
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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20 Chs

Chapter 9 - Teamwork

"Don't forget to add that Ashwinder eggs can also be used in Felix Felicis. You only included Love Potions and the Edurus Potion. Also, if you want extra points with Slughorn, say that is it an antidote to Ague. He'll love that!" Blaise told Luna, as he read over her Potions paper on the uses of Ashwinder eggs.

"Thank you!" She said cheerfully and he handed her the parchment. She immediately started to scribble notes along the margins. "I am going to have to re-write it, but I've got time for that."

They were sitting together in the remote corner of the library. At first he felt anxious for discovery. But with OWL examinations yet around the corner, most students were far too focused on themselves to pay any attention to their classmates. That, and the stacks and stacks of books around them quickly provided a safe barrier. And over the past hour, he had often forgotten just what the risks were and simply enjoyed studying together.

Luna had a positive attitude towards studying, which despite being a Ravenclaw, wasn't just a given. He had met many students that would dread any sort of examination or paper. Many of them Ravenclaws. But she seemed to have limitless positive energy that radiated off her. And he couldn't help but go along, allowing himself to bask in her brightness. He had quickly understood why the friends she had, felt so strongly about her and were very protective of her. It was a shame that most people couldn't get past her odd and mysterious ways. Yet he couldn't help but think, that perhaps, that was for the best. If everyone realised just how wonderful she was, he would never be able to spend time with her alone.

Her open mind reminded him just how wonderful the magical world was, and how lucky they were to be part of it. And he needed more light and magic in his life. His mother had departed the same day he had returned to Hogwarts. She had left a trail of excuses in her wake with her friends. Magdalena had not quite grasped the severity of the situation but had accepted it with much grace, which had helped his mother. But when she touched the Portkey towards the Zabini Vineyard in the Tuscany hills, Magdalena had buried her face in his chest and sobbed her little heart out. It required all of his self-control not to break down himself. But he braced himself. He was her protector now and he had to be strong for her and for their mother.

He had gone to Platform 9 ¾ alone, leaving Magdalena with his uncle's family. One tearful goodbye was draining enough. And without his family there, it was far easier to pretend that everything was okay, his impassive mask back on his face. The trip had been pleasant enough with Nott and Parkinson. It didn't take long however after his arrival back at Hogwarts, for Montague to slip a question about his mother's whereabouts. News, he knew, travelled fast.

And so he braced himself during his first week back. Answering every question in a calm, collected and his usual nonchalant way. This seemed to mollify most of the Slytherin's. Especially those with known Death Eater connections. What had surprised him however was that Malfoy hadn't joined the investigation. He was usually on top of such rumours. But whenever he spotted the boy, his face had become as pale as his hair. He was thinner and had a haunted look about him. Blaise often caught Nott looking at his classmate with a weary look, and there was no doubt in Blaise's mind that Nott had a better idea what was bothering Malfoy than he let on. But Blaise had too much on his own mind to really care.

Assignments kept piling up and the Slytherin versus Hufflepuff Quidditch match was planned during the third weekend back. He didn't remember ever being so busy. And when Luna wrote on a note she could accompany him to the library during their second week, he had clasped it in both hands. He wanted to see her and help her with Potions like he had promised during their letter exchange over Easter break. It had been a quiet yet wonderful afternoon. He was almost curious whether he could call it a date. If so, it was the best he'd ever had. Hell, he could even imagine having a lovely time at Madame Puttifoot's Teashop together like this. What was the world coming to?

As Luna started to bend over her essay again, he started to read the chapters assigned by Professor Binns on the Goblin Rebellions. But he couldn't help sneak a few glances towards her. The spring sunshine came in through the darkened library windows, with enough strength to highlight her profile and pale blonde hair. Adding to the outer worldly image she always painted. Even during the Easter Break he had caught himself missing her. Thinking about her far more than was healthy. And now back at Hogwarts, more than once his heart had done a frightening jump whenever he saw her. But he promised himself he couldn't do anything about his conflicting feelings. It would be difficult enough to be friends, and he wanted to be that at least. If he acted similar to what he did in stolen daydreams, they would far surpass friendship. And he didn't even know if she wanted that. So he permitted himself stolen glances, if just to sooth his own sanity.

He wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed, but when he looked up after a particular intense chapter, the light had begun to change into orange. As he looked up, his eyes met hers. She had apparently been looking at him, a content look in her moonstone eyes. A smile appeared on her face and he couldn't resist returning one of his own.

"You were so engrossed reading. It was wonderful to see." She told him in her dreamy voice. He grinned.

"If only the chapter had been that wonderful. I now know far too much about then 1890 rebellion than I ever wanted to know."

"Goblins are fascinating! The ministry has always treated them horribly. Cornelius Fudge especially. Did you know he was trying to gain more control in Gringotts by killing goblins and putting them into pies?"

Blaise couldn't help but laugh at this before looking at her seriously.

"I didn't know that. Perhaps I can add it in Professor Binns essay." Luna nodded.

"I am sure he would appreciate it."

"How's your Potions essay?"

"All done! Thank you for helping!"

"You're welcome." He gave her another smile and looked around.

Several students had left the library. They ought to leave too.

"It's getting late, let's go. Dinner will be ready soon." She gave a nod and they started to gather their things. Luna had brought her Pygmy Puff and Thestral model that had eyes their study from among the stacks on books. It was a small miracle that Madame Pince hadn't caught sight of them. Blaise doubted she would have allowed it.

As they left the library, they carefully maintained some distance in case they bumped into anyone.

Blaise walked her as close to the Ravenclaw Tower as he could. Not for the first time did he wish he could walk her all the way, an arm protectively around her. Especially when they rounded the corner and nearly walked straight into Rolf Scamander. Blaise saw the obvious delight on the older boys face.

"Hello Luna! Did you have a good Easter Break?" Luna looked up in surprise before smiling back.

"Hi Rolf. Yes, I did, it was wonderful. Did you have a nice break too?"

"I did! Spend most of it with my grandparents. Mum and dad are currently in Bhutan." Then it appeared he realised Luna was not alone and gave Blaise a weary side long glance. Blaise instantly recognised the question in those hazel eyes.

'Is he bothering her?'

He took a step closer to Luna, pulling his face into its familiar haughty mask.

"Lovegood, if you need me to proofread Potions let me know. I'll see you around."

Luna turned to him, her eyes searching before a knowing and sadness expression passed over her. Then she gave a nod.

"Thank you. Let me know if Binns appreciates the extra goblin facts." Now he gave a polite. Then he flicked a glare at Scamander before quickly turning away and descending down towards the Slytherin Common Room.

If only Slytherin would play against Ravenclaw again. He would exert all his efforts into ensuring Scamander spend the remainder of the school year in the hospital wing. For the first time he would be rooting for Gryffindors, and hope someone on that team would do the honour for him. But that was a fool's hope, and Blaise was no fool.

Blaise was glad to be one his broom again a week later. The weather in April had mostly been beautiful, with bright sunny days. Perfect weather for Quidditch. As they were playing Hufflepuff, once again Zacharias Smith would not be able to commentate the game, for which Blaise was grateful. Unfortunately, neither was Luna asked again. This time a young unfamiliar voice rang through the stadium. A Gryffindor this time, Creevey with memory served correctly.

As they started to play, Blaise had to admit that he was a much better commentator then Smith. The boys squeaky voice was full of excitement. And while he didn't get all of the manoeuvres correctly, with some guidance from Professor McGonagall, he did very well. And if Blaise was honest with himself, he was far better at concentrating without her lovely voice streaming in his ear.

Him, Vaisley and Urquhart made quick work of the Hufflepuff Chaser and Keeper. Although this has been their worst season by far, now they seemed able to work together as a team and break through their opponent's defences. Blaise wasn't exactly sure how much time had passed, but as they lead with 90 - 40 there was a commotion in the air. He looked around just in time to see Harper snatch the smith away from the Hufflepuff Seeker and the Slytherin crowds exploded in cheers. Blaise felt the exhalation within his own chest erupt and he joined his teammates who flew down to congratulate their Seeker.

"Slytherin wins with 240 - 40!" If there was any form of disappointment in Creevey's voice, Blaise couldn't hear it. Instead he celebrated with his team. They had needed to feel this satisfaction at least once this year and although their chances of winning the cup was gone, at least they had opened the competition back up. It would be a Ravenclaw - Gryffindor faced down.

The rest of the supporters had started their trek back to the castle, but Blaise gave the crowd a quick sweep. There she was, her smile brightening the air as if the moon had decided to spend some time on Earth. Their eyes met for a second and in that second, time came to a stop. There was a buzzing sound in his ears, whether from the loud cheers or something else, he wouldn't tell. All he could focus on was her and how much he wanted to close the distance between them and kiss her. Right there. Right now.

His body moved before he had even realised it, until a hand on his shoulder brought his mind back to reality. He turned quickly and saw Nott's bright grin of triumph.

"Well done mate!" He said and Blaise pushed out a quick smile of his own. He risked a quick look for a shoulder and saw she was gone. A strange combination of disappointment and relief engulfed him, edge with some anger towards his friend for interrupting him. No, that wasn't fair. He gave himself a mental slap. Nott had done him a favour, and so he turned back to him and now gave a genuine grin.

"Time to party!" And Nott excited laugher surrounded them all the way back to the Common Rooms.

And Slytherin's were known to throw epic parties when the need arose. Slughorn had even dragged along Snape for 'just one drink, Severus!'

"Congratulations Zabini." The smooth voice of Draco Malfoy drifted beside him. Blaise turned to look down. The smaller blonde boy didn't look at him, but sipped his drink while staring into the green lit space with stone vaulted ceiling. The spiked drinks were leading to more rowdiness and Snape had made his way towards the drinks table with a suspicious look on his face.

"Thank you Malfoy. I didn't see you at the match." Malfoy didn't even flinch.

"I had some important stuff to take care of."

"I see. Harper played well."

"For once, yes. Good for him."

"Doesn't it bother you, not playing?" Malfoy simply shrugged, boredom etched on his pale face.

"It's not important to me anymore?" Blaise couldn't help himself.

"What is important to you?" Malfoy eyed him up slowly.

"That is none of your concern."

Blaise gave a blasé shrug and was about to head towards Nott when Malfoy spoke again, lowering his voice further.

"What I did find interesting was seeing you and Loony Lovegood leave the library." Blaise took great effort to block any emotion to show. He looked back, and raised a single eyebrow.

"I don't know why it should be. You obviously have far more concerning matters to deal with." Malfoy looked unimpressed.

"Clearly…" and with that Blaise turned his back and walked away, ignoring the piercing daggers in his back.

Fuck him!