
Embracing Desires (HP)

Born into a wealthy and influential Indian family, the protagonist’s brilliance and charm mask a darker side marked by intense lust and manipulative tendencies. His early life is a balance of exceptional intellect and unchecked desires, leading him to build a formidable medical empire while indulging in his forbidden fantasies. As his ambitions grow, so does his inner conflict, torn between his quest for power and his consuming desires. This duality ultimately leads to his downfall, as he succumbs to the very darkness he sought to control. In a surprising twist of fate, he is reborn as Harry Potter. Now, with the power of the magical world at his fingertips, he is driven by the same relentless hunger for dominance. His new life is not a fresh start but a continuation of his dark ambitions, as he seeks to manipulate and control the world around him. “In the end, power is not about breaking free from chains but about weaving them into the fabric of destiny, binding others to your will.” ... .. . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

Castor_Med0 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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13 Chs

Hogwarts Express (1)

As I make my way through the crowded corridors of the Hogwarts Express, my eyes scan the compartments in search of familiar faces. And then, amidst the sea of students, I spot her—Daphne Greengrass, her presence like a beacon in the dimly lit train car.

With a sense of purpose, I approach her compartment and knock lightly on the door. It swings open to reveal Daphne, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity as she takes in my presence.

"Harry Potter," she greets me, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. "What brings you here?"

I meet her gaze head-on, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Just thought I'd come say hello," I reply casually, though beneath the surface, a darker motive lurks.

Daphne's eyes narrow slightly, as if she senses the underlying tension between us. But to her credit, she maintains her composure, offering me a seat opposite her.

As we settle into conversation, I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the opportunity to interact with someone who shares my affinity for darkness and power. Daphne Greengrass may just prove to be a valuable ally in the days to come.

And as the train hurtles onwards towards Hogwarts, I know that my encounter with Daphne is just the beginning of a much larger game—one in which I intend to emerge victorious.

As I settled into the compartment with Daphne Greengrass, the air crackled with a mixture of tension and intrigue. We exchanged pleasantries, our conversation initially polite and reserved. But as the minutes stretched on, a sense of curiosity blossomed between us, fueled by a shared fascination with the darker aspects of magic and power.

As we delved deeper into discussion, I found myself drawn to Daphne's intellect and wit. Her sharp mind mirrored my own, and it wasn't long before our conversation turned to topics that were decidedly more taboo.

We spoke of forbidden spells and ancient rituals, of legends and lore whispered only in the darkest corners of the wizarding world. And as the train rattled onwards towards Hogwarts, I felt a connection forming between us—one that transcended mere friendship.

But beneath the surface, a darker desire simmered—a hunger for something more than just conversation. And as our eyes met across the cramped confines of the compartment, I knew that Daphne felt it too.

In that moment, we both understood that the rules of society held no sway over us, that we were free to explore the depths of our desires without fear or judgment. And as the train hurtled onwards towards Hogwarts, I knew that my encounter with Daphne Greengrass was just the beginning of a much darker and more thrilling adventure.

As the conversation between Daphne and I reached a comfortable lull, a moment of silence lingered between us. In that moment, a sudden impulse overcame me, and before I could second-guess myself, I leaned in and pressed my lips gently against hers.

The kiss was soft, tentative, yet filled with a spark of curiosity and desire. For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still as our lips met in a fleeting embrace.

When we pulled away, a hint of surprise flickered in Daphne's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a smile—a smile that mirrored the warmth I felt spreading through my own chest.

As we shared that brief, unexpected moment of intimacy, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection deepening between us. In that simple gesture, a bond was forged—one that held the promise of friendship, camaraderie, and perhaps even something more.

And as we continued on our journey towards Hogwarts, the memory of that stolen kiss lingered in the air, a silent testament to the newfound connection between Daphne and I.

As the train rumbled along its tracks, I felt a familiar stirring within me—a hunger, a thirst for power and dominance that could not be ignored. With a silent command, I summoned both my mother, Lily Potter, and my devoted slave, Emily Riddle, to join us in the compartment.

As they entered, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension, I could feel the energy in the air shift, charged with anticipation. They knew as well as I did the depths of my desires, the darkness that lurked within me, waiting to be unleashed.

With a subtle gesture, I motioned for them to take a seat, my gaze never leaving theirs. In that moment, there was no need for words—we understood each other on a primal level, bound together by our shared desires and secrets.

And as the train hurtled onwards towards Hogwarts, I knew that my companionship with my mother and slave would be a force to be reckoned with—a trio united by darkness, driven by lust, and bound by the unbreakable chains of desire.

With a commanding tone, I instructed my mother and slave to bring Daphne to our compartment. They nodded in silent obedience, understanding the gravity of my command. Moments later, Daphne was ushered into the room, her expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension as she took in the scene before her.

I motioned for Daphne to take a seat, my gaze locking with hers as a subtle tension filled the air. There was an unspoken understanding between us, a recognition of the darkness that lurked within each of us.

As Daphne settled into her seat, I could sense her resistance crumbling, her curiosity giving way to a primal desire to submit to my will. And as the train thundered onwards towards Hogwarts, I knew that this encounter would mark the beginning of a new chapter in our shared journey—a chapter defined by darkness, desire, and the intoxicating allure of power.

As the train continued its journey towards Hogwarts, I could sense a shift in Daphne's demeanor. The air crackled with a newfound tension, a palpable energy that pulsed between us. With a subtle glance, Daphne conveyed her submission, her eyes alight with a mixture of curiosity and desire.

In that moment, there was no need for words. Daphne's surrender was implicit, her willingness to submit to my desires evident in every glance, every gesture. And as the train hurtled onwards, I knew that this newfound connection between us would only deepen with time.

With a knowing smile, I welcomed Daphne into our fold, her submission a testament to the power of our shared desires. And as we journeyed towards Hogwarts, I reveled in the knowledge that together, we would explore the darkest depths of our desires, bound only by the chains of our own making.

As the Hogwarts Express chugged along its tracks, I reclined in my compartment, the rhythmic clacking of the train serving as a backdrop to my thoughts. Daphne sat beside me, her presence a tantalizing reminder of the power I held over those who dared to submit to me.

The train compartment was bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun, casting long shadows that danced across the walls. It was in these shadows that I found solace, the darkness within me stirring with anticipation at the possibilities that lay ahead.

Amidst the quiet hum of conversation and the occasional laughter of students passing by, I caught sight of Hermione Granger, her unmistakable bushy hair drawing my gaze. There was a flicker of recognition in her eyes as our gazes met—a silent acknowledgment of the darkness that dwelled within us both.

As Hermione approached, a sense of excitement and anticipation washed over me. Here was a chance to indulge in my darkest desires, to revel in the power and dominance that defined me. And as we exchanged pleasantries, I could feel the tension between us building, an invisible thread that connected us on a primal level.

Little did Hermione know that her own sister was a product of my darkness, conceived in the depths of my depravity. The thought sent a thrill through me, knowing that even as I conversed with Hermione, my influence extended far beyond the confines of our conversation.

And as the train continued its journey towards Hogwarts, I reveled in the anticipation of the trials and temptations that awaited, knowing that my lust and depravity would always be my true companions.

As the train rolled on, I seized the opportunity to engage Hermione in conversation, my mind swirling with thoughts of the darkness that bound us together. With each exchange, I could sense her curiosity piqued, her curiosity mingling with a subtle undercurrent of apprehension.

As we spoke, I subtly probed Hermione's mind, planting seeds of doubt and desire that would blossom in the darkness. And as the journey unfolded, I reveled in the knowledge that Hermione's fate was inexorably intertwined with my own.

As the train finally pulled into the station at Hogwarts, I bid Hermione farewell with a knowing smile, my mind already racing with plans for the dark days ahead. And as I stepped onto the platform, I knew that the true test of my power and dominance was yet to come.