
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Shooting to the stars!

Kazuma sat at the kitchen table, sipping his morning coffee, while Jack and Megumin energetically discussed the different types of explosions and their potential applications. The aroma of freshly baked biscuits filled the air, a testament to Megumin's culinary skills.

As Kazuma observed his companions' animated conversation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. Their excitement over explosions and magic seemed distant to him, as if he were observing a world that no longer aligned with his own desires.

He watched as Jack and Megumin exchanged ideas, their faces lit up with enthusiasm. They laughed and playfully argued, their camaraderie apparent. It was a stark contrast to Kazuma's own feelings of isolation and disillusionment.

"What's the point?" Kazuma murmured to himself, his voice barely audible over the cheerful chatter. He questioned his role within the group and his purpose in this fantastical world.

Lost in his thoughts, Kazuma failed to notice Aqua's concerned gaze from across the room. Sensing his despondency, she quietly approached him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Kazuma, are you okay?" Aqua asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Kazuma forced a smile, attempting to downplay his internal turmoil. "Yeah, just thinking about things, you know? Wondering where I fit in this crazy adventure of ours."

Aqua nodded understandingly, her aquamarine eyes reflecting compassion. "You don't have to be like Jack or Megumin to find your place. We all have our own strengths and contributions. Maybe it's time to explore what truly resonates with you."

Kazuma contemplated Aqua's words, realizing that he had been comparing himself to others rather than embracing his own individuality. Perhaps it was time to discover his own path, to carve out his own niche within the group.

Kazuma grabbed Aqua by the arm, a newfound determination gleaming in his eyes. "Come on, Aqua. We're going on an adventure of our own. It's time for me to find my own fighting style, to discover what I'm truly capable of."

Aqua looked at him with a mixture of surprise and excitement. "Kazuma, are you serious? You're finally going to step up and show everyone... something?"

Kazuma nodded, his grip tightening on Aqua's arm. "That's right. I've been relying on others for far too long, but now it's time for me to find my own strengths and make my mark. We'll face challenges together, and I'll prove that I can hold my own in battle."

With Aqua reluctantly trailing behind him, Kazuma set off into the wilderness, determined to uncover his hidden potential. They encountered various monsters along the way, and Kazuma approached each encounter with confidence.

Kazuma and Aqua continued their exploration, contemplating the best way for Kazuma to develop his fighting style. As they discussed different possibilities, Aqua suggested the idea of Kazuma becoming a Ranger and utilizing his high luck stat with a bow.

"Kazuma, have you considered trying your hand at archery?" Aqua proposed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "There's a particular skill with a bow that requires exceptional luck to land accurate shots. With your natural affinity for luck, it could be the perfect fit for you!"

Kazuma pondered Aqua's suggestion, realizing that it might be a viable path for him. "A bow, huh? It's worth a shot," Kazuma mused, a small grin forming on his face. "I've never really given archery a serious try, but if it can harness my luck stat and provide me with a unique fighting style, it might be just what I need."

They decided to head to the local weapon shop to inquire about acquiring a bow and arrows. The shopkeeper, intrigued by Kazuma's request, showed him a selection of bows suitable for his skill level. After carefully considering his options, Kazuma settled on a well-balanced bow that felt comfortable in his hands.

With his new bow in hand, Kazuma embarked on a rigorous training regimen. He honed his aim and practiced shooting arrows with precision. Aqua, always by his side, provided encouragement and offered her divine blessings to enhance his luck during training sessions.

Over time, Kazuma's archery skills improved, and he began to unlock the unique abilities of a Ranger. He discovered that his luck played a vital role in landing precise shots, even in seemingly impossible situations. Arrows that should have missed their mark miraculously found their targets, much to Kazuma's astonishment.

As a Ranger, Kazuma combined his newfound archery skills with his quick thinking and resourcefulness. He utilized his luck to its fullest potential, taking calculated risks and often landing shots that others would consider impossible.

Kazuma's training had paid off, and he was eager to showcase his newfound archery skills to his companions. He set up a makeshift shooting range in the expansive garden of their manor, carefully placing targets at varying distances.

With a bow in hand and a quiver full of arrows, Kazuma stepped onto the designated spot, ready to demonstrate his abilities. Megumin, Jack, Aqua, Darkness, Yunyun, and Chris gathered around, their curiosity piqued.

"Alright, everyone! Watch closely!" Kazuma called out with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He took a deep breath, steadying his aim, and focused on the first target in the distance.

Drawing back the bowstring, Kazuma relied on his instincts and honed skills. His keen eyes locked onto the target, and with a release of the string, the arrow soared through the air. It hit the bullseye with impressive precision, eliciting surprised cheers and applause from his companions.

One after another, Kazuma sent arrows flying toward the targets. His movements were smooth and controlled, his shots accurate and consistent. His skill with the bow had surpassed their expectations, and his companions were thoroughly impressed by his newfound talent.

As the arrows found their marks, Kazuma's confidence grew. He began experimenting with trick shots, shooting arrows from different angles and positions. Some targets were even hidden behind obstacles, but Kazuma's luck and accuracy allowed him to hit them with uncanny precision.

Jack started clapping and smiling at Kazuma. "Impressive, Kazuma. I see someone has been busy... Say, would you be able to do the same blindfolded?"

Kazuma looked at Jack with a mix of surprise and skepticism. Shooting blindfolded? That sounded like a recipe for disaster. However, he also knew that Jack had a way of pushing him out of his comfort zone and encouraging him to embrace new challenges.

"Are you sure about this, Jack?" Kazuma raised an eyebrow, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Jack chuckled. "Trust me, Kazuma. I believe in your abilities. Besides, it's a great way to showcase your reliance on luck. Give it a try."

Taking a deep breath, Kazuma decided to take on the challenge. He tied the blindfold securely around his eyes, effectively blocking his vision. His heart raced as he stood in position, bow in hand, relying solely on his instincts and luck.

His companions watched in anticipation, curious to see how Kazuma would fare in this unconventional feat. Silence filled the garden as Kazuma drew back the bowstring, his mind focused, and his senses heightened.

With a release of the string, the arrow soared through the air, guided only by Kazuma's trust in his luck. The tension was palpable as everyone held their breath, waiting for the outcome.

To their astonishment, the arrow found its mark, hitting the target with surprising accuracy. Gasps of disbelief and applause erupted from the onlookers, their eyes widening in amazement.

Kazuma himself couldn't believe his luck. A wide grin spread across his face beneath the blindfold, a mixture of pride and astonishment evident in his expression.

Jack clapped him on the back, a proud smile on his face. "See? Luck favors you, Kazuma! You've truly mastered the art of relying on chance."

As the blindfold was removed, Kazuma was met with congratulatory cheers and pats on the back from his companions. They marveled at his ability to channel his luck even in the face of such a daring challenge.

Jack's hand rested on Kazuma's shoulder, a glint in his eyes. "Kazuma, my friend, leave your archer training to me. I have some unconventional methods in mind that will surely bring out your full potential."

Kazuma felt a shiver run down his spine as Jack's hand rested on his shoulder. The mention of Jack taking over his archer training sent a wave of dread through him, recalling the intense and often grueling training routines he had endured in the past.

"Oh no, not again," Kazuma muttered under his breath, his eyes widening in anticipation of what was to come.

Jack grinned mischievously, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Don't worry, Kazuma. I've got a special training regimen planned just for you. It'll push you to your limits and beyond!"

Kazuma's shoulders slumped in defeat. He had hoped to escape Jack's training sessions, but it seemed that fate had other plans. With a resigned sigh, he muttered, "Why me?"

As the group watched on, knowing all too well what Kazuma was about to endure, Jack began explaining the rigorous training program he had in mind. It involved long hours of physical conditioning, precision aiming exercises, and tests of endurance that would push Kazuma to his limits.

Kazuma's face turned pale as Jack outlined the training schedule, each activity sounding more daunting than the last. He could already feel the soreness and fatigue settling into his muscles just from hearing the descriptions.

"Can't we find another way?" Kazuma pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. But Jack remained steadfast, convinced that this was the path Kazuma needed to take to reach his full potential as an archer.

Jack tilted his head. "Now that you mention it, I almost forgot to build your back, shoulders, and arms. Good thing you pointed it out." He gave Kazuma a thumbs-up before quickly scribbling on a piece of paper. Kazuma regretted peeking at the paper from Jack's shoulder.

Kazuma's eyes widened in horror as he imagined the grueling training routine that awaited him. The thought of early morning archery practice followed by a rigorous workout to build his shoulders, back, and arms was enough to make him weak at the knees.

He could already feel the exhaustion creeping up on him as he envisioned shooting hundreds of arrows late into the night, his muscles aching and his body begging for rest. The mere thought of it made him question his life choices and wonder if he had made a terrible mistake.

"I... I don't think I can handle that," Kazuma stammered, his voice filled with genuine fear. The image of himself collapsing from exhaustion flashed before his eyes, and he shuddered at the thought.

Jack's smile widened, seemingly unfazed by Kazuma's apprehension. "Nonsense! You're stronger than you think, Kazuma. This training will push you to your limits, but it's all part of the journey to becoming a formidable archer."

Kazuma gulped, his throat dry. He knew that Jack had a way of pushing people beyond their perceived limits, but this seemed like an entirely different level of intensity. He had never been the most physically inclined adventurer, and the thought of enduring such demanding training left him feeling overwhelmed.

As the rest of the group exchanged sympathetic glances, knowing all too well the trials and tribulations of Jack's training, Kazuma tried to summon a semblance of resolve. He knew that if he wanted to grow stronger and find his place within the group, he would have to face this challenge head-on.

With a deep breath, Kazuma nodded and mustered a weak smile. "Alright, Jack. Let's do this. I'll give it my all and see where it takes me."

Jack's eyes sparkled with excitement, clearly thrilled to have Kazuma on board with the training. "That's the spirit, Kazuma! I promise you, the results will be worth it. Together, we'll unlock your full archery potential!"

Jack carefully lifted Kazuma's unconscious form onto his shoulder, a lopsided grin on his face as he glanced at the amused and concerned expressions of their companions. Kazuma's body slumped against Jack's back, completely drained from the day's intense training.

"Heh, looks like Kazuma pushed himself a little too hard," Jack chuckled, adjusting his grip to ensure Kazuma was secure. "Don't worry, he'll be back on his feet in no time."

Aqua giggled, her blue eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, poor Kazuma. He couldn't handle the Jack style, huh?"

Megumin shook her head, her lips curled into an amused smile. "He always did underestimate the challenges he'd face. I must say, though, he's got more determination than I gave him credit for."

Chris nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Kazuma has shown remarkable perseverance. It's not easy keeping up with Jack's training, but he's giving it his all."

As the group began making their way back to the manor, with Kazuma still unconscious on Jack's shoulder, the passersby couldn't help but cast curious glances at the peculiar sight. Some whispered in hushed tones, while others simply stared in bewilderment.

Jack, undeterred by the attention, carried Kazuma with a sense of pride. Despite the exhaustion evident on Kazuma's face, there was a flicker of determination that hadn't been there before.

And so, as they disappeared into the distance, Jack carried Kazuma's slumbering form, his unwavering support a symbol of friendship that bound their group together.