
Elementus; Dawn of Fire

Benjamin Harsec is just a normal high school student until he finds himself in a new world. Set in a carnage the realm of Elementus is currently in war between the two major factions of Fire and Ice, The Prince of Fire seeking a world domination while the Queen of Ice wanting peace yet set to go against that as smaller tribes fall under the reign of the Fire tribe.

John_Alsotop · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Training Begins/First Spell

Ben woke with a startle "What the hell was that dream" he turned around and saw he was still in the dormitory outside the training yard where he slept last night, "What the hell."

Ben thought nothing more of it as he got into a more suitable attire for training, consisting of chainmail armour and white robes above it. He attended the morning meal and then met with Taredd to begin his training. "Alright Ben, your training is going to begin, by the end of today it's projected you will be able to form a small icicle, we will build this up over the following weeks until you can form a longsword and shield out of ice. The incantation for this is 'Icleus' I will now demonstrate."

Ben watched as Taredd opened his hands and drew an arc in the air, "Icleus"

Just as Taredd had stated in his hands a longsword and shield formed, made of ice.

"Before you can begin using magic you will need a magic stone, these come with affinities to each of the elements of the world, as suggested we will be using an ice magic stone."

Taredd went to a box and got out a small sized stone coloured a palish blue and then affixed it to a chain. "You will from now on always wear this around your neck, magical energy is drawn from these stones and as your magical prowess grows you will be awarded with larger stones. This is our training sized stone."

Ben took the chain and clasped it around his neck, "Thank you Taredd."

"So to begin you will be copying the arc motion with your hands, it is best to master this before performing with the incantation as a slip up in performing could yield disastrous results."

Taredd demonstrated the arc motion once again, Ben then began to copy his movement.

Immediately Ben followed with the pattern fluently feeling the air pass through his fingertips as they sweeped, he wanted to say the incantation then and there but remembered Taredd's warning.

Taredd fell back in shock, "Y-you already perfected the motion, normally it takes days of practice for someone to do it so perfectly and that's if you're intending to use this as your main combat spell. Most people stop when they can produce a simple weapon and shield, as I did but you...are something else. I suppose you should now peform with the incantation."

Ben gritted his teeth, spread his hands and drew an arc, "Icleus".

In the air behind him, a small array of swords (around 10) formed from ice appeared, they instantly crashed into the ground and shattered sending particles of ice around the room before they dispersed back to nothingness. Taredd looked shocked. Ben was quite confused. "What was that? I thought it produced a hand held weapon? "

"What that was is quite unique and has only manifested twice before in the entire documented history of ice magic, both under their own circumstances of course. The first of which was many centuries ago, a prince in the royal family managed to create a large array of swords and control their movement. It was a powerful trump card however he was believed to be slain in a minor battle between him and the Queen of Fire at the time. The second, however, is a lot more recent, and strangely, he just like you is a human, he defected from the water tribe when Erador was overrun by the Fire Armies. He now is being trained personally by our Queen in light magic, only taught to those with huge prowess or a noble, I believe it is her hope that you turn out a similar way."

Ben was deep in thought, he had never been told he was special like that before, before he was an average person but now he felt something inside awakening.

"So Ben, a change to our goal today, seeing how you overexceeded the previous one. You will now be taught to control the movement of ice. Once you've mastered this, your unique Icleus will be as the old Prince and as David, he's the one I mentioned earlier, is. SO, to control the movement ice you have to focus your mind on the ice as if it is the ice itself, the more you meditate on that the more it will become second nature to you. Let us begin."

Taredd created a cube of ice with Icleus sat down and Ben followed as Taredd did. Ben cleared his mind and focused on the ice and only on the ice.

After a few minutes of this Taredd spoke, "Now, in your mind visualise the ice cube rising."

Ben did so.

"Now open your eyes Ben."

Ben opened is eyes, and to his surprise there was the ice cube floating in front of him.

"So now I can do that won't I be able to control my Icleus?"

"No, it takes a long time for the mind to grow that accustomed to that, but at your growth I'd be surprised if it isn't achieved by next week. I suggest for one hour before every night meditate as we did then, and during further training we will strengthen your Icleus to increase the array and dedicate some time to meditation. I believe we should end here for today."

"Okay, thanks a lot Taredd."

Ben ran to his dorm ready to put his mind to becoming ice as to achieve his goal.