
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs


Megumin opened her eyes slowly. It had been a while since she had felt so tired, so drained of any mana. The next thing she noticed was that she was tied up to her bed, with the others looking at her. "Sorry, not sorry, but I wasn't really sure how you would react once you woke up. Have you calmed down?" Kazuma said while looking at her with steady eyes.

Megumin blinked in confusion, trying to process the situation. She looked around at her friends—Jack, Kazuma, Aqua, Darkness, and Chris—who all wore concerned expressions. Her head throbbed from the aftermath of her magical battle with Yunyun. She struggled against the restraints, her eyes widening as she realized she was tied to her bed.

"What is the meaning of this? Why am I tied up?" Megumin's voice carried a mix of annoyance and concern. She looked around at the others, noticing their wary expressions. "And what do you mean, "calmed down"? I'm perfectly fine!"

Darkness stepped forward, a hint of apprehension in her eyes. "Megumin, you went all out during your battle with Yunyun. We were concerned about your well-being and wanted to make sure you didn't do anything reckless in your exhausted state."

Aqua chimed in, her tone unapologetic. "Yeah, Megumin, you were practically delirious after using up all your mana," she quipped while munching on some cookies.

Megumin's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "I can take care of myself! I don't need to be tied up like some child!"

Jack approached the bed, his expression calm but firm. "We did it for your own safety, Megumin. You were completely drained, and in that state, you might have made impulsive decisions that could have put you in danger. We were only trying to protect you."

Jack placed a hand on Megumin's shoulder. "You okay? It's the second time I've ever seen you determined to turn your foe into ashes with all your might." Her fight with Yunyun could only be described as a clash that made the earth quake and the heavens roar. They really went all out. 'That wasn't just a competition or a friendly rivalry. Megumin clearly got mad at something. Was she perhaps afraid I would stop teaching her magic and give all my attention to Yunyun? They didn't like each other to start with.'

Megumin looked at Jack, a mix of exhaustion and determination in her eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "If you want an apology, Jack, search elsewhere. I don't feel the slightest regret in what I did." Megumin said while avoiding everyone's gaze.

Jack approached her and sat beside her. "Not really, as you said, you aren't a little kid. What you do is your business." He then started rubbing her head. "But that doesn't mean I can't be concerned about your well-being, Megumin. What kind of guy do you think I am?"

Megumin gained a bitter smile and looked at Jack. "I-I know, Jack, but..." She turned to the others and started acting haughty. "You can go out and await further words from your master, my minions! I won't take too long." Everyone could feel the sadness in her voice but decided not to complain.

Kazuma gave her a thumbs-up. "Sure, sure. Just don't blow up our "evil lair," Your Highness." Chris threw Kazuma a judging look before pushing him out of the room, with Darkness being the only one left.

She locked eyes with Megumin and maintained a neutral look. "Stop acting so immature, if you don't want to end up as the younger sister, that is." With those words, Darkness left the room.

Megumin watched her departing form, her heart starting to race in dismay from the weight of those words. She turned around to face Jack, who was looking at the door. "So I see. I was hoping no one would "enlighten" me on that matter," he muttered to himself."

Jack faced Megumin and shook his head. "Never mind that. You wanted to tell me something, right?" Megumin exhaled shakily.

She tried to come up with an excuse, but finding none and not wanting to make Jack wait too long, she decided to come clean. "I don't like Yunyun. Why did you have to bump into her of all people?"

Jack blinked in surprise. "Well... it's not like it was an accident, but that's not important. What I want to know is why do you hate her? So far, all I have seen is a really lonely and self-deprecating girl, and she looks up to you, you know?"

Megumin grunted and turned around. Jack shook his head in exasperation. This was going nowhere. Maybe he should piece it together and present it to her? There was always the choice of walking away, but that wouldn't solve the issue. If anything, Megumin would confront Yunyun the moment she recovered enough, and it would be hell on earth again.

'What do I know about Megumin? She acts overboard as much as possible, likes explosions, enjoys listening to my lectures, testing and showing her magic to me...' Jack tilted his head while rubbing his chin. 'She is financially challenged, has a lovely sister called Komekko.' His thoughts were interrupted by Megumin slamming her head against a pillow.

Jack looked at her with pity. "I don't want to assume anything, Megumin, but I'm not so clueless that I wouldn't understand what's really going on here." He grabbed her shoulder and turned her around, noticing her eyes glistening with tears. "If you really hated Yunyun, you wouldn't have held back."

Her eyes widened. "W-What do you mean? I gave it my all, you know!" She burned the ropes that were tying her and grabbed Jack by the shirt, looking at him with anger.

"That last attack? Yeah, sure, it was so strong I doubt you would have had enough mana to protect yourself from its aftermath. But what about before that?" Jack gently placed his hands on top of Megumin's. "I couldn't help but notice you were putting on a big show to scare Yunyun away."

She shook her head. "That's wrong! I was just warming up and preparing to unleash my wrath on her." She lowered her head, gazing at the bed with sadness in her eyes.

Jack sighed softly, realizing that Megumin was trying to hide her true feelings behind her usual confident facade. He leaned closer to her, his voice gentle and understanding.

"Megumin, I know you better than that. I can see through the act. You were scared, weren't you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Megumin hesitated for a moment before silently nodding. Jack gently lifted her chin, making her look into his eyes. "I understand that you might have felt threatened by Yunyun's presence, but you don't have to prove anything to anyone. Your magic, your passion, they're all uniquely yours. You don't need to show off to make others see your worth. Trust me, they already do."

Megumin tightened her grip on Jack's shirt. "Can- can I trust you, Jack?" she asked, afraid of showing her vulnerable side to anyone else.

Jack looked into Megumin's eyes with sincerity. "Megumin, you can trust me completely. I've always believed in you and your abilities, and I'll always be here to support you. You don't have to face your vulnerabilities alone. We're a team, and I'm your friend. You can lean on me whenever you need to."

He gently placed his hand over hers, offering comfort and reassurance. "I understand that it's not easy for you to show your vulnerable side, but remember that vulnerability is not weakness. It's a sign of strength and trust. And I promise you, Megumin, I will always be here for you, no matter what."

Megumin felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been carrying her fears and insecurities alone for far too long, but now she had someone she could confide in, someone who genuinely cared. She let out a small sigh, feeling a weight lifted from her heart.

"Thank you, Jack," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I'm grateful to have you as my friend."

Jack smiled warmly. "The feeling is mutual, Megumin. We're in this together, through the ups and downs. And remember, true strength lies not only in your explosions but in your willingness to be vulnerable and trust others."

Megumin started to look uncertain at Jack about something. She began to sweat nervously and became so embarrassed that she hit Jack's chest with her head to hide her face.

Jack was taken by surprise as Megumin buried her head into his chest. He could feel her warmth against him and sensed her embarrassment. He gently wrapped his arms around her, offering comfort and reassurance.

"It's okay, Megumin," he whispered softly, his voice filled with understanding. "You don't have to hide your face. You can trust me, remember? Whatever it is that's bothering you, you can share it with me. I won't judge you."

He gently stroked her back, trying to soothe her nervousness. "Take your time. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to listen."

Megumin mumbled something incoherent against his chest, her voice muffled by the fabric. Jack couldn't make out the words, but he could sense the vulnerability in her actions. He held her a little tighter, providing a safe space for her to express herself.

Megumin looked up at Jack. "Wha- what if I don't want to..." She gulped nervously, taking her time to take a deep breath before gaining confidence in her gaze. "The life at the top of the food chain is lonely. Would you willingly follow me on this lonely path for all eternity?" After she finished, she quickly jumped out of bed and ran away in embarrassment.

Jack was momentarily taken aback by Megumin's sudden question, but he quickly composed himself. He watched as she ran away, her embarrassment evident in her hurried escape. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he processed her words.

He had known Megumin for a while now, and their bond had grown stronger over time. But he never expected her to express her feelings in such a unique and straightforward manner.

"The life at the top of the food chain is lonely..." he repeated her words quietly, his gaze following her retreating figure. Jack understood the weight behind her question.

His heart thudded in his chest as he contemplated her question. The life of an adventurer was indeed filled with challenges, loneliness, and uncertainty. But he had already made a choice to walk this path alongside Megumin and their friends. The thought of being by her side, facing whatever came their way, held an undeniable allure.

After a moment of reflection, Jack made a determined decision. He chased after Megumin, catching up to her just outside the room. He gently grabbed her hand, preventing her from running any further.

"Megumin, wait," he called out softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "I understand your concerns about the loneliness of our journey. But I want you to know that you'll never be alone. I'll be right there beside you, facing every challenge, and sharing every moment."

He looked into her eyes, his gaze unwavering. "I choose to walk this path with you, not out of obligation or duty, but because I want to. I want to experience the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, all by your side. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way."

Megumin blinked, momentarily taken aback by Jack's response. She hadn't expected him to be so open and sincere in his feelings. Her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and joy as she listened to his words. His promise to walk the path with her, to share in both the triumphs and challenges, resonated deeply within her.

She looked into Jack's eyes, her own filled with a newfound determination. "Jack... Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "I... I choose you too. Let's face the world together, conquer it with our explosions, and create a future where we can be both powerful and happy."

Kazuma, who was holding a cup, let it slip from his hand in utter shock. Chris swiftly caught it and threw him a smirk. "Pay up, chum." Kazuma handed her a pouch of coins robotically. While Chris happily examined the coins, Kazuma stood there, still in shock. It seemed like he had just witnessed something unexpected and monumental, something that would undoubtedly impact their group dynamic in ways he couldn't yet comprehend.

Yunyun, on the other hand, walked up to Jack and Megumin, giving her a shaky smirk. "Oh? Megumin, I wonder what happened to you. Do you have a fever or something?"

Yunyun's attempt at teasing Megumin didn't go unnoticed by Jack. He glanced at her with a knowing smile, recognizing her playful tone. "Yunyun, it seems Megumin has just discovered a new source of explosive power," he said, his tone filled with warmth and amusement. "You could say her flames have been ignited by a different kind of spark."

Megumin's face turned even redder at Jack's playful remark, but she couldn't help but give a small nod of agreement. "That's right, Yunyun. I've found someone who understands and accepts me for who I am," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of confidence and affection.

Yunyun's teasing smirk faltered for a moment as she processed their words, but she quickly regained her composure. She nodded, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "I see. Well, I'm happy for both of you. If there's anyone who can handle Megumin's explosions, it's you, Jack."

With that, Yunyun turned to leave, giving the couple their space. She couldn't deny the bittersweet feeling in her heart, but she knew that she had played a part in bringing them closer together. And perhaps, in their love, she could find inspiration.

She smiled softly, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "I'm glad, Megumin. It's good to see you so happy."

"Yunyun, don't patronize me!" Megumin quickly shouted, feeling flustered and embarrassed. She pointed accusingly at Yunyun, who simply ignored her and walked away with a confident smirk on her face. Megumin's outburst only seemed to fuel Yunyun's satisfaction, and she clenched her fist close to her chest in a subtle celebration of having one-upped Megumin in some way.

Meanwhile, Jack watched the interaction between the two with a mix of amusement and bewilderment. He couldn't help but find the whole situation entertaining, albeit slightly confusing. As Megumin fumed in the aftermath of her outburst, he approached her, wearing a gentle smile.

"Hey, Megumin, how about we go out for a walk? Just the two of us. And while we're at it, why not create some explosions together?"

Megumin's eyes widened with excitement, a smile forming on her face. "You mean it, Jack? You want to create explosions with me?"

Jack nodded, his gaze filled with genuine enthusiasm. "Absolutely! I can't think of a better way to spend our time together than indulging in our shared passion for explosive magic."

Megumin's cheeks flushed with a mix of anticipation and joy. She grabbed her staff and stood up, ready for action. "Then let's not waste any more time! The world is waiting for our explosions!"

The two of them ventured out into the open, finding a secluded spot away from any bystanders. Megumin raised her staff, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes, while Jack prepared himself to witness the awe-inspiring display of her magic.

As Megumin prepared to unleash one of her trademark explosions, Jack's eyes were fixated on her. He had witnessed her incredible power and control over explosions many times before, but each time he couldn't help but be captivated by the sight.

The moment Megumin raised her staff and called upon the forces of magic, a radiant aura enveloped her. Her eyes glowed with intensity, and her fiery determination shone through. It was as if the world itself held its breath in anticipation.

Then, with a resounding incantation, Megumin released the explosive energy, and the air crackled with power. The brilliance of the explosion lit up the surroundings, casting a vibrant glow on everything around. Jack couldn't tear his gaze away as the explosion blossomed like a brilliant flower in full bloom. The ground shook beneath their feet, and the sheer force of the explosion sent shockwaves through the surroundings.

Jack couldn't help but be captivated by the raw power and beauty of Megumin's explosions. He marveled at the way she controlled and channeled her magic, infusing it with her passion.

In that moment, Megumin seemed ethereal, like a goddess of destruction and beauty combined. The raw power she wielded was matched only by the grace and elegance with which she controlled it. It was a sight that filled Jack with awe and admiration.

As the explosion subsided, Megumin turned to Jack, her face beaming with satisfaction. "What do you think, Jack? Did you enjoy the show?"

Jack's eyes sparkled with admiration as he nodded. "Absolutely incredible, Megumin. Your explosions are a sight to behold. It's an honor to witness your talent firsthand."

Meanwhile, back at the manor, Aqua couldn't contain her mischievous grin as she observed Kazuma's bewildered expression after witnessing the bond between Jack and Megumin. She playfully nudged Kazuma's side with her elbow, trying to stifle her laughter.

"Kazuma, Kazuma, it seems love is in the air." Aqua teased, her voice dripping with amusement.

Kazuma's face flushed with embarrassment as he shot Aqua a glare. "Oh, come on, Aqua. It's not like that. They're just friends, right?"

Aqua raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, Kazuma, denial won't get you anywhere. I can see the jealousy written all over your face."

Kazuma spluttered in protest, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. "N-No way! I'm not interested in any of that lovey-dovey stuff. I have more important things to worry about, like quests and surviving in this crazy world."

Aqua giggled and patted Kazuma's shoulder condescendingly. "Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that, Mr. maidenless, But don't worry, I'm here to guide you on the path to romance."

Kazuma groaned, realizing he couldn't escape Aqua's teasing. "Just leave me alone, Aqua. Focus on your own love life or lack thereof."

Aqua chuckled and sauntered off, her laughter echoing in the air. "Oh, don't you worry, Kazuma. Love will find its way to you too. And when it does, I'll be there to remind you of this moment."

Chris couldn't resist joining in on the teasing, especially when she saw Kazuma's flustered expression. With a sly smile, she approached Kazuma, playfully twirling a lock of her hair between her fingers.

"Well, well, Kazuma. It seems love is truly in the air. First, Jack and Megumin, and now you're caught in the crossfire," Chris said, her voice filled with amusement.

Kazuma's face turned even redder as he tried to defend himself. "I-I told you, it's not like that! I have no interest in getting involved in romantic entanglements. I'm perfectly fine on my own!"

Chris tilted her head, feigning innocence. "Oh, Kazuma, we all know the truth. You can't hide your longing gazes and blushes when love is mentioned. Perhaps you just need someone to sweep you off your feet."

Kazuma's protests grew louder. "That's not true! I'm just focused on surviving and completing quests. Love can wait!"

Chris chuckled and leaned closer, her voice becoming a whisper. "You know, Kazuma, sometimes love finds us when we least expect it. It could be waiting just around the corner, ready to change your life in ways you never imagined."

With a final teasing wink, Chris sauntered away, leaving Kazuma to ponder her words. Love or not, he knew that his life with this eccentric group would never be dull. And who knows, maybe he would find something unexpected along the way.

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