
Empty Book 6

Criticism is very much appreciated don’t worry about my feelings being hurt. Synopsis: Humans are hunting the monsters of the other world for far too long it’s time for the revolt humans are gonna die at the hand of their own kind..

Siexa · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Couldn’t finish my series

Damn kids annoying!!


My name is Leptus Hendon and it was the last day of my job at the school before the vacation started. I worked as a therapist at a high school in the vicinity of Tokyo.

I had just finished with the last kid of the day before packing up to leave the school premises.


After reaching home Leptus decided to finally finish the deathnote series's. For some reason he just couldn't bring himself to continue to watch it after L's death.

As he sat down to watch it he suddenly received a call from his close colleague Josh.

Thinking he would ask to take over his shift tomorrow Leptus promptly made the decision to not pick up his call. After which he called again and again, and again, and again.

Goddammit he better be dying for it to require this amount of urgency!!!

Leptus finally picked up the phone and yelled into it, " WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA!?! ". In a hoarse and fearful voice he said, " Sorry to disturb you but I'm kinda dying o-over h-*cough*-here..... ".

Ah crap I might've jinxed it... Leptus thought to himself, Man I just wanted to watch something and sleep.

As a citizen of humanity Leptus was forced to attach a suitable amount of importance to this matter at hand, so he asked Josh in a calm manner, "Did you call the ambulance?".

Seemingly haven calmed down a bit he answered, " No, there's nothing that can save me at this point". Then what's the point of calling me then just die quietly! Leptus thought to himself of course, he couldn't bring himself to be mean to a dying person.

Not giving any mind to his internal struggle Josh goes on "O-ok so the deal is I'm be-being *cough* offered to be reincarnated into another world right now, but I'm kinda tired of li-living and just wanna rest in *cough* heaven. So wanted just check if you wanted to take on this offer instead?".

Sigh so this is what they call the rambling's of a dying man huh. Well he's anyways dying might as well go along with it.

"Sure mate if that's what allows you to die happily" Leptus said in a nonchalant way.

"Goodbye Danial, make the most of this opportunity...." Josh said before falling silent forever.

Finally I can get back to my series now, or so Leptus thought but the universe had other plans for him.

He see a blinding light appearing in his apartment before losing consciousness and being drifted off to another world of imagination.


Leptus always thought that light was relating to justice, happiness, life and hope, but not this light. This light spread a veil of darkness over my consciousness.

When he came to he saw ever changing figure standing before. He was a 10 foot beast one second and an ant the next.

Where even am I? Don't tell me what Josh was spouting was actually real! Leptus thought to himself in a slight panic

Leptus always lived life as very simply. His ideology very simple. We are born, we die.

Not caring about the myriad of thoughts taking place inside his head the figure spoke, well not really spoke, it was more like a roar. Each note of the roar seemed to hold a meaning of some sort. The roar seemed beautiful and threatening at the same time.

"Human stand up" the figure said through what organ of the body god knows where.

Leptus stood up, well of course. He may be in a state of shock but he retained some common sense, he's not going to be disobeying some ancient deity.

"You weren't originally chosen to be our leader but the person we had originally chosen through a test of strength had a pretty strange way of thinking. He seemed to not want to do anything which didn't benefit him and we can't allow someone like that be our leader."

What in the world is this guy talking about? Leading what? Chosen?

All Leptus understood is that he was dragged into some mess by Josh. That little! Well it's not like he can beat him, though he may not look like it Josh sure does pack a punch.

"Are you not capable of speech? Ah it must be that you have understood everything, well isn't that splendid. Unlike that other human who showered me with questions you seem to be much more intellectually competent! I admire that human"

Who's understood everything!! It's just that this entire situation had me tongue tied! I should clear this misunderstanding first. Josh thought to himself in panic

"Actua-" he started off before he was cut off by that all mighty figure. "Well let's not dilly dally my race hasn't much time, off you go our hero. I pray you, our last hope can save us."

Ahhhhhh! Let me talk old man!!

"Sayonara..." are the last words Josh hears before beginning to lose consciousness.

His last thought before going unconscious is " This has gotta be illegal...."