
Empty Promises: The CEO Cunning Bride

Do you believe in reincarnation? "In this lifetime, I was the one who followed you. In the next life, you'll follow me." Do you believe in having a past life? "No matter how many lifetime, I only want to be with you." Do you believe in karma? "A broken, unfulfilled promise..." *The cover drawing does not belong to me. However, it fits my setting and characters. I would be happy to credit the artist if I know who they are!*

Nini_X · Thành thị
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227 Chs



"My lady, why don't I give you a ride back to your manor?" Yang Zheyan lifted up the silk curtains from his carriage then stepped out. Every stride towards Xiong Jingfei was held with elegance and grace. His black robe fluttered with the wind and matched the dark-colored sky.

He tried hiding how excited he was to see Xiong Jingfei, who finally went outside the Xiong manor. It has been months since he last saw her.

When one of his servants told him this news, he ditched Wei Weimin who was having fun with the ladies. He was already planning to leave before he was told about Xiong Jingfei. Sitting any longer there with Wei Weimin he may have strangled him for tricking him to coming to this place.

Seeing Xiong Jingfei standing outside the herbal shop, he was hoping to make it seem like he had coincidentally ran into her.

Xiong Jingfei wore a light purple outfit with a white veil covering her face as usual. Her hair down with only a jade hairpin holding part of her hair up again. She was dressed so simple you wouldn't know she was the daughter of the great general, Xiong Guozhi. Even those below her status wore more extravagant than her.

Her innocent eyes stared back at Yang Zheyan, who stopped right in front of her. Instantly, she took a step back to create space between both of them.

She was actually waiting for Xu Song to return with an umbrella. She only stepped outside the shop to take a look at the weather, who was playing with them. When they left the manor, it was sunny with clear skies. The moment they were going to leave the herbal shop, it began to brew a storm, and now it suddenly just stopped.

"Thank you, young master. I would kindly have to refuse your offer," Xiong Jingfei replied, with calmness in her eyes, unlike when he met her in his bamboo garden.

Behind the veil, Xiong Jingfei bit her bottom lip while her mind was grinding on what to do next. In case this young master had taken any offense to her rejection. She didn't get a chance to find out who he was because she ran away after grabbing her veil. Luckily, she found a servant who showed her the way back or else she still would have kept wandering around. She never spoke of this incident to anyone, and that includes Xu Song too. But she never thought she'll run into him so soon again.

Although to her, she felt it was soon, but to Yang Zheyan, it was years.

Even though she had put in a lot of effort to stay calm, her trembling fingers did not escape from Yang Zheyan's keen eyes. He smiled on the inside, she probably has no idea who he was considering he was away and had returned recently.

He was right. Xiong Jingfei had no idea who Yang Zheyan was, but he must be someone of important status. Those who attended the banquet are from high status or those who are close with the Right Prime Minister.

Yang Zheyan flipped open his fan and leaned forward to whisper a few words to her.

"Really?" Xiong Jingfei's eyes lit up.

"Of course," Yang Zheyan smiled, a smile with reassurance he wasn't lying to her. "It'll be an honor to show it to you."

Xiong Jingfei was in a predicament whether to go or not to go with a person she barely knows.

"I'll send words to your father, Xiong Guozhi, and have someone deliver this for you," Yang Zheyan took the wrapped herbs in her hand and gave it to one of his servants. Then he reached out his left hand for her to take it. "You'll be safe with me, I promise."

Xiong Jingfei hesitated but did take his hand at the end. Yang Zheyan offer was too tempting to not take. Which was precisely what he wanted when he threw the bait out there. After all, she was only a child who was still curious about the outside world.

While in the carriage, Yang Zheyan could feel Xiong Jingfei's eyes on him, then she'll look away when he made any slight movement. At the corner of his eyes, he saw her gripping onto her dress nervously. It must be the first time she had gone anywhere else besides the herbal shop. As far as he is aware, Xiong Jingfei grew up in a strict upbringing by her father. By strict, she was trained on how to become his bride and housewife in the future.

"I think it'll be better if you take off your veil," Yang Zheyan suggested, trying to break the silence.

Xiong Jingfei back straightens up. She held onto her veil as if he already ripped it off. If she takes it off, it'll be like she was thrown naked into the public eye.

"I mean, it'll be easier for you to freely walk around without others knowing you're a noble lady." Yang Zheyan explained himself to her to not cause any misunderstanding. Asking any noble lady to take off her veil was a huge insult.

It took her a few seconds to think things through before nodding her head in agreement. It wouldn't be good if others saw her walking around with an unknown man. Plus, no one really knows her real face, so they can't say it was her.

Besides, no noble ladies should be outside their manor. The upper-class families forbid their unmarried daughters from leaving the manor, they have to stay inside from sunup to sundown. They'll make their servants do any errands that need to be done outside their manor. Xiong Jingfei was one of the few exceptions.

Thanks to her father, who had given her permission as long she doesn't go further than the herbal shop. It was her only chance to get a taste of the outside world when she heads to the herbal shop. That's why she rather walk than take a carriage so it'll take time for her to return. A reason why she was extremely nervous with Yang Zheyan, having never gone anywhere further than the herbal shop. That wasn't it either, she was disobeying her father for the very first time.

When her veil became undone, revealing her porcelain and childlike features. Yang Zheyan immediately regretted asking her to take it off. If anyone takes a look at Xiong Jingfei, it wouldn't be hard to tell she was from a well off family. A part of him didn't want others to see her real face too, especially the way she reacted at the bamboo garden when he saw her face. He was definitely the first man to see her face outside of her family.

"Young master, we have arrived."

"Ready?" Yang Zheyan reached out his hand again for her to take.

This time she took his hand without a second thought and stepped outside. She doesn't know why, but she unconditionally trusted him when she heard him said, "I promise."

Xiong Jingfei was in awe seeing the bustling market and lots of people going on with their day. Surprisingly, the place was still busy with the storm that quickly came and passed by. Kids were running around, and adults were trying to get people to buy their things. She had never seen so many people in one place ever. Without realizing, she was still holding onto Yang Zheyan's hand, and he wasn't planning on letting go if she wasn't.

The stall that caught her attention right away was the one selling bingtanghulu. However, disappointment was written all over her face. She didn't have any coins to spend because it was with Xu Song.

Yang Zheyan glance down at her then at the table decorated in red by the fruit candy. Taking out a silver coin, he tossed it onto the table. "Sir, I would like one."

"Y-yes! Thank you! Thank you!" The older man quickly collected the silver coin and handed one to him. He couldn't believe he sold one candy stick but received an amount to feed his family for at least three months.

The minute Yang Zheyan handed her the candy stick, she let go of his hand and grabbed it. Of course, there was a disappointing feeling washing right through him. She apparently liked the candy stick better than him. But seeing how happy she was eating it, he shrugged it off and continued to show her many more places.

Xiong Jingfei was no longer acting like an adult but her actual age. She was a happy child who indeed saw the world for the very first time. There was so much more to see than what is written in the book she read. The young master beside her was right, and she did make the right decision to come along. This place was fun and much better than the boring herbal shop. She had been to that place so many times that she could be a worker there too.

After having a day of fun, on the ride back to the Xiong manor, Xiong Jingfei asked, "Excuse me, young master, may I ask for your name?"

"Uh... The name is Wei Weimin." Yang Zheyan quickly apologizes in his head for using his friend's name. Though it was for the best, she'll be too overly cautious of him if she knew who he was. He wanted to see the real her without any connection from either family.

"Thank you for today. It was the most fun I ever had." Xiong Jingfei beamed and couldn't stop showing how happy she was. "My name is Xiong Jingfei."


Yang Zheyan grabbed his chest, having his heart pounded against his rib cage uncontrollably. An unfamiliar feeling to him. It only happens when he is afraid or in danger. But right now he was not in either situation but sitting here with his future bride to be.

At this moment, he did not realize how much he'll come to love her. As she did not know this one time disobeying her father will turn to something more. The same as both of them will not foresee the tragic future awaiting them.


I hope my writing about the past and present is understandable about which timeline I'm on. Please let me know if it doesn't! ♡

Nini_Xcreators' thoughts