

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Beyond the Five Elements Part 2

The instructor, whose name was Master Alaric, cleared his throat, the sound sharp and silencing. "Welcome, students," he boomed, his voice surprisingly youthful for his aged appearance. "Today, we delve into the intricacies of the Wind element, a force as elusive as it is powerful." 

He gestured towards a metallic contraption in the corner of the room, a series of intricate blades whirring at varying speeds. "Wind," he explained, "is often misunderstood as mere brute force. While it can certainly be used to deliver devastating blows, its true strength lies in its subtlety." 

Master Alaric then spent the next hour dissecting the nature of wind magic. He spoke of how adept Wind mages could manipulate air currents to create powerful gusts, deflect projectiles, or even grant themselves a temporary boost in agility. He demonstrated how understanding air pressure differentials could be used to create vacuums, disarming opponents or even crushing their lungs. 

Khaled listened intently, his mind racing. Unlike fire magic, which was a direct assault on the senses, wind magic offered a strategic depth that appealed to him. He could see how Irsal's focus on precise control could translate well to this discipline. Perhaps, with enough practice, he could use Irsal to manipulate air currents in a similar way, mimicking some of the simpler wind spells. 

As the lesson progressed, Master Alaric called upon volunteers to demonstrate their proficiency. Students took turns conjuring small whirlwinds, deflecting thrown objects with invisible gusts, and even propelling themselves across the room in short bursts of wind-aided leaps. Each display showcased a different facet of wind magic's versatility. 

When it was Heni's turn, a smug grin spread across his face. He raised his hand, focusing his energy. A moment later, a miniature hurricane materialized, swirling violently in his palm. The force of it caused the hair of nearby students to whip around their faces. A collective gasp rippled through the room. 

"Impressive," Master Alaric conceded, a hint of respect in his voice, "but remember, power is not everything. True mastery lies in control." 

Heni's smugness faltered slightly. Master Alaric then pointed to a corner of the room where a series of thin candles flickered atop small pedestals. "The next challenge," he declared, "is to extinguish one of these flames using only a gentle breeze." 

This seemingly simple task proved trickier than anticipated. 

Several students attempted it, but their attempts were either too forceful, blowing out all the candles, or too weak, barely registering on the flames. 

Khaled watched intently, his own mind formulating a plan. He wouldn't be able to conjure a gentle breeze outright, but perhaps he could manipulate the existing air currents within the room. 


Taking a deep breath, Khaled narrowed his eyes, focusing intently on the flickering candles. Unlike the other students who effortlessly conjured gusts of wind, he had to approach the challenge differently. Glancing around subtly, he noticed a slight tremor in the fabric drapes hanging near the designated candles. An idea sparked in his mind. 

Across the room, Aiden, a natural Wind elemental with wind swirling around him like a playful breeze, casually extinguished his chosen flame. A smug grin played on his lips as he surveyed the room, his effortless display drawing envious gasps. 

Ignoring the spectacle, Khaled shifted his attention back to the drapes. Could he use Irsal to manipulate the fabric, creating a subtle current of air that would extinguish the flame? It was a risky maneuver, requiring precise control and hoping it wouldn't be noticed by the watchful Master Alaric or his observant classmates. 

With a silent prayer, Khaled focused his will on the drape closest to the candle he desired. He imagined a gentle ripple traveling down the fabric, creating a miniscule air current that would brush against the flame. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he concentrated, the room blurring slightly at the edges of his vision. 

Slowly, ever so slowly, the drape responded. A faint ripple traveled down its length, but it wasn't enough. The air current it created barely registered on the flame, causing a momentary flicker but failing to extinguish it. Frustration gnawed at Khaled, but he refused to give up. He needed a stronger gust, but how could he achieve it without drawing attention? 

A sly smile spread across Master Alaric's face, unseen by the students. He had noticed the subtle tremor in the drape near Khaled, a hint that the boy was attempting something unorthodox. While the attempt failed, the instructor was impressed by Khaled's ingenuity and unwavering focus. 

The lesson continued, each student showcasing their unique approach to manipulating the wind. Khaled observed them all, his mind a whirlwind of possibilities. He needed to refine his technique, to find a way to leverage Irsal to mimic the wind spells. Perhaps there was another way to utilize the environment, a way to combine Irsal with the existing air currents for a more potent effect. 

The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the class. As students began to file out, Master Alaric lingered for a moment, his gaze fixed on Khaled. "A word, Khaled," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. 


Khaled's heart hammered in his chest. Had he been caught attempting his unorthodox trick with the drape? He followed Master Alaric to a quiet corner of the classroom, his mind racing with possibilities. 

"Intriguing approach you attempted there, Khaled," the wizened mage began, a playful glint in his eye. A wave of relief washed over Khaled, replaced by a spark of curiosity. 

"I... I was just trying something different," Khaled stammered, unsure how much to reveal. 

"Trying to extinguish the flame with Irsal through the drape, were you not?" Master Alaric asked, a knowing smile playing on his lips. 

Khaled's cheeks flushed red. He couldn't believe the teacher had noticed his subtle attempt. "It... it didn't work," he mumbled, kicking the floor with his worn boot. 

Master Alaric chuckled softly. "No, it didn't. But the idea itself held merit. It showcases a keen understanding of manipulating your surroundings, which is a valuable skill for any magic user." 

A flicker of hope ignited within Khaled. Perhaps there was a way forward after all. "But how can I use Irsal to mimic Wind magic?" he blurted out, his voice filled with frustration and a hint of desperation. 

The mage stroked his beard thoughtfully. "The key lies in subtlety and precision, Khaled. Wind magic isn't always about brute force gales. Sometimes, a gentle nudge or a well-timed deflection can be just as effective." 

He gestured towards a nearby table, where a single candle flickered precariously. "Here, try this," he said, placing a small, intricately carved wooden bird on the table. "See if you can use Irsal to make the bird take flight, but only so high that it extinguishes the flame with its wingtip." 

The challenge was simple yet demanding. It required precise control over the bird, mimicking a gentle breeze that would lift it without causing it to topple over.