
Where The Journey Begins

Kassius: "Presence Imposition?!"

Remus: "Yeah. It isn't super important I guess. Anyways, that's all you'll need to know about that."

Marcus: "So you really did make that hole?"

Remus: "Hole? Oh. The tree. Yes, I did."

Kassius: "Wait! Did you use that presence thing to hit it?"

Remus: "Well, yes and no, it's complicated."

Bonnie: "Then how do we use it?!"

Remus: "You can't."

Bonnie: "Why not?"

Remus: "Just forget it."

Bonnie: "You can't just show off and leave it at that. Is it really that bad you can't even explain it?"

Remus starts walking to the elevator and calls it up. It opens for him and he enters. He turns around and faces them.

Remus: "This is the end of my segment. I hope you adjust well and good luck."

The elevator closes and goes down.

Everyone heads to their room. Kassius walks up to Bonnie and has a conversation with her. He walks back to Arnold and she goes to her room. Kassius and Arnold walk into the planning area.

Arnold: "So what's the plan?"

Kassius: "I... got no clue. I asked Bonnie if she wanted to tag along but she said she has her own plans. I wonder what she's going to do."

Arnold: "Guess it's just us two."

Kassius: "Ooh! I got a plan."

Arnold: "What's the plan?"

Kassius: "Let's go for that Thari Jewel."

Arnold: "Wasn't Thari kind of far from here?"

Kassius: "Hold up."

Kassius pulls out a paper from his pocket. He rolls it on the table and it shows the map of the continent.

Kassius: "I guess it is pretty far."

Arnold: "When did you grab that?"

Kassius: "When he walked past us. Anyways, Thari is pretty far. We are in Maldone right now. Maybe we can go to one of these cities first."

Arnold: "Sure. Sounds like a plan."

Kassius: "How... about... here?!"

Arnold: "Ritetown?"

Kassius: "A small little stop before just to see what's up. Plus it's near the capital, Umoja. So we can check that out right after."

Arnold: "The train goes through a forest of some kind."

Kassius: "That's alright. Well, there's our plan. We know where to go. When should we leave? How about tomorrow morning?"

Arnold: "Sure."

Kassius: "Great. We'll leave tomorrow."

The night passes and in the morning, Kassius and Arnold both wake up and rush out of bed. Kassius practices some of his fighting while Arnold exercises. They both go into their bathrooms. They look around to surprising filled bathrooms, with necessary cleaning equipment. They brush their teeth and take showers. They leave their bathrooms and go to their closets. They both open up to a line of options for clothing. Kassius goes through the options and cuts down to a black suit, black trousers and white shirt, with a black tie. He also picks out a pair of black dress shoes.

Kassius: "I like it. Let me grab a few more for the road."

Kassius places extra clothes in a bag. Arnold picks out a pair of camo shorts, a white tee with a black jacket and black trainers.

Arnold: "I'll need extra clothes for the road."

Arnold puts extra clothes in a bag as well. They both pick their bags and walk to their doors. They exit their rooms at the same time and lock them.

Kassius: "Let's get going."

Kassius and Arnold walk downstairs and through the hall.

Kassius: "Whoa! Look at how many people are here."

Arnold: "Didn't think this place would be so packed."

Kassius: "Man I'm hungry! Do you want to grab something to eat before we go?"

Arnold: "Sure. I'm pretty hungry myself."

Kassius and Arnold head to the dining area. They sit down at the counter. The bartender walks up to them.

Kassius: "Can we get... Two stacks of syrup pancakes please?"

The bartender nods with a straight face and walks away.

Kassius: "I was here last night and the food was delicious."

Arnold: "Oh, what was it?"

Kassius: "I think-"

The bartender brings the food to them.

Kassius: "How do you do that?! That's very cool. Anyways, thanks for the food."

Kassius and Arnold both take a bite and can't resist the taste. They continue eating and eating until they finish the pancakes.

Arnold: "You weren't kidding when you said it was good."

Kassius: "I know, right?"

Man: "Ugh this food stinks."

The guy besides Kassius pushes the plate towards the floor but Kassius jumps and stops it from hitting.

Kassius: "Phew!"

Man: "I'm outta here!"

The man storms off out of the dining area. Kassius stands up and places the plate on the table. He takes a bite of the food on it.

Kassius: "Mmm! I don't know what that guy was talking about, this food is great! Some people can be very ungrateful sometimes."

Arnold: "We have to get going."

Kassius: "You're right! Well, thanks for the meal sir. Have a good day."

Kassius and Arnold walk away. The bartender looks at Kassius and cracks a small smile.

Kassius: "Do you have everything?"

Arnold: "Maybe some equipment?"

They check the planning area and find a cabinet for different equipment. They pick out a set of items individually and place them in their bags. They go back to the center.

Kassius: "Alright, now we are ready to go."

They walk to the elevator and call it up. It opens and they enter. Kassius sees Bonnie walking by. She notices and sees him, waving goodbye as he does the same. The elevator door closes and they arrive at the ground floor moments later. They walk out and reach the entrance of the building where they notice the receptionist at her desk.

Receptionist: "Oh, gone so soon?"

Kassius: "Yes, however we do need some help. How do we get to the train station that takes us to Ritetown?"

Receptionist: "Ritetown? That may be a bad idea. I suggest you go to straight to the capital. The same train takes you there if you don't get off."

Kassius: "Oh... alright."

Receptionist: "Now, the train station is directly straight once you turn right out of this building. Do not get off at Ritetown. Stay on, until it reaches the capital."

Arnold: "Will do."

Kassius: "Thanks."

Kassius and Arnold exit the building and turn right, walking towards the train station.

Kassius: "That's odd. Why can't we go?"

Arnold: "It's probably best if we don't. I mean we barely know about this continent right?"

Kassius: "I guess so... but I wonder what could be so bad we have to avoid it."

Arnold: "It does sound interesting."

Kassius: "Well, this is it."

Arnold: "Hmm?"

Kassius looks at Arnold.

Kassius: "Since we are working together, I hope some of the things I do don't cause problems for you."

Arnold: "That's alright. And the same goes th3 other way."

Kassius: "Hehe. Guess we're partners now."

Kassius and Arnold start climbing up a flight of steps as they arrive at the Maldone Express. Kassius looks into the clear blue sky as the sun shines above.

Kassius (in head): "This is it. This is where the journey begins!"