
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Restful Respite

The group was gathered at the outskirts of Axel. Aqua, Megumin, and Jack were wearing smug smiles as they looked at Kazuma, Darkness, and Chris. 'What are they up to now?' was the general thought running through their minds.

Kazuma, Darkness, and Chris exchanged puzzled glances as they noticed the smug smiles on Aqua, Megumin, and Jack's faces. They couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension, wondering what their mischievous companions had planned this time. It seemed like trouble was brewing, and they were about to find out what it was.

"What's with those smirks? What trouble are you three cooking up now?" Kazuma asked, his tone tinged with both curiosity and a hint of caution.

Aqua giggled mischievously, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, Kazuma, you'll see soon enough. We have something special planned for today, something that will shake up Axel and bring a little chaos to this mundane town."

Megumin, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, added, "We've been plotting this for days, and I guarantee it will be an unforgettable experience. Get ready for some excitement!"

Jack, with a playful grin, chimed in, "Consider it a surprise adventure, my friends. We thought it would be a fun way to break the monotony and inject some exhilaration into our lives. Don't worry, it won't involve blowing anything up... well, not everything, at least."

Darkness's eyebrows furrowed, sensing the potential for trouble. "Are you sure this is a wise idea? We don't want to cause unnecessary chaos or draw unwanted attention. We've had enough trouble in the past."

Chris, a hint of curiosity overcoming her cautiousness, spoke up, "I'm always up for a bit of excitement, but let's make sure it doesn't cross the line into actual trouble. I'd hate to end up on the wrong side of the law."

Aqua waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry, we've taken all precautions. It will be harmless fun, I promise."

Jack cleared his throat. "I phrased that wrong. Let me try again," Jack motioned towards the manor they had yet to enter. "We decided to leave that for last, so what are we going to do now? Well, we haven't taken that much-needed break yet."

Aqua puffed her chest with pride. "That's why this beautiful and generous goddess decided to bless this great temple with—"

Jack and Megumin flared their magical powers, while Aqua prepared her divine powers. Jack stomped on the ground, causing the terrain to start changing. Aqua walked and stopped at Jack's side, saying, "Sacred Create Water!" A large amount of water, rivaling that of biblical floods, was summoned and quickly filled the multiple holes Jack had created.

Megumin tipped her hat and gave a confident smile. She pointed her staff at the flood of water and quickly evaporated the remaining water with her explosive magic to avoid any damage it might cause. Then all three turned around and exclaimed, "A hot spring!"

The sudden emergence of a hot spring left the group momentarily stunned. Kazuma blinked in disbelief. "Did... did they just create a hot spring out of nowhere?"

Darkness blushed, her eyes darting between the hot spring and her companions. "W-Well, I suppose a hot spring does sound... relaxing."

Chris chuckled and shrugged. "I guess it's a pleasant surprise. We could all use a break, after all."

"Yes and no, I may or may not have manipulated the terrain to create a hot spring, but it's still very basic. It still needs something... like this." Jack slammed both hands to the ground, causing trees to grow around the hot spring, earning him a dry look from Kazuma.

"Why does that tree eerily look like Aqua?" Kazuma motioned towards the said tree.

Aqua smirked triumphantly. "That's because I won a bet against Jack, and he had to create a tree in my likeness."

Kazuma couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You made him do this? Seriously, Aqua?"

Aqua shrugged proudly. "It's all in good fun! Besides, it adds a personal touch to the hot spring, don't you think?"

Chris, who had been observing the exchange with a smirk, couldn't resist teasing Aqua further. "Well, Aqua, you've become a permanent part of the hot spring now. How does it feel to be one with nature?"

Aqua crossed her arms defiantly. "I must say, I make for a stunning tree. Maybe we should have more trees like this around!"

Jack chuckled. "I should have known better than to bet against Aqua's luck. But hey, I'm glad you're happy with it."

"Well, enough about that. How about we take a dip in the hot spring?" Kazuma said, barely concealing his impure intentions.

The group exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond to Kazuma's suggestion. Megumin blushed and glanced at Jack, while Darkness looked flustered and cleared her throat. Aqua, oblivious to the underlying meaning, enthusiastically agreed.

"Absolutely! A dip in the hot spring sounds delightful," Aqua exclaimed, ready to jump right in without a second thought.

Jack, sensing the tension in the air, chuckled softly. "Well, as long as everyone is comfortable with it, a relaxing soak in the hot spring could be a nice way to unwind."

Jack then offered everyone some clothes to change into to avoid being inappropriate. It reminded Kazuma of swimsuits, but the material felt... different to the touch. He couldn't quite put his finger on what exactly was different about them.

It was soft and smooth to the touch, unlike any swimsuit he had worn before. Curious, he examined the material closely, trying to figure out what made it so distinct.

"Hey, Jack, what's the deal with these clothes?" Kazuma asked, holding up the garment for Jack to see.

Jack smiled knowingly. "Ah, those are made from a special material that I obtained during one of my adventures. It's a fabric woven from the silk of rare, enchanted worms. The silk is known for its incredible durability and resistance to water. It's perfect for hot springs and water-related activities."

Kazuma raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the explanation. "Enchanted worms, huh? You really have a knack for finding these unique things."

"It comes with the territory of being an adventurer," Jack replied with a chuckle. "You stumble upon all sorts of extraordinary items and creatures during your travels."

As Kazuma changed into the clothes Jack provided, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances the others were casting in Jack's direction. At first, it seemed like they were appreciating his well-built physique, but as Kazuma looked closer, he noticed something more in their eyes. It wasn't just physical attraction; there was a depth of emotion and connection shining through.

Kazuma's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist asking Megumin, who was standing nearby, about the unusual interest in Jack. "Hey, Megumin, what's going on? Why is everyone so interested in Jack?"

Megumin blushed slightly and glanced over at Jack, who was peacefully soaking in the hot spring. "Well, Kazuma, Jack is the only one I'll acknowledge as worthy of standing by my side. Together, we shall rule the world and make it tremble with our power!" Megumin pointed her staff at Kazuma but then began to grow shy. "S-so that's why I'm just watching him closely, don't misunderstand!"

Kazuma raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by Megumin's flustered response. "Really? watching him closely'? Are you sure that's it?"

Megumin averted her gaze, fidgeting with the hem of her robe. "Well, okay, maybe... just maybe, I find Jack... interesting. There's something about him that captivates me. His confidence, his mysterious past, his power... I can't help but be drawn to him."

Kazuma chuckled, understanding dawning on him. "Ah, I see. So, you have a crush on Jack, huh?"

Megumin's face turned an even deeper shade of red. "N-no! It's not like that! I mean, sure, he's impressive and all, but... it's complicated! I'm not ready to admit anything, okay?"

Kazuma grinned mischievously, enjoying the situation. "Oh, Megumin, you can't hide your feelings from me. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Just remember, denial won't make those feelings disappear."

Megumin huffed and crossed her arms, trying to regain her composure. "Fine, but don't expect me to admit anything just yet. I'm a powerful arch wizard, after all. I have an image to maintain!"

Kazuma chuckled again, amused by Megumin's attempts to hide her true emotions. "Alright, Megumin, I won't push you.

"Still, why does he have to bewitch them all? Darkness and Aqua have been acting somewhat okayish, so I'm willing to give them a chance, at least," Kazuma muttered to himself with envy. "Isn't one good enough for you, you bastard?"

Jack was currently relaxing in the hot spring, surrounded by Darkness, Aqua, and Chris. He inadvertently threw some compliments that could be flirting.

As Jack relaxed in the hot spring, surrounded by Darkness, Aqua, and Chris, he couldn't help but notice the unique features of each of his companions. His eyes shifted from one person to another, and he found himself offering genuine compliments.

"Darkness," he began, his voice filled with appreciation, "your hair is absolutely stunning. The way it cascades down your shoulders, it's like a waterfall of silk. It's truly mesmerizing."

Darkness blushed and shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a mix of embarrassment and gratitude in her eyes.

Turning his attention to Aqua, Jack continued, "And Aqua, your eyes... they're like pools of sparkling azure. They hold a certain depth and radiance that captivates anyone who looks into them. They're truly beautiful."

Aqua couldn't help but beam with pride, her cheeks rosy as she basked in the compliment.

Finally, Jack looked at Chris and couldn't help but admire her unique eye color. "Chris, your eyes are like twin amethysts, gleaming with an inner fire. They hold a sense of mystery and intrigue, drawing people in. It's quite remarkable."

Chris blushed, her gaze shifting away for a moment before she met Jack's eyes with a grateful smile.

Kazuma looked visibly scandalized by Jack's words. The worst part is that he most likely was going along with the mood and saying whatever came to mind. 'Why did you have to be a bishonen protagonist, Jack?'

Kazuma then remembered how Jack had "flirted" with him a few days ago. 'On second thought, this development isn't so bad. It's better for my sanity if the girls keep him away from me.' Kazuma then joined the others.

As Kazuma joined the others in the hot spring, he couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and amusement at the situation. He had to admit that there was something strangely intriguing about Jack's ability to compliment people in such a genuine and appreciative manner. It was as if Jack had an innate talent for making others feel good about themselves.

"Alright, alright," Kazuma said, trying to sound nonchalant despite his lingering embarrassment, "I guess it's not too bad having a smooth-talking protagonist in the group. But remember, Jack, no overdoing it, alright? We don't need a harem situation here."

Jack chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Don't worry, Kazuma. I know my limits. I'm just appreciating the unique qualities of my companions."

With everyone now at ease, they spent some time relaxing in the hot spring, enjoying the warm water and each other's company. It turned out to be a much-needed break for the group after their intense adventures and battles.

After spending some quality time together, they eventually left the hot spring as the sun began to set. Kazuma couldn't help but reflect on the dynamics within the group. It was an odd mix of personalities and abilities, but somehow, they managed to complement each other well.

After they finished relaxing, they gathered their belongings and began walking together towards their new home, the place they had worked so hard to obtain over the past few months.

Even heroes need to rest. for it rekindles their strength and allows their brilliance to shine anew.

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