
Empire of Winter

I don't own GOT, ASOIAF or anything related to it. First time writer Not a native English speaker North wank self insert with system

Worst_Writer69 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Scheming Baby

 One of the first things i realized as baby is that i literally have no control over my body. I can't even stop myself from crying if i am distressed which is just a fancy way of saying shit myself or hungry. Atleast my mother is very attentive of me. I don't remember ever being without her first few weeks of my life. She won't even let a servant clean me let alone allow a wetnurse to feed me. My system is not yet active i am assuming it will be before my first birthday.

 Atleast as a baby i am free to scheme and plan my rise to absolute power over this planet, well at first only westeros but in time i will rule.

 My blessings and wishes makes me an extremely powerful in rulership, compared to medieval feudal lords, after all i can access knowledge of an advanced information age civilization. Even if i am not a genius or even competent in art of ruling or science in any sort of way, i can use knowledge i will have with my Library to my advantage. It is human tech after all with few pointers my people can figure out details. If i use my time and knowledge with enough efficency i can turn North a powerhouse enough to rest of westeros. 

 My first objective is to actually rule the North because i am not sure i will afterall my existence kinda a secret at the moment. Dorne is on Targaryen side which means house Dayne is on the side of opposite of Starks. Eddard might be honorable man that can recognize me as rightful Warden of North but Hoster Tully expects his son in law Eddard and after him his grandson to rule North. Robert might support Eddard if he let rule North but Jon Arryn sure as fuck will not. After all if Eddard rules that means there will be a powerful Stark-Tully-Arryn alliance bound by marriage that can suppprt Robert with a Lannister queen. If i am declared Warden at least Hoster will be displeased. I don't know will it be enough that he will send assassins or something like that but he will try to push Eddard to usurp me by declaring me bastard. I don't think North can afford offending Riverlands too much they are the ones feed North by selling food afterall. But Reach might be cordial in trade atleast for a few years to get Rebels goodside. 

 Question is who do i subjugate at my first year of life. If i am guessing correctly that when Ned comes Starfall after Tower of Joy he will want to take me so i can be at Winterfell as it is my right. But my first obstacle One of the first things i realized as baby is that i literally have no control over my body. I can't even stop myself from crying if i am distressed which is just a fancy way of saying shit myself or hungry. Atleast my mother is very attentive of me. I don't remember ever being without her first few weeks of my life. She won't even let a servant clean me let alone allow a wetnurse to feed me. My system is not yet active i am assuming it will be before my first birthday.

 Atleast as a baby i am free to scheme and plan my rise to absolute power over this planet, well at first only westeros but in time i will rul

 My blessings and wishes makes me an extremely powerful in rulership, compared to medieval feudal lords, after all i can access knowledge of an advanced information age civilization. Even if i am not a genius or even competent in art of ruling or science in any sort of way, i can use knowledge i will have with my Library to my advantage. It is human tech after all with few pointers my people can figure out details. If i use my time and knowledge with enough efficency i can turn North a powerhouse enough to rest of westeros

 My first objective is to actually rule the North because i am not sure i will afterall my existence kinda a secret at the moment. Dorne is on Targaryen side which means house Dayne is on the side of opposite of Starks. Eddard might be honorable man that can recognize me as rightful Warden of North but Hoster Tully expects his son in law Eddard and after him his grandson to rule North. Robert might support Eddard if he let rule North but Jon Arryn sure as fuck will not. After all if Eddard rules that means there will be a powerful Stark-Tully-Arryn alliance bound by marriage that can suppprt Robert with a Lannister queen. If i am declared Warden at least Hoster will be displeased. I don't know will it be enough that he will send assassins or something like that but he will try to push Eddard to usurp me by declaring me bastard. I don't think North can afford offending Riverlands too much they are the ones feed North by selling food afterall. But Reach might be cordial in trade atleast for a few years to get Rebels goodside

 Question is who do i subjugate at my first year of life. If i am guessing correctly that when Ned comes Starfall after Tower of Joy he will want to take me so i can be at Winterfell as it is my right. But my first obstacle is mother more than once she said i will grow up in the Starfall while talking to me. I am pretty sure she is traumatized to core with whole 'husband choke himself to death' thing. She might stop Ned from taking me by giving up my claim in my name so she can have me in Starfall. That would be absolute disaster after all if she does that i can't really take North if Ned and his family doesn't have weird accidents. Well actually absolute disaster would be if Ned some sort of au version that is ambitious and power hungry and kills me before i realize it or subjugate him. I don't want to subjugate my mother not because of sentimentality or love but because if i do that i will have to wait months before i can subjugate Ned. Best case scenario would be Ned having a honor-boner when he finds out about me and convince mother to go to North. If that happens there is a good chance we will stop at King's Landing which means there is a chance i can use my first charge of subjugation on Jon Arryn, Robert or maybe even Varys. I don't know when i will have a chance to be at King's Landing and frankly considering i can't really speak if i subjugate Ned or Ashara i can't order them around only hope that they will try to do things for my benefit. 

 Ashara doesn't really speak with anyone while i am in the room she usually either reads book to me or feeds me. So i have no idea if Robert played whack-a-dragon with Rhaegar. In any case my first step is clear. If Ned or Ashara won't make me Warden i can wait for a few years, ask mom to visit North and subjugate Eddard and when we are alone order him to give me the North. It will hurt my plans if i lose few years but nothing that will change the outcome. 

 Assuming everything goes well and i get North immediately, subjugate a small council member or king and get to North. My actions atleast for first 5 years of my reign must be to consolidate my power in the North. It might seem like Starks unchallenged in North but thanks to the fact my dad banged daughter of Lord Ryswell and when he asked him to marry his daughter my grandfather rejected because he wanted a Tully bride and after all of this my dad married Ashara. House Ryswell at the best begrudgingly obey. Also there is the fact the banged daughter in question is currently married to William Dustin and when he gets wrong end of a sword in Tower of Joy his widow Barbrey Dustin who hates my dad and Starks will be head of House Dustin because of some bullshit law called Widow's Law thanks to Queen Alyssane. Bolton's will also be scheming as always. I plan on using my second subjugation on Ned if all goes as planned that way he can invite other Lords every year for a feast or something and i can get a loyal and trustworthy ally each year. My third, fourth and fifth subjects will be Roose Bolton, Rodrik Ryswell and Wyman Manderly with these lords i will be guaranteed to rule the North without opposition and use first decade of my rule to centralize the kingdom. 

 Once the main opposition pacified in first 5 year, second 5 year i will use to start making Starks rich. When Greyjoy Rebellion happens i will go with Ned to war so i can maybe get another council member or maybe even Tywin. After first decade i can maybe kill of Barbrey Dustin in secret and if there is no Dustin left i can take direct control of Burrowlands. If i am lucky and efficent enough i can curtail nobles enough that my rule would be absolute in North so when Robert dies i can use the war that will follow to annex Three Sisters and Iron Islands, maybe if i am lucky i can kill of Edmure so that Robb Stark might claim Riverlands. 

 I plan on claiming Cannibal only after i subjugate Tywin and Robert so if a dragon sighted there won't be witch hunt by south to find and kill the dragon. 

 There is also the slight zombie apocalypse problem to consider after all this world is mine to conquer not Night King. Problem is i don't know how bad it is the situation in this particular universe that i found myself in. If it like in the show then it is great keep Dany and her children south of wall so Night King does not get a fucking zombie dragon. If i am lucky Night King might be weaker in this world but also he might be way stronger. 

 By using my influence as Warden i will support Night's Watch so they can bring back useful information at worst i might try to subjugate lord commander or Mance Rayder so they can bring back information that will help mr get a clear picture of the situation. 

 While i spent my first months as scheming i suddenly realize my mom starts to cry apparently Sack of King's Landing happened atleast i think so because she is crying about Elia and her children. That helps me realize that my meeting with Ned Stark is approaching. I hope everything goes as planned. 

-----------End of Chapter------------

-I don't own ASOIAF, GOT or anything related to it.