
Embers of love

Lionel Hamilton is an arrogant and handsome playboy who was sentenced a marriage with a cold woman Ariel Smith , form a fallen rich family after his mistakes by his grandpa. the play boy can't help but to fall for the cold woman at first sight but she wasn't interested on him from the beginning no she hated him . things become more complicated when his cousin and rival Evan Hamilton arrived who has a big crush on Ari and who knew her good than her husband. do you think the playboy can win the cold wife of his

bluenights_1921 · Thành thị
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chapter 2: your decisions

  in the morning the Smith's family home was quite unusually. Ariel was devastated and the whole family was in dilemma.

         When Ariel heads out of her room she heard conversation between two people the one was her dad. she steps closer to them and she began to eavesdrop without wanting it.

           " sir he need the treatment urgently, he has waste enough time, the artificial heart is fading out inside and it also has it's own effects, Mr Smith you better hurry" the other man said

         wait! what artificial heart? are they talking about Tris?

      " okay doctor thanks. we are on it. give me sometime " her dad's pained voice comes along.

        "Please don't make him wait another time he has already wait to long, his situation is worsening day to day." the doctor said.

        "you're right, thank you " Mr Smith said.

        What miserable thing is this ?? wasn't losing their wealth enough for them ? why is this happening to them?

           while going to downstairs she bump to  her sister, Amanda.

         Amanda unusually ignored her and leave her behind. but instantly Ariel grabbed her hand from behind.

           "Amy, what happened ? why are you acting like this? " Ariel said frowned.

            "nothing. just this family's situation is deriving me mad, Ari "  Amy replied without care.

          " no, no it's not like that. is it about me ? come on don't be ridiculous!" Ariel cried.

          " why? can't she thought about her family ? have all of us to be like you, careless ? " Stella interrupted looking at Ariel with deadly terrible  eyes.

          " are you talking about me little girl?" Ariel raised her left brow at Stella .

          " yes, big sis, I am. I am talking about your carelessness. you know the situation we are on  also about Tris. but... ," Stella was furious "yet you act like the most caring girl of this family . however when dad told about the marriage you disagreed ".

          "shut up Stella ! " Amy butted in.

           " why? why would I shut my mouth huh?! what's wrong with Lionel ? what's wrong with the Hamilton family ? they are much much better than that penniless Derek..." Stella shut her mouth after the big slap that Ariel gave her.

          Amy widened her eyes with shock. she know that Ariel is a tough woman she can't resist anyone who came up with her decisions, feelings, thoughts and the last not the least is her pride.

           "it's none of your business woman, I don't have to explain my personal things to you, and the same for you, AMANDA" she give a hard glare to both of them and she began to step down with the stairs.

           "can't you think about your family, specially dad. he sacrificed many things for us, for you. he is bleeding inside without no one's help, but do you see ? he is not forcing you. just dying silently. don't you think about him for once?..." Amy sobbed .

           Ariel stop moving when she heard her sister's words. her word stabbed her deeply inside of her. her heart contracted after hearing her father's pain.

         " like he did to you.and what about Tris ? isn't he too young for this? he is struggling hard with his health, how can he endure this? he need expensive medical treatment Ariel ".

      Ariel lost it, a single tear flow from her left eye. she didn't think this far. she doesn't think marring that jerk will solve this all things. but she can't, she can't marry that bastard. she hate him so much .why is life so cruel to her?!

          Ariel downs quickly from the stairs sobbing, holding sorrow for herself.


      in Hamilton's Vila everyone was having breakfast including Lionel. it was so awkwardly silent that only the forks, spoons and knife click sound was heard.

           "Lionel I think you have heard about my decision "old Hamilton's voice broke the boring silence.


            " 'your decisions ' " Lionel sneered.

           old Hamilton frowned by his response, looking displeased.

          Andrea swallowed and began to think something which will chill down the intense air between them.

          "ummm! he had heard and also he had agreed " Andrea smile awkwardly.

          after hearing the news everyone gasped they hold their breath to hear Lionel's response coz they know if he say he didn't this is gonna be a big trouble.

    but the news made somewhat old Hamilton's expression to become better.

           "really son?" old Hamilton asked in hesitant and pleasured tone.


          Lionel takes bite with his fork and simply nodded with unfocused eyes.

      everyone let their breath but they were also confused. Lydia was the only one who was delighted without hesitation.

          "bro! this is the first thing you did well" she giggled winking and she rise her both thumbs up for him.

             Lionel shoot her a glare and stand from his sit to leave.

            "but there is one thing!" Jon exclaimed.

          everyone turn their face to him with curiosity.

            "the girl didn't agreed " Jon was angry.

            "what does that mean?" both old Hamilton and Andrea questioned.

       "it means she didn't agree to marry Lionel, her father has phoned me yesterday night. so they are not into this marriage. how disrespectful they are!" Jon was displeased they are at the edge of falling yet they have the nerve to refuse the Hamilton's request for marriage .


            old Hamilton's lips curved into adoring smile. 'this was it. she is the girl whom I want. I knew she was the one from our first met. what a girl she is !' he admired her.

          Lionel sat down with angry look he was displeased. how dare  

she refuse him! no girl will do this ! is this is first impression before marriage? does she think he is hitting on her? what a penniless weirdo?


"does she think she is the only one that our Lio would marry? who does she think she is ?" Willow scowled.

             "their are millions of girls who want to marry this gentleman " Lydia felt broken for her nephew.

            when everyone was busy comforting him, Lionel was not hearing anyone ' who is this woman? what's wrong with her? '

        old Hamilton raised from his sit and he stare at Lionel then to Jon "Jon by any cost you will bring that girl as my granddaughter in law!!!." with a domineering tone then he left.

      everyone "....".