
Empty Promises: The CEO Cunning Bride

Do you believe in reincarnation? "In this lifetime, I was the one who followed you. In the next life, you'll follow me." Do you believe in having a past life? "No matter how many lifetime, I only want to be with you." Do you believe in karma? "A broken, unfulfilled promise..." *The cover drawing does not belong to me. However, it fits my setting and characters. I would be happy to credit the artist if I know who they are!*

Nini_X · Thành thị
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227 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Unexpected Guests (2/2)

"Feifei?" Yang Zheyan called her name again because she wasn't answering him.

Again, Xiong Jingfei kept her silence as she stared out the window.

Yang Zheyan came to realize that she hasn't looked at him once since he entered the room. It wasn't that she was intentionally ignoring him, but she really couldn't see or hear him. Her eyes stared out the big window, lifelessly.

Something isn't right.

Yang Zheyan was about to stand up to get a better view of her face, but something else caught his eyes. Red… Marking of fingers was imprinted around her neck and peeling of skins with dried-up blood. She didn't even flinch when he touched the wound.

A type of anger that Yang Zheyan never felt was boiling inside him and desperation he never knew of.

Please, please, please… "Please."

Yang Zheyan begged, without realizing that those words were slipping out of his mouth. Please…