Stregoni was getting sick of being mistreated, and he most definitely was not in the mood to struggle with Gilles. Even half asleep and in pain, he could not help but notice how wonderful the bastard looked, how fine he smelled.
His eyes stung, his whole body ached with a need to simply be held, to be told everything was all right, or would be - and Gilles never would do such a thing, and it was stupid of him even to think about it.
"Unhand me!" Stregoni snapped. "My horse came here. I've no idea why."
Gilles narrowed his eyes.
"It's the truth," Stregoni said, yanking down his scarf to be heard more clearly. "I have no desire to - "
"What in the hell!" Gilles roared, but before Stregoni could speak, his arm was taken roughly and he was all but dragged up the stairs and into the house, then more or less thrown into a small parlor. "Stay there," Gilles hissed. "Do not speak, do not leave this room, do not make so much as a peep. Do you understand me?"