
Elysium: The land of Heroes

James is a young adult with many personality problems, raised in a twisted family. He does what he can to get by, but his past always manages to catch up with him. Finally, after making major mistakes, he believes it's time to end it all. However, a strange event shakes his life completely. A mysterious young woman asks him to remember his promise and gives him a ring that allows him to travel between worlds. Now he finds himself facing a new world where magic exists, and powerful beings are capable of splitting mountains and conjuring the fundamental powers of nature. With unusual magic and hidden masters at every corner, will James be able to overcome all the obstacles thrown at him by the new world and fulfill his ancestral promise? Will he be able to mend his personality and confront his past mistakes, or will he be crushed by the weight of tremendous guilt? Will he finally find the strength to forgive, to forgive himself?

Nitlo · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Let's Go!

The date for the expedition was approaching rapidly, and James was becoming increasingly anxious. He had been training diligently with Owen, learning the fundamentals of combat techniques, practicing meditation, and studying runes. He was determined to be prepared for whatever awaited them on the expedition.

However, his monotonous routine was interrupted when he received news of Princess Liz's visit the following day. James felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of receiving royalty in his modest workshop. He knew it wasn't the most dignified place to host someone of her status, so he set out to make it presentable.

He got to work, cleaning and tidying every corner of the workshop. He swept away the dust, polished the tools, and cleaned the windows. He wanted everything to be impeccable for the princess's arrival.

In addition to cleaning, James decided to prepare a small feast to treat his distinguished guest. Using the few ingredients he had available, he managed to prepare a simple yet delicious meal. He wanted to demonstrate his goodwill and showcase his modest culinary talent to serve the princess.

Finally, the day of the visit arrived. James dressed in his best attire and nervously waited in the reception area of the workshop. Owen stood by his side, offering support and reminding him to have confidence in his abilities and the work he had done, all while teasing him with the nickname "shining-armored knight."

When Princess Liz and her entourage arrived, James made an effort to maintain composure and welcomed them with a smile. Nerves still overwhelmed him, but he forced himself to remain calm and show respect.

Princess Liz was impressed by the workshop. Despite its modesty, there was a sense of warmth and dedication in the air. James briefly explained the projects he had been working on and how he had been preparing for the expedition. The princess listened attentively and praised his efforts.

After a brief tour of the workshop, everyone gathered in the dining area where James's banquet would be served. As the dishes were presented, the princess and her entourage savored them with delight, expressing their satisfaction. James felt overwhelmed by the praise and attention he received.

During the meal, Princess Liz expressed her gratitude to James and Owen for their brave act of saving her during the previous incident. She assured them that she would not forget their help and would do her best to reward them in the future.

Both of them were somewhat puzzled about what to make of the situation, but Owen quickly decided to refuse any compensation; he hadn't done it for the money.

James, on the other hand, faced a different dilemma. With the variety of options presented to him, he was genuinely confused about what to choose. He took a moment to ponder the matter until an idea came to mind.

"Could the princess guarantee me a place in the Himlar Kingdom's academy?" James asked.

"Of course," the princess replied almost instantly.

"Princess," she was quickly reprimanded by a servant.

"What? I'm sure I can at least do that. Or are you saying I don't even have the authority to grant such a small favor to someone who saved my life?" the offended princess replied.

"It's not about your authority. You certainly can do that. However, you must consider the internal politics of the kingdom. If you accept without any reservations on your part, others will perceive it as your faction's influence and expose you to court dangers," the servant explained pedagogically.

"Why are they so bothersome?" the princess responded, slightly irritated.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. James. While it will require some additional steps, it is possible to secure you a place in the academy. However, you won't be able to hold a prominent position as those are reserved for chosen individuals who swear to defend the kingdom," the servant summarized.

"I have no problem with that as long as I can study and improve my affinities. If I can also stay away from unnecessary politics, even better," James responded honestly.

The servant was slightly disappointed by his response, but he had been informed beforehand that his duty was to provide an appropriate reward for the person, and under no circumstances could he be tied to their faction if they weren't cooperative. However, he was still disappointed that they weren't cooperative.

"Very well, now that we've dealt with the bothersome matters, I would like to hear more about your adventures," the princess said excitedly. She proceeded to ask numerous questions about their lives as adventurers. She seemed genuinely enthusiastic about the free-spirited lifestyle and exotic locales. Unfortunately for James, he didn't have many adventures to recount; his time in the forge was the main focus.

After a while, the servant deemed it an appropriate time and noticed that the princess's inquisitive demeanor was starting to make their rescuers uncomfortable.

"Princess, I believe it's time to return. I heard Sir Larat was preparing some gifts for you," the servant casually commented, fully aware it was a blatant lie, but it was the only way to make the princess willingly follow.

The princess became excited at the prospect of gifts and bid farewell to her new acquaintances, heading outside. The courtier handed James a token along with a note and quickly followed the princess back to her faction's residence.

"She's quite intense," Owen remarked.

"She has a great thirst for adventure, especially the dangerous kind, it seems. Her reaction to your story against the demon horde was incredible," James commented, nodding in agreement.

"Anyway, the time for the expedition is approaching. You should start contacting your group and coordinating with them. You'll be spending a significant amount of time together, so it's essential to establish effective collaboration," Owen said with evident mental fatigue. It was hard to believe that this brute could fight on equal terms with two experts but couldn't handle answering questions from a princess without it exhausting him.

"Alright, I know you want to go and see what's happening with the rest of your group. I'll prepare my equipment, and we'll leave this workshop before they come looking for more trouble because of the name Strom," James said, recalling the confrontation in the alley.

Both of them began packing their belongings. It was time to separate their paths. The fact that some random thugs had come looking for trouble at the workshop made it clear that the city would no longer leave them in peace because of the name Strom.

The next day, James placed all his important belongings in his spatial ring. Since the space was still limited and he had many books left by his master to study, most of the space was occupied by them, leaving him with only a small backpack for his clothing.

Together with Owen, he headed to the city's main plaza. He was slightly worried about how to contact his faction, but in the end, his concerns were in vain. As soon as they reached the plaza, they were intercepted by a familiar face.

"Mr. James, I hope you remember me from our meeting with your master. My name is Aura, and I am Miss Jasmine's assistant. May I inquire if you are ready to join the expeditionary group?" Aura calmly stated, displaying a certain level of respect, though her tone seemed to be more directed towards Owen than James himself.

"Yes, I'm ready to join. Although I don't knowhow to reach your camp," James replied, admitting his ignorance with a tinge of embarrassment.

"Don't worry, sir. A guard will assist you in reaching the camp. All the specialists have been recruited there, and you were the only one left," Aura assured with the same calm demeanor. James wasn't sure if she was scolding him or not, but he couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty nonetheless.

James nodded in approval and then turned to Owen. "Thank you so much for all your help. I've learned a great deal from you," he sincerely expressed his gratitude.

"Boy, didn't your master teach you that a man speaks with few words? If you want to show gratitude, let your actions speak for you. I hope your runic abilities match up next time, so you can forge a weapon worthy of these muscles," Owen said, flexing his trained physique in a grand display.

James felt a surge of excitement, a burning sensation in his chest. He truly desired to enhance his mastery of runes to create a weapon that would match Owen's expectations. His artisan spirit ignited within him, and he looked Owen in the eyes, simply nodding.

With no further words to exchange, James turned to the guard and said, "Let's go."

You can also check out my parallel work available on Amazon and Kindled Unlimited called the Greybear Saga: A Light Is Born.

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