
Emperors War

Growing up with just his mom 8 year old Yuto just finished celebrating his birthday. Suddenly he was kidnapped, experimented on, and forced to fight for his life with no explanation. In order to get revenge and in order to survive, Yuto changes his name, abandoning fear and hope. With a new name and left for dead in The Pit he must fight his way out. Why was he kidnapped and experimented on? Why was he thrown into The Pit to die? Why after the experiments was he able to level up and see skills? This is the story of a boy who in fighting to survive becomes something so much more. Three chapters a week with the following release days: Monday Wednesday Saturday or Sunday

whos_that · Kỳ huyễn
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114 Chs

Have You Heard?

"I understand that it's reckless, I still want to do it?" Since Aker had known Vance this was the first time he had gone against Vance's will.

"Do you understand how hard it was to get you out of there? Just because we walked out seemingly without any issue, over a year of planning went into it. By doing this you could jeopardize everything, it's not just reckless its idiotic!" Vance was heaving as he spoke, he was so frustrated. Already Vance who had spent so much time angry and mad at the world had lost his cool and calm demeanor from his younger year, in this case he was truly at his wits end.

It all started within minutes of leaving Malidan. As the ship left the atmosphere Mavis had walked out to greet the two.

All was fine until "Sneed just let us know that The Pit is having an honorin banquet for that Alex for defeating Aker. Due to killin Aker he had received some gifts from the Underground Empire, signed an exclusive mercenary contract with the Drexler family and even Alex's father had sent gifts for completin his mission. From the indications that Sneed gave, Alex seems to have forgotten all about his defeat and is back to his pompous self." Mavis didn't try and hide the sneer and contempt as he spoke. Mavis preferred men who were upfront and forthright. You could call Mavis a bastard, just do it to his face and not behind his back. Alex was under the impression that he had killed a defenseless Aker and was now basking in his glory, it was shameless.

Vance who heard Mavis's update didn't think anything of it. Wouldn't a scion of a major family behave in this manner? This was precisely what you would expect out of them.

Aker however, after hearing the words became angry. He had just resolved himself to walk the path of a magic fighter and within a few hours that shameless bastard was living high and mighty and he would never think of Aker again.

The more Aker considered, the more he felt he could never allow that to happen. How could he allow Alex to continue as though he had won?

That's when a crazy idea hit him. At first, he tried to dismiss it, but after he had thought it he couldn't let it go, it was an all-consuming idea.

As his mind processed the scheme and he thought through Alex's actions a wicked smile formed and Aker couldn't help but think 'hahahaha...no matter what you're a coward! You wouldn't step into the arena with me until I was nearly dead and even then, you were cautious. I'll make every day of your life a living hell and the one thing you could do to stop it, I believe you will be to cowardly to do it...'

As Aker thought to here, he let out a "hehe" that drew both Vance's and Mavis's attention.

Noticing that he had laughed out Aker put his thoughts in order and asked Mavis "How did you find out about the banquet?"

Mavis who wasn't exactly a person who thought about what he was saying and why people asked what they asked simply responded before Vance had a chance to stop him. Vance knew Aker well, if he was asking this question, he had an ulterior motive. After Vance saw Aker's sinister smile and heard his semi-evil laugh, he knew they shouldn't tell Aker, but it was already too late.

"That's because we have a transmission device on the ship that allows for communication within one hundred fifty million kilometers. We will be able to talk back with Sneed for another half an hour before we leave its range."

Aker's lips which already reflected a sinister smile curled slightly further now making it look evil. Of course, this did not go unnoticed by Vance, he began preparing his mind for what would come next.

"I want Sneed to send a letter for me."

"Who do you want to send it to and why?" Vance answered Aker immediately to prevent Mavis from giving the go ahead.

"I want Sneed to have a letter delivered to Alex, I think if he can gather information about Alex, he should also be able to send information in." Aker had taken into account whether he could actually put a letter in Alex's hands. He figured that with the detailed information that Mavis just reported they must have some sort of insider. If that was the case, then they should be able to use that to not only extract information but pass it along as well.

"No! Absolutely not. What reason could you have to do that. Talk about stupid and reckless. We literally just left The Pit and now you want to do something as stupid as send the person who was supposed to have killed you a letter."

Aker did feel that leaving The Pit seemed easy. As they walked out, he kept waiting for the guards, people or someone to stop and question them. As they walked to the transfer yard, he kept expecting someone to point at them and yell "Hey aren't you that Aker from The Pit!".... but none of that ever happened. From the time that they put his gear on Alfred and tossed him in the arena everyone stopped looking at Aker.

"It is idiotic and stupid; I can't disagree with you, but it's still something I have to do. I can't let that bastard live his life carefree and easy. I can't let him believe that his methods worked and there were no consequences. Even if I show up in front of him two years from now and manage to kill him, I can't accept that for those two years he lived free and happy. I know what you're worried about, but I know him, and it won't happen." Aker's resolute eyes reflected his determination.

Vance who understood Aker, also understood what he intended to do. He may not exactly know what he was going put in that letter, but he had a good idea of the overall content. If he allowed him to do it, he would be exposing Aker to a risk that was beyond idiotic. However, if he didn't allow Aker to do it, he would be stifling his heart and resolve. Sometimes a person must do something even if it was idiotic.

For Aker this was his first decision as a free person. For two years he couldn't decide his own fate and had to move with the waves. The only outlet he had was to glare up at the luxury boxes in the arena and use subtle 'screw you' indicators such as bowing and showing indifference.

This, however, would be the first time Aker purposely and willfully attacked his enemy. He was still running and that wouldn't change because he wasn't strong enough, but he wanted to leave a mark before going.

Vance who understood the situation all too well couldn't help but let out a loud sigh and shake his head. He had also done incredibly stupid before, hell the very act of tying himself to Aker and staying in The Pit after fooling everyone was incredibly stupid. Were his actions any worse than what Aker was thinking? Besides Aker seems confident in his decision, it must mean he has a level of assurance that it will be fine.

"Fine, I'll make the arrangement. Think about what you want the letter to say, we'll have to send it in the next few minutes." Vance who had resolved himself to allow Aker to do what he wanted stopped thinking about it.

Aker's couldn't help but feel Vance's hesitation. Despite his hesitation he was still allowing Aker to do what he wanted which showed his care and trust in Aker.

'Thank you master, I know your concern but "a leopard never changes its spots". He may pretend to be strong and mighty, but he is a coward through and through so there's nothing to worry about.'


As Sneed was contemplating on his next steps, he received an unexpected communication from Cap's ship. Upon opening it and looking it over his first indication was how incredibly stupid, however after reading all of it he smiled "I hope I can see his face at the banquet".

The more Sneed thought about how Alex's face was going to look the more he laughed until his entire room was filled with the sounds of mad laughter.

After a few minutes Sneed collected himself "That's why I want to follow this kid...He somehow always does exactly what you want, sometimes even you didn't know you wanted it."

Sneed printed out the communication and put it in a sealed envelope. He made sure to have paper and envelopes that couldn't be traced, it was standard for anyone who did business in the Underground Empire. After sealing up Aker's letter he handed it to his personal butler and instructed him to get it into Alex's hands through their inside man. Of course, it wouldn't go directly from Sneed's personal butler to the inside man. It would first have to go through a couple dozen hands and some drop locations, in that way Alex could never figure out how he received it.


As Leland slammed another empty beer on the counter he yelled out "Ahhhhhh...that hits the spot. Give me and Sheppard anther one here!"

The bartender hearing Leland's call for another was overjoyed as they were drinking his top shelf alcohol as though it was the last bit of alcohol in the universe. He was the only bartender in the slums who would dare carry Rainbow Elixir as it was a thousand franar a shot. It wasn't an actual elixir regarding its effect on the body, it was an elixir in that you could get drunk without any after affect. There were no headaches, no feeling nauseous and no hangover. It got its name due to the seven different colors of the alcohol itself.

"Someone must be celebrating today to afford that stuff. How about sharing a little, I've always wanted to try that, but my wife would kill me if I did." The man who asked Leland to pay for a shot was a small-time peddler in the neighborhood. He might not even make one thousand franar in a month so for him to watch Leland spend in this way caused his jealousy to overtake him.

Leland merely looked at him with indifferent eyes "Your right, I am celebrating as I avoided a disaster today. Every day for over a year I had bet a fortune on Aker to win and everyday my fortune increased. Today however, was the first day I bet against that brat and I happened to bet everything I owned. Wouldn't you know I won again, so I'm out here putting down a few shots to congratulate me and my friend here on our courage and insight. So, what have you done that would warrant me buying you a drink?"

The peddler was slightly shocked at Leland's blunt and arrogant response. Hearing Leland tell him he had doubled his whole fortune and rubbing it in his face was one thing. He had to also challenge him as if mocking "what chances have you taken to deserve anything in life" the peddler fired back "You just got lucky is all!".

"Hahahahaha...that's why you will be a poor peddler your whole life. It had nothing to do with luck, I already knew Aker was going to die, how could I lose?" Leland who had taken care of Vance's list today was at first confused when he started it. After completing the first couple of items on the list he realized exactly what was happening. He had already put Vance's bet in, but he was still hesitant about his own bet going against Aker, but after knocking out the first couple of items on the list he and Sheppard bet it all.

"How could you possibly know!?" The peddler was calling BS on Leland. Already these Righteous Twins were known to be braggards so this peddler would never believe him. As far as the peddler was concerned, they just got lucky and were acting high and mighty.

"What do you know of course we knew. Were the ones who placed the bet for Aker as well as took care of erasing all the evidence of him and the guard." Being upset Leland fired back as he was slightly drunk and pissed that this peddler wouldn't believe him.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Sheppard who was familiar with Leland's need to brag didn't pay it any attention, that is until he told everyone in the bar something they should have never heard.

Silence instantly permeated the room as all eyes turned toward Leland.

"What do you mean you placed the bet for Aker and took care of erasing the evidence?" a mean and gruff looking patron of the bar wanted to know.

Realizing that he had said to much already Leland instantly sobered up. He turned to the crowd and said, "You didn't hear this from me and I'll deny it if you tell anyone but the one who died in the arena today wasn't Aker."

BOOM! It was like a bolt of electricity went through the room as everyone's face went shocked.

"What the hell are you talking about wasn't Aker, we all watched him die with our own eyes!" The gruff man glared at Leland calling him a liar.

This gruff man happened to be a big fan of Aker's. For the last couple of years, he would try and make it over to Malidan every chance he got to bet on and watch Aker's fights. There was something about the way Aker fought, his calm attitude, the way he calculated, the speed of his growth all of it that made Aker a joy to watch fight and grow.

This man wasn't alone as there were many who had seen Aker fight in The Pits who found themselves coming back over and over again to watch. It's the entire reason that the arena grew from one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand.

So, for this gruff man to watch Aker die he was upset...No, he was pissed off. He was in this bar trying to blow of some steam and now some asshole was making up stories about why he bet against the kid.

Seeing how angry not just the gruff man was but everyone in the room was Leland realized he had kicked a steel plate. Rather than get himself killed he quickly explained "Aker's guard came to me and asked me to place a bet against Aker. I had been betting for this guard on Aker for almost two years but this time he wanted to bet against him. This had raised the flag and started my suspicion but if that was all then I wouldn't tell you Aker was alive...." At this point Leland looked around the room and he saw that everyone was intently listening which stroked his ego, so he continued on.

"Then he handed us a list...." with that Leland pulled out the list. "instructing us to destroy the house the guard lived in. He also had us go in and sanitize Aker's cell and destroy a station in the kitchen. We also had to send out a communication letting everyone know that the Little Life Doctor would no longer be working in The Pit. In all of the areas that Aker used to work we had to sanitize it so that it removed any DNA."

As Leland spoke, he kept the list out the entire time for everyone to see. The gruff looking man listened to the story and looked at the list. Sure enough there were detailed instructions on what to clean up and where. He could only ask himself 'would someone lying go through all the trouble to have all of this prepared? How could he know someone would ask him about it and bring it up?'

After thinking on it the gruff man smiled and shouted, "THAT LITTLE BRAT IS ALIVE!"

Within a day people could be heard whispering to one another.

"Have you heard, the one who died in the arena wasn't Aker."

"How could that be, I saw him die."

"No, you saw someone in a mask that Aker always wore die, or are you the only one who was able to see who was behind the mask?"

"This can't be real; how do you know?"

"Shows what you know, let me tell you, this is what happened...."

Person after person was spreading the word.


While Alex was sitting in his room his old servant came in holding a note.

"Young Master this note was just delivered for you." The old master handed the note over and spoke respectfully. He had averted a disaster earlier when Alex was threatening to kill everyone, and he didn't want to do anything to rile up Alex again.

"Who is it from?" Alex received the note nonchalantly and asked while opening it.

"I don't know, there was a knock at the door and when I opened it just this letter was sitting there addressed to you."

As the old servant was talking, he could see the life drain out of Alex's face. Suddenly Alex started shaking and began breathing heavily.

Just as the old servant was about to ask what was in the letter that would cause Alex to lose himself that way, Alex screamed "GET OUT! I don't want to see anyone!".

Hearing Alex's yell the old servant rushed out of the room leaving Alex to stew by himself. He didn't even bother to try and calm him down. This outburst was every bit as bad as the outburst that Alex had just yesterday.

As Alex was breathing heavily, his face in a panic he called out frantically once again "What do I do?"

He looked down and read the note again.

'Have you felt better ever since you killed me? I'm sure somewhere in there you felt satisfied and fulfilled and even started patting yourself on the back. Did you convince yourself that you won, and no one could ever defeat you? Hahahahahaha...I'm still alive and well, what you killed was another enemy of mine that got put in the arena to die at your hands in my place, that's the benefit of the mask.

You may be wondering "if he managed to sneak out why would he tell me", am I right? It's because I know you're a coward! You're a cowardly bastard and for them to find out I'm alive you're going to have tell everyone you failed and lost to me again. All of the gifts, the congratulating and everything else will have to be given back and you will have to admit you were inferior to me.

I wonder can you tell your dad and the Underground Empire you lost to me three times and I'm still not dead. That what you killed was another enemy who also looked down on me. What will your dad do if he finds out you failed? Will he disown you? Will you still be the proud successor? What will the Underground Empire do? Will they still throw you a banquet? Will they still sign the mercenary contract with your family? Perhaps you could even announce it at the banquet.... hahahahahahaha.

I'm excited to see what you do, whether you keep it to yourself or tell everyone. For me personally I think you will live every day in fear and shame, in fact I'm betting my life on it. I think you will be too much of a coward to tell anyone and will hope and pray that I just disappear.

Don't forget I know exactly what you look like, but you have no idea what I look like. I have never killed anyone, but I think by the time I see you face to face I would have been used to it enough. At that time when I take your life, I'll make you beg just like you tried to make me.

Hahahahahaha no matter what choice you make it excites me. Do you shame and expose yourself and admit to the world that you could never beat me or do you live as a coward....hahahahahahaha....'

Alex sat in his chair reading the letter over and over again saying to himself "How did this happen?"

Thank you so much to everyone who voted!

I appreciate it.....

I had gone back and forth so many times on whether I wanted Aker to fight Alex in the arena before sending Alfred in and finally decided I wanted to go straight with Alfred and Alex.

The reason I felt it was ok was because of this letter and how Alex would live after it.

Thanks so much!

whos_thatcreators' thoughts