
Emperors War

Growing up with just his mom 8 year old Yuto just finished celebrating his birthday. Suddenly he was kidnapped, experimented on, and forced to fight for his life with no explanation. In order to get revenge and in order to survive, Yuto changes his name, abandoning fear and hope. With a new name and left for dead in The Pit he must fight his way out. Why was he kidnapped and experimented on? Why was he thrown into The Pit to die? Why after the experiments was he able to level up and see skills? This is the story of a boy who in fighting to survive becomes something so much more. Three chapters a week with the following release days: Monday Wednesday Saturday or Sunday

whos_that · Kỳ huyễn
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114 Chs

Day In And Day Out - Part 1

Finishing up in the medic station Aker had run across a few close calls but had managed to save everyone who had found their way onto his table. Aker was excited as he had gotten the opportunity to try a few of the more complicated procedures as well as getting to put his knowledge of illnesses and injuries to the test. Aker had felt that his growth in medicine had been significant just like the old saying goes "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

Due to Aker's high comprehension he had the ability to visualize and so as he read the medical books he could visualize and practice through the shown images. This ability was crucial to his studies in both fighting as well as medicine, but this was not the same as actually practicing in real scenarios. Aker's growth in this single day of practicing medicine was equal to or greater than all of his previous growth. Even as Aker worked in the medic station for a few hours each day he was only exposed to minimal problems as it seemed the time that he was there wasn't overly busy. Being in the medic station for the day and more importantly being immersed in it allowed for rapid growth.

Following his time in the medic station he was sent out to the arena where he had to fight a Black Shelled Snake. These snakes were not overly strong and were not known for their speed, however, they were one of the most feared Level 1 Basic Beast due to their nearly indestructible black skin which is why they had earned the name shelled. The Black Shelled Snakes were roughly six meters in length and two meters around, and had pitch black eyes with two giant fanged teeth that could penetrate basic steel. This magic beast used earth magic to fortify itself and was an especially difficult beast to engage in battle with.

Aker fought a tough battle using his strength and speed to no avail as it didn't allow him to break through that seemingly indestructible shell. Ultimately Aker had taken a chance by luring the Black Shelled Snake's attack against it. The snake could only attack with its mouth and as such when it had opened and made a strike at Aker, he pulled the knife out of his boot and lodged it into the inside roof of the mouth of the beast. That had ended the fight but just as in Aker's previous two fights with the magic beast he had taken a beating. While the snake itself was overall slow its tail acted as a whip and Aker had been struck a few times by it.

Each day in the morning before practicing and before going to bed Aker would focus on his control of nature particles. He was slowly learning how to absorb the particles by drawing them into his body, the process wasn't extremely fast however it was proving effective. As he practiced he was nudging his way forward and it did feel that every day he was getting a little better at it. He was also just barely getting to the point that he could control the particles in the air just outside of his fingers. Aker was working hard to try and break through Body Conditioning Level 3 organs by adding nature particles to his Venas. He was currently concentrating on connecting his Venas to his organs. Aker had noticed that after he had developed his Venas they had attached and grown to his skin and muscles so he surmised that he must need to connect them to his organs to reach the next level.

Following his morning practice with absorbing his nature particles Aker would practice his swords. He found himself more and more practicing the dual wield stance rather than the sword and shield as he preferred the flexibility and attack capability the dual sword allowed. He also discovered through his practice that he could guard just as well with either of his dual wielding swords as he could with the shield, additionally he was able to more easily dodge attack with the dual swords.

After a couple of weeks at 1.5 times normal gravity Vance had raised the gravity level directly up to 1.75 times normal gravity. Aker practiced with the 1.75 gravity every day for a couple of months before Vance then upped it to 2 times normal gravity. Aker practiced in the 2 times normal gravity for several months and at this point wasn't even noticing its pressure any longer, if a normal person was to walk into Aker's cell at this time, they would most certainly fall to the ground not in prostration of Aker but due to the extreme gravity.

When Vance had first raised the level of gravity to 2 times normal Aker felt like his blood and guts were going to be crushed. When he would practice his swords, he could barely make it through twenty sets before falling to the ground exhausted and spent. Somehow the change from 1.75 to 2 times normal gravity seemed to signify a barrier as it didn't perceive it as just a small change of .25 as it felt more like a small mountain had settled down on top of Aker while he was in his cell.

After his sword practice Aker would work in the medic center for several hours. It was now at the point that he no longer had slow and carefree days working there. Word had gotten out about "Little Life Doctor" and it was creating a storm…No a hurricane would be a more apt comparison. Originally it was just other fighters who came to Aker for help. It was the fighters who hadn't been feeling well for whatever reason, and upon seeing Aker were quickly diagnosed and for most began their treatment immediately. Soon more and more of the prisoners were visiting and it got to the point that all of the tables were being filled with fighters who were there to see Aker. When fighters were coming out of the arena after hard fought battles there was no room for them to have their injuries seen too. What was most ridiculous was that some of those injured fighters would try and insist on having Aker care for them even when he wasn't on shift.

After a couple of months, the guards and the other workers in The Pit took notice and started visiting Aker to find out if he could help with their ongoing ailments because "what if he could?" To the surprise of the guards and other workers Aker was able to help treat most of them. For those that he couldn't treat he was able to offer a diagnosis and let them know who they needed to follow up with.

Of course, it wasn't long until those people told others and they started scheduling trips to see Aker as well. It was now to the point that Aker had a waiting list that was several days out and the only reason it wasn't worse is because Vance had begun running interference.

After Aker would diagnose and formulate a treatment strategy Kara would usually be the one to start the treatment of the patients. She herself suffered from a debilitating illness that almost took her life so she found working in the medic station and treating the patients to be supremely rewarding. Every day Aker would guide and teach Kara so her growth had been expedient.

From the medic station Aker would swing away in the forge as he was now working on trying to create his first body armor. When Aker had asked Mavis for body armor Mavis put an adequate but inferior body armor together and threw it at Aker saying "If you want something nice go make it yerself" and walked away.

Since Mavis had tossed down that gauntlet Aker had been repeatedly failing at creating his very own body armor, however each day his understanding of blacksmithing was growing. It wasn't just his understanding of blacksmithing that was growing but also his understanding of fire as well. As he would heat his metal, he could feel within the fire the exact heat that it needed to be to make it the most pliable.

He was getting close and according to Aker's estimation he would only need another one or two months to produce his first body armor and then perhaps another five to six to perfect it. The thought of creating his own body armor out of Midnight Metal excited Aker every time he thought about it. At first when Mavis tossed out the inferior body armor Aker was upset, but after practicing for these couple of months and feeling himself getting closer and closer he was finding it hard to contain his excitement at the prospect of entering the arena and squaring off against a magic beast wearing the armor he himself created.

Aker's accuracy had also been improving and he was now able to strike at 30% when working his metal. Aker was no longer just working with ingots but was melting and pouring metal now as well. Mavis had taught Aker how to create a mold for pouring which he found exhilarating and exciting. With the ability to create a mold he could now make almost anything he could set his mind too. After learning how to create molds he spent almost a week just in design of his new body armor working out how it would look and where it would cover. He was so proud of his design he couldn't help but show it to Mavis and Vance over and over to the point that the both of them wanted to lock themselves in a room so they didn't have to hear about it any further.

Almost didn't get this chapter out tonight...had to work late. This is our first big time skip (or at least part of it)....

Thank you to everyone reading and voting!

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