
Elite: the new life of Samuel garcia

Justin Kingston was your typical average person but in his childhood he became agoraphobic, now if some of you don't know what that is, it's basically being afraid of the outside and unknown people. Make a long story short Justin wasn't able to do the normal things kids got to do at his age so he got depressed, but just as he was making progress he got transferred to another world, so you bet your ass hell make the most of it! -------------------------------------------- Just a trial run for now.Don't expect anything from me, I just got a good idea before bed and started writing.

arxoni · Ti vi
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2 Chs

well, this is interesting

'My body feels weird, why does my body feel small?'

'Infact why is my room so different? Wait is this what I think it is?' I start to get off the bed.



"¡Samuel, si no sales de tu habitación, llegarás tarde a tu primer día de clases!"

"¡Samuel Garcia, ven aquí ahora!" I can hear footsteps coming closer

'Come on, why does it have to be a language I don't understand!?'I start to panic

'Alright think, if this is really what I think it is, how do I get the other set of memories? Come on think Justin." I start to look around the room, and I find a mirror.

" wait just a second, if this is really what I think it is, then sometimes when they look at themselves in a mirror and try to remember it usually works. hopefully this works."

I get out of my hopefully new bed and get in front of the mirror.

' Come on please let this work if not I'm in some serious trouble.'

All of a sudden I get a nasty but filling headache, so bad that I fall to the ground.

all of a sudden the door opens and a beautiful woman comes into the room

[Image here]

" Samuel are you okay? I heard you fell, what happened mister? as your mother I have a right to know!" As she said this I realize that I understood her! Wich means I'm either dreaming or have been transmigrated.

Now either is fine, but I'll go forth as if I've been transmigrated because usually the people who think they are dreaming, usually they do something stupid, Wich afterwards they regret doing said thing. so I'm going to learn from my predecessors and start out as if I'm actually Samuel Garcia from the Netflix show Elite.

Yeah I know where I am, you think I can't connect the strings? Well guess wrong!

Anyways, off my tangent. I need to get to school now, otherwise I'll be late for my first day of secondary school. That's right I'm 12 years old Wich leaves me plenty of room to prepare myself for the main plot 4 years later.


"yeah mom, I'm fine I just tripped while climbing down my bed, nothing to worry about."

She sighs and sits on the edge of my bed. "That's good, but it looks like you still had a lot of stuff around it. You know if you don't clean up after yourself, we might get in trouble with the landlord."

"Don't worry mom from now on I'll start helping you out, but for now I need to go to school."

With that I run towards the door, but before I exit I turn back to my mom and smile. She smiles as well and tells me to be careful and kisses me on the forehead.

"Be careful son, be safe."

"You too mom"

I leave the house and enter the street. It looks pretty much like how I'd imagine the poor part of Madrid to look like, but there are a few differences. But ignoring that I run to my new school, which is only a couple minutes away. I make my way through the large crowd of students heading to school. The streets are full of people, and all of them seem to know each other.

Most of the kids in this area go to one school in particular,Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria San Esteban, also known as San Esteban. It's the only school in the neighborhood and the majority of the population goes here. There are a few exceptions though, most of the rich kids do attend another school,Wich is where I'll go if everything goes as planned.

Finally I arrive in front of the building. I take a deep breath and walk inside. I look around and realize that this place is huge, but it doesn't feel crowded at all. It seems like everyone knows where they're going and where to go, so I follow their example.

I look around and find who I'm looking for, nadia shanaa. She may not look like much, but she's the reason I'm here right now.

As soon as I see her I run over to her, but I'm stopped by a teacher.

"No running in the halls" he says sternly

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to break any rules" I say bowing my head.

I start walking towards her, you see right now she doesn't look it, but in the future she will be able to turn heads with her beauty, so I must have her, a long with all the other beautiful woman in this world.

After some time I finally reach nadiya. I bow my head again and look at her.

"Hi, I'm Samuel Garcia this is my first day, and I'd like to be your friend!"

"Uhh hey,I'm Omar and this is nadia, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you"

"So what do you want to be called?"

"Whatever's easier for you guys, but my friends call me Sam."

"I like Sam, that's gonna be cool"

"Cool" I think to myself.

"Well, we're going to class, so see ya later Samuel!" Nadia says waving goodbye to me

"Later Sam" Omar waves goodbye as well.

'Alright now for the hard part, pretending to be a 12 year old.'