
Elvian warriors

In the word of Aurigae, there lives many kinds of things. People, animals, elves and dwarfs. However there also lives monsters and just a child of those monsters could overpower a group of young adults. So how do the people of this world fight against these monsters? They go through awakening. When the chosen warrior awakens, their back will grow a pair of wings that will give him power to fight against monsters. Follow aboard as our protagonist goes on his own journey.

parch_Seeker · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Fight till death

Afriel was standing and trying to look as strong as possible. However, he was completely exhausted. He had run and the dangerous of death made him stress out.

Luckily, he wasn't hungry or cold anymore, otherwise he would have been dead long ago. With the axe and chain ready he was observing the wolf's movements.

He quickly realized; how crazy the monster was. The way it was drooling, drifting, and shaking its head, it seemed like it had no rationality. The wolfs yesterday were twice as big and Afriel could see it from their eyes.

They had planned this attack and looked like children on their birthday. Rich children of course.

Wolfs of course were not known for being smart. This was probably the smartest, that they could get but it was still more than normal animals.

Afriel had heard, that it was easier to fight a wolf who's in good shape than a crazy one. The reason? When the wolf is in good shape, it uses it brain to do attack. Humans are lacking in strength but in intelligence, they are one of the best.

So, it's easier to predict a wolf's attack but when it's crazy, it a whole another story. Then the wolf acts purely on instinct and not even other wolfs can predict those patterns.

So now Afriel had only two choices. Hope, that the wolf acts like before and he can attack its legs until it's too weak. Or try to attack it.

The other choice seemed like a suicide. How could he attack the wolf with a chain and axe meant for cutting wood? He did not know.

The wolf again launched forwards and like before Afriel dodged and snapped it with his chain. Afriel started to feel good about this. Maybe he could live, he would receive so much money for killing a monster without even awakening.

Again, the wolf approached him. It came straight ahead like every other time. Afriel wanted to dodge closer to the pathway so he got ready to dodge to the left.

When the wolf opened its mouth and it was close enough to smell it, he rolled to the left and started to swing the chain behind him but he stopped.

He screamed from pain and looked behind him. The wolf had bitten his foot, Afriel realized in horror what the wolf had done. He had fallen for such an obvious trick that he felt embarrassed.

But there was no room for him to start blaming himself as the wolf's teeth sunk deeper into his flesh. He tried to kick the wolf but it hurt too much to move.

He reached for the axe he had dropped and tried to hit the monster's snout. He hit the right eye but the feeling of joy ended shortly as the monster just jerked its head and the axe flew far away from him.

He started to feel desperate and also grabbed the chain. He started to hit the wolf repeatedly as the monster's teeth went deeper and deeper. Afriel was screaming in pain the whole time.

Then the monster stopped, it wasn't moving its head at all. Afriel was still in pain breathing heavily staring at the monster thinking what it was doing.

Then it jerked its head backwards and Afriel watched, as his foot was teared off. He looked at the wolf in horror as it swallowed everything he had under the knee.

It enjoyed the food for a second before it looked at Afriel. It had a smirk in its eyes like it was enjoying the moment.

Afriel was crying. He had actually been crying for a long time but just now he noticed it. He knew that this would be the end of him.

He closed his eyes holding the chain tightly in his hand. He started thinking. He was blaming everyone. The person who threw the rock at him, the villagers who treated them like that. Julius for being an ass hole and even his mom.

For making him grow in this hell like village, but before he could finish his thoughts, he noticed what he was thinking.

No, he didn't want to die with thoughts like this. He started to thank and apologize to mom. He was sorry for not taking good enough care, for being a coward and not making her live well enough.

He apologized for going to soon, without giving her grand kids and a castle meant for royals. He apologized for not talking to her enough, for not helping her enough, for not taking her outside enough.

He apologized for being such a bad son.

Then his mind went blank...

The wolf approached the small boy. The wolf had been born twice as small as the other pups and because in his tribe only strength mattered, he was treated as trash.

He had been living like this for two years already. Following the pack from far away and hunting returning survivors or people the others had missed. This time it was the same.

He had noticed the small boy leaving the house and followed him till he had no place to escape. Now they were in this situation.

He had eaten the boy's foot and he was now bleeding and would die in thirty minutes. Seems like it had already collapsed as well. What an easy meal.

At that moment, something weird started to happen. Black light started to shine from the boy's forehead and it wrapped the whole body. The wolf backed away shocked about what was going on.

It couldn't see anything going on. The black light had changed into some kind of substance, it was moving around the body like it was eating the boy.

The wolf growled at the thing warning and telling to move away from its prey. Soon the substance started to move upwards and changed the shape more. Large branch like things came from the back and from the head.

The substance moved faster and faster until it all gathered into one spot, the upper chest and disappeared. What was left was the child's body floating in the air and something had appeared.

A pair of black wings and horns. The boy had grown to be about 160 cm, the wingspan was about 350 cm. The horns were small, almost unrecognizable.

The boy still had his eyes closed and like that he started to land. After touching the ground, he was still standing and did not fall down. The wolf tough, that it was weird.

He howled and barked growled at it but the winged creature did not move. Was still passed out. Eating this thing will make me so much stronger. If I can just devour that black thing in its chest, I can take control of the full pack.

Greed took over the wolf and it launched itself towards the standing boy. Then, faster than the monster could react, boy raised his arm and pointed it towards the wolf.

Like a snake, a white chain shot itself from the human's arm and pierced the head of the monster in a second. The wolf collapsed, making the ground red from blood.

Soon after, the boy also collapsed, with the wings and horns also disappearing.