
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · Kỳ huyễn
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702 Chs


"What do you mean, the final straw?" Brinn asked.

The prince remained still for a long time before answering. "I had myself convinced that even with all I have done, I could still be a good Emperor. I thought in the end the good would make up for all the bad. I was wrong. All this time I was just being 'handled'. I pushed myself further into the grandeur of fame and honor and glory. All because Cafer told me I deserved it. That I was worthy. But deep down I knew: it was all a lie. I am a fraud." Alaron's voice was full of grief.

"You mean…" Brinn was not sure she was hearing correctly.

"I mean I cannot be Emperor." Alaron's tone was firm even as his eyes filled with tears. His shoulders slumped. "What am I going to do?"

The spymaster patted the boy's back "There is hope for you yet, Prince Alaron," Brinn assured him. "Though you very nearly missed it."

"I had good timing," Alvar smiled. "Managed to arrive in time for the battle to be over!"

Brinn stared solemnly at the elf she loved. "The battle is far from over."

"What do you mean? If Alaron gives up, then it should all be over." Alvar was handsome, Brinn knew, but he had not really thought things through.

"We have a gnome army, a pirate army and a portion of the imperial army all backing Alaron. Do you really think they will just agree if he says 'nevermind'? They won't be happy." The spymaster ran her fingers through her hair.

"I could leave. They would have no one to crown if I am not here," the prince suggested.

"I am sure they would find a way to haul you back or find a substitute," the spymaster rejected the idea. If Cafer still had the semblance stone, then he could just make a lookalike. "We need a way to get them out once and for all. But we need more time. Long enough for our armies to get here to help."

"I can get us time. I will move the coronation date a week... maybe two. I will make up some excuse or other," Alaron said. He gave a half shrug. If he was supposed to be in charge, he should not need an excuse, but it would be better if he had one.

Brinn got an idea. "Tell them I am sick. That will give me an excuse to leave 'Mairwen' in her room with the doctor and, oh! Maybe we could even get Nanny out if you ordered her to take care of me! While they cover for me, I will work on snooping around to find a weak spot to use to our advantage."

"With what you find, we can figure out the next steps." Alaron stood up, his shoulders coming straight and his back proud and dignified. His blue eyes were missing the angst and even his defiant mouth was soft and smooth. It was the most pleasant that Brinn had ever seen him look.

"You look..." Brinn could not find the right word to describe what she saw.

"Awful, I know. You have told me a thousand times today." The prince rolled his eyes. "I will try to be better about my magic use or you will run out of make up soon."

"I was going to say you looked different is all. It's a good different." Brinn blinked a few times before pursing her lips. "I mean, yes! You still look terrible. Magic use for humans is very bad."

"Noted." The boy pretended to be writing something down. Alaron could see past the elf's gruffness to her care. His heart was burdened. 'My supposed enemy cares more for me than my allies. What a fool I have been indeed.'

"We should head back." Alvar urged them. He could hear shouting nearby. "It seems the entire palace is looking for us now."

"It took them long enough to notice," Brinn criticized. "I guess it is time for some theatrics. Let us move toward the entrance of the castle so you can see my impression of deathly ill." Using her shapeshifting, the spymaster made her face go ghostly pale with a tinge of green in her cheeks.

Alaron picked up her hand and held it with his brow furrowed. "Be careful! Please make sure no one actually kills you."

"Noted." Brinn cocked her head to one side as she looked at the prince. "What is with the sudden concern?"

"I am working on my acting too," the prince released her with a grin. "But seriously, don't die."

"How's my acting?" Alvar asked.

"Just stay quiet and no one will know the difference," Brinn pecked her fiance on the cheek.

"I can do that!" Alvar agreed. "I have read about actors who are silent. Maybe I should be one of those."

"I don't think..." Alaron began, but Brinn held up her hand to stop him.

"Let him have this one. Trust me when I say it is the best option."


Sitting at the bedside of the moaning Brinn in Mairwen's bedroom, Alaron looked heartbroken.

"My sister, you have to make it. I don't want to live without you," he whispered loud enough for one of the attendants to hear. She finished refilling the water pitcher and hurried to spread the gossip she had just heard.

At last, they were alone except for Alvar. "How did I do?" he asked expectantly.

"Excellent, my dear. I would have paid you for that beautiful, silent performance." Brinn gave a silent clap.

"You can pay me some other time." Alvar winked, making Brinn blush.

"None of that," she warned. Her eyes traced the worried lines of the prince's face. He was staring at the floor. "You are thinking of the real Mairwen. Those words you spoke were for her."

Alaron nodded. "They were. I mean, they are. I destroyed her family…our family." Alaron heaved a wracking cough. His chest looked like it might burst. Brinn leapt from the covers and helped Alaron to lay down.

"Do not make those words your deathbed confession," she cooed softly. To Alvar she said, "Go get some of the tonic from the Prince's room. He has overexerted himself."

"I am fine," Alaron assured them, but the Alvar moved quickly from the room to complete Brinn's order just the same.

While he was gone, there was a knock at the door. The spymaster master thought quickly. She propped up Alaron on the side of the bed with pillows so he was sitting with his legs hanging off the side. Unwilling to fight her, the prince draped his arm across the bedpost to make it look more natural.

"Do not coddle me," he whispered.

"You do not get to order me around," Brinn responded. Then she climbed under the covers and pretended to sleep.

Alaron scowled at the elf, but the second knock at the door brought him from his thoughts. "Come in," he called softly.

The servant entered and Alaron held his finger to his lips. The servant saw the sleeping woman and was embarrassed before being waved forward by the prince.

"What do you want?" Alaron asked with a whispered urgency.

"Advisor Cafer has requested your presence. He says that he would like to make amends." The servant said as he bowed.

"Tell Cafer I will join him for dinner in his quarters. Until then I will attend my sister," Alaron answered coolly to hide his weakness.

"Glory to the Emperor!" The servant retreated, hoping the answer would satisfy the gnome.

When he was gone, Brinn popped her eyes open. "Are you sure that you are up for a meeting like that?"

She moved and Alaron swung his feet up on the bed. "Ready or not, it needs to happen." The prince snuggled down and gave a contented smile. "Until then, you can take care of me."

"Be careful what you wish for. My kind of care usually ends with people worse off than when they started," Brinn said with an innocent grin.

"Threaten all you like. Alvar was right when he called you a big softee…" Alaron was not bothered by the Elf's threats.

"He said WHAT?!?" Brinn turned red.

Just then Alvar returned with the to tonic. "What did I miss?" He asked after seeing his love's angry face.

"You called me a softee?!" Brinn stared daggers.

"…not anymore…"


Alaron was ushered into Cafer's room with the mousey gnome, Lukoss. The advisor's new chambers were lush with luxury, but also similar to both his councilman's quarters and cave in th land of magic. It was a strange upgraded combination of the two.

"I am honored to have you in my suite, Your Majesty." Cafer bowed deeply and motioned to a plush chair at a small round table.

The advisor shot a quizzical look at Lukoss. The gnome made no eye contact and placed himself quietly in a corner.

"After last night, Lukoss came and begged to make up for his incompetence when guarding the prison. I made him bathe, but he will not leave me alone. I am sure you do not mind." Alaron placed Cafer in the position where he was forced to comply.

"Of course," he agreed. "After the coronation tomorrow, we should talk about how best to use the gnomes in your new Empire."

"You haven't heard?" Alaron said with a note of surprise. "I moved the coronation until next week…"