
Emperor Martial God

Above the sky an explosive sound echoed everywhere, a thousand cultivators in the realm of saint emperor realm and myhtical realm attacked a cultivator in the emperor realm, and not only that he was still standing firm. The black-robed figure stood proudly and looked down upon the world even though his condition was already sad, that is the hallmark of a true emperor. The figure in a black robe mocked. "Hahahaha, just so much cultivator in the lord realm that can not capture the realm level of emperor f * cking" Among the attackers with a cloaked figure of warlord spit and say "cuih, long xiang you just rely on your divine artifacts but see your divine artifacts are damaged and you your dantian is badly damaged !!" "Hahahah, you lou you f * cking" said long xiang "Dare you, long xiang" said the man who cloaked the commander who you are lou "Cuiih, What I do not fear you only in mythical realm can not destroy me" long xiang spit while saying Brreekk, a torn voice echoing in the sky a figure out of a spatial gap and as soon as it was in front of long xiang. "Divine palm" said the figure in the presence of long xiang "Xuanwu Shield" Long xiang is shocked to raise his hand to resist the attack. and he was directly hit and sec "Bbbaaammm" "Arghhhhhhhhhh" long xiang screams are heard in the air and fall as fast as the meteor down. Yesterday I was an emperor of low nature, who had rocked the lord and I knew that in the lord world I was a clay ant where. But my pride is that I can mess up in the lord even if it's only a year with the cultivation level of the emperor .. "Ah, where is this very dark if this is called hell"

ElxBluess · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 2 - Long Feng Xiang

Feng yan and feng yi feel angry towards long jia, who lets out a hard laugh that wakes the child in his arms.

Long jia is a long-generation emperor now, he has the charism of a wise emperor.

But now, since the birth of his son his emperor's emperor just disappeared.

"Ha ha ha, finally I become father now" long jia thinks in his head does not care about the person who is angry at him.

Feng yi stares in annoyance with her husband's behavior, with a gentle smile in saying, "You know our newborn son but why are you laughing too hard my husband"

Seeing the feng yi smile softly as if no sense of anger, feng yan smirking with a demon face staring at long jia as he said, "feel it"

Long jia tau at making mistakes, after seeing the smile of feng yi he felt the cold sweat all over his body. What else is the look of the devil feng yan that makes all the hairs on his neck stand up.

Long jia with fear said with a face down,

"Sorry I did not mean it"

Feng yi stares at the baby in her nursing hug again, she understands why her husband laughs like that.

Happiness, yes he is happy because feng yi already gave birth to the child he has been waiting for.

Seeing that his words were not answered in his wife's manner, he awkwardly asked "yi'er why our child is not crying, said the nurse who helped your birth she is not like her ordinary child.Hope hope it does not bring disaster"

Cheerful feng yi he replied, "ah I am stupid, why he does not cry ya." While staring at the feng yan.

"Because he's handsome" said fang yan interrupting him between their conversation.

".." Long jia

"..." Feng yi

Indeed, the child is handsome though still a baby, sharp eyebrows like the most important sword is his face like a sculpture sculpture.

Feng yi stares at long jia as if he says, "how he's big, sihh"

Feng yan smiled, said

"All right let him be named brother-in-law"

"Oh, yes"

"His name is Long Feng Xiang" said long jia firmly.

Within 2 hours of his birth Long xiang, reaping excitement in the long empire (let it be called his rather than the long empire, hihihi), and many rumors circulating like the plague there are saying handsome like a beautiful woman.

1 year later ,,

The long xiang reception party (we call it, hehehe) is held in a large, lavishly large hall many nobles attend this party just to see this long xiang.

Which according to the rumor is a handsome man among men.

Many of the nobles took their daughters or grandchildren a year old, other nobles regretted them because they did not have daughters.

"If I had a daughter of the same age as the prince I would have participated like you guys" someone grumbled with the marquis.

"Take it easy, you make another prince there is also a new one year behind 2 years is okay" chorus the friend on the side of the marquis encouraging.

The marquis laughs and says "Hahaha you're right, xia lei you're my best friend Let me honor you with these two wine sauces"

Xia lei said lowly, "No need for polite marquis nie, ceremony at start"

Marquis nie nodded and turned and looked up at his long xiang show.

"Emperor arrives" echoes the voice of the soldier.

The nobleman who was there began to kneel, hearing the rumbling of the soldiers.

Emperor long jia with a typical style of an emperor carrying his dominating aura with strong pressure, he sat gold Dragon carved benches in the hall of celebration, next to him there is an empty bench carved phoenix for the empress to sit.

Emperor long jia smiled, and said, "Rise up, today I will introduce my son who first appeared before you"

Sa'at her voice faded low patter everywhere.

Long jia raises her hand and the clap goes out, the noisy hall is now silent just footsteps from the emperor's exit echoing slowly.

A gorgeous figure in a phoenix cloak came out immediately and he took the one year old child with his hug, his little eyes wandering around the hall.

"oh shit, why I should join this celebration" thought long xiang in his head.

Everyone's eyes widen as they witness a child in the embrace of the empress. There is only one in their mind. Handsome.

Her little blue eyes, sharp eyebrows and face like painting.

"Rumors are true how big it is." Say someone unconsciously.

"Yeah right," someone answered.

"She'll make a woman crazy when she grows up," said a middle-aged woman.