cold demeanor, revealing the depths of her humanity in the face of an extraordinary reunion. The world around them blurred as the mother and son savored the reality of being together, the echoes of the trials fading into the background, if only for a moment.