
Tales From Yesterday II

"And then what happened, Kanon?" Leon Vergil wanted to know even further.  "She lost it, Leon. She lost the baby." Kanon's response was a like a wall of bricks that hit Leon Vergil.

He had never ever seen this side of the Commander before, this side of him being open to talking about his utterly secretive life had never been done before even though he had lived in his house for years.

Indeed, this was the first time that Kanon Sokolov truly opened up. Was it because of the incident that happened just a few hours ago? Was it because he just wanted to talk about it? Leon did not ask for the reason, he just knew that whatever words that came out of the Commander's mouth was now the truth and nothing but the truth.

"O-Oh. I am sorry, Kanon." Leon apologized but Kanon Sokolov just brushed him off as he waved his hands in a shrugging motion to Leon Vergil.