
Emperor of Poker

"To outplay a man in poker is to own him in mind, wallet, and soul." - Joey Fiore, World Series of Poker champion. Have you ever dreamed of becoming a millionaire overnight? It was the start of the poker boom and that was the dream of millions of poker players all over the world. All types of geniuses, gamblers, and hustlers flocked to poker rooms with ambitions of making it big. Follow Joey, a teenager with the special ability of an empath, as he rises to challenge the greatest poker players in existence. Empath: someone with the abnormal ability to experience the thoughts and emotions of others. (*This is a real life ability.) *Like other sports or game novels, you don’t need to understand poker to enjoy this novel. It’s written in a reader-friendly manner. While I’ll introduce poker basics at a gradual pace in the background, the focus will be on thrilling competitions and dramatic aspects that everyone can relate to. If you'd like to support the author, please donate to Paypal: https://bit.ly/3lPcYj1

SamsaraWithWords · Thể thao
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74 Chs

Dropping the story

Unfortunately, I have to announce I'm dropping this series. I need to thank all you readers who have continued with the story and supported me thus far. For multiple reasons, I can't continue this story. I've come to a couple of things while writing this:

1. When writing this, I realized this story was like a prequel for the anti-hero that Joey became later. The problem was I wrote it in the wrong order.

2. A straight realistic poker novel isn't going to gather large enough of a reader base. It seems like most of the fans of this novel already liked poker to start. I'm working on a story concept for a wider range of high-risk underground gambling with supernatural elements. That would be the evolution of this idea that I think could attract more readers.

3. I prefer and am better at writing novels that are more comedic, with a less serious tone. Frankly, I also enjoy writing comedies much more.

4. My goal is to be able to support myself with writing full-time. It's unfortunate, but that also means I need to select a story with wider appeal because my time is limited.

Even though the journey was short, I'm still very grateful to everyone who has read to this point. I feel bad having to stop the novel, and I don't want to make a habit of this, which is why I've started to put a lot more care into selecting which story I write, outlining it in more detail, and such.

If you enjoyed the story, and aren't too mad at me, I hope you'll take a look at my comedy which will stay ongoing and is publishing daily: My Pick Up Artist System.

Thank you all! I only hold the deepest fondness for everyone who has commented and followed me to this point. I hope I haven't disappointed you and you'll give me another chance.

Much love,
