
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Wealthy heart

Megumin gave Jack a side glance. It was at times like these when she wished she could just understand what he was thinking. After Kazuma... after what happened with the Winter Shogun, Jack tends to space out and ignore everything. He is also more prone to violence if he feels threatened.

Taking a deep breath, Megumin pushed aside her concerns for the moment and focused on the task at hand. She knew that their mission to gather information was crucial, and she couldn't let her own worries distract her from the goal.

As Megumin and the group explored the outskirts of the village, their eyes widened in shock as they stumbled upon the signs of a recent battle. The ground was littered with scorched earth, broken weapons, and remnants of magic spells. It was evident that a fierce clash had taken place, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

They searched for any clues that could shed light on what had transpired and possibly lead them to the Demon King's generals. They meticulously examined the debris, looking for anything that might provide insight into the identities or motives of those involved.

The signs they discovered indicated that the demon king's troops, who had launched the attack on the village, had been decisively defeated. The scorched earth and broken weapons were not remnants of their victory but remnants of their defeat.

Jack scratched his chin. "Say, Megumin, Aqua mentioned it before, but are all Crimson Demons powerful wizards?"

Megumin nodded, a proud smile on her face. "That's right, Jack. The Crimson Demons are known for their exceptional magical abilities. Each member of the clan is a skilled and powerful wizard, specializing in various fields of magic. It's a testament to the strong magical lineage that runs in our blood.

Jack nodded, impressed by the Crimson Demons' reputation. "It's truly remarkable. I can see why your clan has such a formidable reputation." he said while scanning the remnants of the battlefield. Jack frowned. "So, knowing all that, why on earth would the Demon King send his forces here? And, moreover, not one of these monsters has high magic resistance." This fact made Jack more wary.

Megumin pondered Jack's question, furrowing her brows. "It is indeed strange, Jack. The Crimson Demon Village is known for its powerful magic and formidable wizards. Sending forces here without high magic resistance seems like a tactical oversight on the part of the Demon King's army."

She glanced at the battlefield, studying the remains of the defeated monsters. "Perhaps the Demon King underestimated the strength of the Crimson Demons and thought his forces would easily overpower us. Or maybe this was just a diversionary tactic, meant to draw our attention away from another crucial location."

Jack nodded, considering her words. "It's possible. The Demon King might have other plans in motion, using this attack as a distraction or a test of our strength."

Jack turned to Megumin. The timing of their departure was off—just when they had decided to come here, Darkness and Aqua suddenly had other matters to attend to? 'Megumin, be honest with me. What is the reason you wanted us to come here? Was it really just to gather intel?'

Megumin got flustered at the question. She had wanted to introduce Jack to her parents after receiving a letter inquiring about her well-being. She had used the excuse of gathering intel as a cover, even though that was still something they could do here. However, it wasn't the primary reason she had originally wanted to come.

Megumin shifted uncomfortably under Jack's gaze, her cheeks reddening slightly. She hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up. "Well, gathering intel was one of the reasons, but... truthfully, I wanted to introduce you to my parents."

Jack's eyes widened in surprise. "Your parents? Why didn't you mention this earlier?"

She looked down, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to impose or make things awkward... It's just that... I wanted you to meet them, to see where I come from, and... to show them the person who means a lot to me."

Jack placed both hands on Megumin's shoulders. "Let's quickly search for any signs of a general of the Demon King and go back to the others! Just like you said, this could be a diversion. Maybe your parents know what happened here in detail."

Megumin nodded. "You're right, Jack. My parents might have valuable information about what transpired here."

They ventured deeper into the village, their senses alert for any signs of the Demon King's presence. As they walked through the streets, Megumin's heart pounded with anticipation. She led Jack towards her family's residence, a modest but cozy house nestled amidst the trees.

Hyoizaburoo, with his bold and charismatic demeanor, struck a dramatic pose, raising his staff high as he introduced himself in a booming voice. "I am Hyoizaburoo, the great Crimson Demon and father of Megumin! Prepare yourself, outsider, for the might of the Crimson Demons!"

Yuiyui, on the other hand, exuded an elegant and graceful aura. She twirled gracefully, her staff swirling around her as she introduced herself with a captivating smile. "And I am Yuiyui, the proud mother of Megumin. Welcome to our humble village, dear guest. We hope you appreciate the beauty of our magic and our traditions."

Jack decided to return the greeting in the same manner, he looked at Megumin and Yunyun to convey his intentions. If it was a grand entrance they wanted, then a grand entrance they would receive.

With a playful glint in his eyes, Jack straightened his posture and raised his voice, mirroring the theatrical tone of the Crimson Demons. "I am Jack, the radiant hero who fights alongside your daughter, Megumin, and our esteemed friend, Yunyun! Witness the power that lies within the bonds of friendship and the determination to bring down the forces of darkness!"

As he spoke, Jack summoned a small flame into his palm, causing it to dance and twirl with magical energy. He extended his hand, and the flame transformed into a brilliant display of sparks and light, illuminating the area around them.

Megumin and Yunyun followed suit, showcasing their own magical abilities in a synchronized display. Megumin conjured an explosion, its power contained within her staff, while Yunyun showcased her impressive mana manipulation, forming intricate patterns of light and energy in the air.

Hyoizaburoo and Yuiyui exchanged delighted glances, a proud smile playing on their lips. They had never expected such a spirited response, and it filled them with joy to witness their daughter's companion acting accordingly to their customs.

Yuiyui smiled innocently while in reality she was looking Jack from head to toe. After all, she noticed the looks her daughter threw at him every so often. So far, Jack seemed kind, but that wasn't what caught her attention. It was the aura he exuded. Was he rich? As a mother, she couldn't help but wonder about her daughter's potential future with him.

Throughout their interactions, Yuiyui observed Jack closely, looking for any subtle hints that might reveal his social standing. She noticed his confident demeanor, his refined manners, and the air of composure that surrounded him. These were traits often associated with individuals of higher social standing.

She also observed Jack's attentiveness towards Megumin. He would listen intently to her, giving her his full focus and responding with genuine interest. Yuiyui could see the sparkle in Megumin's eyes whenever she spoke with Jack, and it warmed her heart to witness her daughter's happiness.

suddently a little girl jumped from a corner and greeted both Jack and Megumin. she stood up straight and puffed out her chest, mimicking the confident posture of a true Crimson Demon. She raised her hand and struck a dramatic pose, her voice filled with determination.

"I am Komekko, a proud member of the Crimson Demons! With the power of magic coursing through my veins, I shall become the greatest magician in the world!"

Jack and Megumin couldn't help but chuckle at Komekko's adorable attempt to emulate the Crimson Demon style. They clapped and cheered, appreciating her enthusiasm.

"That was a fantastic introduction, Komekko!" Jack praised, his smile widening.

Megumin joined in, her voice filled with pride. "You're going to be an amazing magician, Komekko! I can already see the potential in you!" Komekko blushed, a mixture of embarrassment and delight crossing her face.

Jack then glanced at Megumin, and she understood the meaning and nodded. "Say, Komekko, why don't you go buy some candy with your big sister or something?" As Jack said that, he placed a bag filled to the brim with Eris. He was smiling like a loon.

Hyoizaburoo and Yuiyui rubbed their eyes twice to confirm they weren't hallucinating from the lack of nutrients. Yuiyui placed a hand over her mouth to hide the smile behind it, though her eyes revealed her intentions clearly.

On the other hand, Hyoizaburoo was slowly reaching for the bag of coins, but it was quickly taken by Komekko, who stuck out her tongue in response to the betrayed look her father shot at her.

Megumin expected to be asked to do something, but all she could do was deadpan at his stupid smile. Nonetheless, she started blushing; she found that smile endearing in its own way. She cleared her throat and got up. "That's right! Leave it all to big sis. I will make sure to get you some tasty treats." Komekko cheered after hearing that and started dragging her with a happy step, leaving Yunyun, Jack, and Megumin's parents.

Jack then started smiling, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "So... care to explain why such a lovely girl is wearing such worn-out clothes?" He slowly placed his hand on the table, which started cracking under the pressure.

This question snapped the pair out of their trance. They had never been so close to such a big amount of money. Yunyun, on the other hand, blinked in surprise. She had expected Jack to ask for information about their enemies, not... this.

Hyoizaburoo's eye twitched. Of all the things he expected, to have a complete stranger come here and flaunt their wealth around while questioning his parenting skills. Moreover, they were even damaging their few pieces of furniture. "I appreciate your concern for my daughter's appearance, but let me make one thing clear. While wealth may have its merits, it does not define a person's worth or happiness. As a father, my responsibilities go beyond material possessions."

He got up and walked up to Jack's face. "I will not allow you to demean my family's worth based on materialistic judgments. We may not have vast riches, but we possess something far more valuable: a tight-knit bond and unwavering love. It is through these qualities that we find our true wealth."

Jack hummed in appreciation. "I respect those words, but... they don't explain why, even after sending all of Megumin's gains and part of mine, you all still have so much trouble financially." Jack tilted his head. "Do you have a debt or something? If it's too much, I can even open my arms and invite you to my... excuse me, my party's manor."

Yuiyui and even Hyoizaburoo were shocked beyond belief. "M-manor?!" From Megumin's letters, she described Jack as a very strong individual, be it with swords or magic, as well as very knowledgeable. But a manor?

Hyoizaburo coughed. "I apologize for my outburst from earlier. I didn't expect you to be such an honest and decent individual..." Before he could say more, he was shoved aside by Yuiyui. "When did you say the wedding was? There is much to do and prepare."

Jack glanced at Yunyun, who was muttering and blushing to herself about the wedding. All he could do was sigh. How clueless... or perhaps greedy were these guys? To bite such an obvious, albeit juicy, bait in their situation, without a second thought.

"At the end of the year, do keep it a secret, but no, that wasn't the reason I was showing off my wealth. I wanted to test a theory, and I got my answer. But... I'm still waiting to hear your answer. What happened to all the money that Megumin and I worked so hard to get and sent here, hmm?" Jack's eyes promised pain, should their answer fail to satisfy him.


Megumin and Komekko walked hand in hand through the bustling streets of the town. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and the colorful displays of sweets enticed them as they made their way to a quaint little confectionery.

Entering the shop, Megumin and Komekko were greeted by the sweet scent of sugary delights. Their eyes widened as they beheld the array of delectable treats arranged in glass cases.

"Wow, Onee-chan, look at all these sweets!" Komekko exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Megumin grinned, her own eyes shining with delight. "I know, Komekko. Let's get some of our favorites!"

The two of them approached the counter, where a friendly shopkeeper awaited their order. Megumin reached into her pocket and pulled out the coins Jack had given them, counting them carefully.

"We'll have two of your finest cream puffs, please," Megumin requested with a smile.

The shopkeeper nodded and swiftly prepared the cream puffs, carefully placing them in a small box. Megumin handed over the coins, feeling a sense of satisfaction as she made the purchase.

As they walked out of the shop, Megumin handed one of the cream puffs to Komekko. They both took a bite, savoring the sweet and creamy filling.

"Mmm, it's so delicious!" Komekko exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy.

Megumin chuckled, a warmth spreading through her heart. "I'm glad you like it, Komekko. We should enjoy these treats together more often."

Komekko skipped along beside Megumin, her mouth still coated with the remnants of the cream puff. She looked up at her older sister with curious eyes.

"Onee-chan, when are you going to marry Jack?" Komekko asked innocently, her words landing like a critical hit.

Megumin choked on her own breath, caught off guard by her sister's question. Her face flushed bright red as she sputtered, trying to regain her composure.

"W-What? Komekko, that's... um... well..." Megumin stammered, her mind racing to find a suitable response.

Komekko tilted her head, her innocent gaze fixated on Megumin. "You're always with Jack, and you two seem really close. Everyone says you make a good couple."

Megumin's face turned even redder, and she frantically waved her hands in denial. "N-No, Komekko! Jack and I are just... uh... friends! Very good friends!"

Komekko blinked, seemingly unaffected by her sister's embarrassment. "But don't friends become something more eventually? Like in the books I read?"

Megumin's embarrassment reached new heights, and she fumbled for words. "Well, it's... um... not that simple, Komekko. Relationships are complicated, and... and..."

Komekko shrugged, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I think you should just tell Jack how you feel. It's not fair to keep him waiting, Onee-chan."

Komekko blinked innocently at Megumin's blush, tilting her head in confusion. "But Onee-chan, if you and Jack are going out, doesn't that mean you'll get married someday?"

Megumin's face turned even redder as she fumbled for words. "W-Well, Komekko, it's... it's still too early to think about marriage. Jack and I are just... getting to know each other better, you know?"

Komekko nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "I understand, Onee-chan. But you look really happy with him. I think he would make a great brother-in-law."

Megumin's embarrassment turned into a soft smile as she ruffled Komekko's hair affectionately. "Thank you, Komekko. Maybe someday, when the time is right, we can think about it. But for now, let's enjoy our time together as a family."

Komekko's mischievous thoughts danced in her mind as she continued to enjoy her cream puff. She couldn't help but imagine the delectable treats that would come her way if Megumin and Jack were to marry. The thought of having unlimited access to these delicious sweets filled her with excitement.

With a mischievous grin, Komekko decided to take matters into her own hands. She would find ways to bring Megumin and Jack closer together, subtly encouraging their relationship to progress. After all, the sooner they got married, the sooner she could enjoy these delightful treats without any restrictions.

As the young Crimson Demon plotted her schemes, she couldn't help but giggle to herself. she was certain she could make her dream of an endless supply of sweets a reality.