
Elementus; Dawn of Fire

Benjamin Harsec is just a normal high school student until he finds himself in a new world. Set in a carnage the realm of Elementus is currently in war between the two major factions of Fire and Ice, The Prince of Fire seeking a world domination while the Queen of Ice wanting peace yet set to go against that as smaller tribes fall under the reign of the Fire tribe.

John_Alsotop · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


Alzoth was heading, as David thought, to the United Nation of Air. He grinned as he rode aback his dragon, "Finally a way to get rid of that tribe and its their own fault."

He laughed at the utter stupidity of it all, "A world unified front against them, and afterwards we can conquer the rest in their weakness, a perfect strategy. Thank you Selas."

He flew higher into the sky and above the clouds a golden gate stood closed.

"I seek witness with the court regarding a war crime" he directed at the gate.

Slowly and surely, the gate swung open and he passed in, he dropped off the dragon onto a faint path in the air, not wanting to cause trouble by having a monster with him.

He followed the path and a magnificent white city stood before him, camouflaged with the clouds.

"Follow me Alzoth, Prince of Fire"

A guard clothed in golden white armour spoke. The people of the United Nation of Air resembled a cross between eagle and human and thus the armour was suited to such, having plating for feathers and a pretruding beak in the helmet. For sake of lack of species name they are generally referred to as Aireans.

"Ah yes sure my friend"

Alzoth put on a pretence at friendliness.

He followed the guard to a central building with golden pillars and a glass dome ehich refracted the sunlight creating a gold haze around the dome.

As they entered the building into a reception area, the guards checked Alzoth for weapons, but of course he had left them behind.

"Alzoth, as we have heard from your word, Queen Selas of the ice tribe has committed a war crime against your army, by slaughtering them within a time of mutual peace and thus death in cold blood, is that correct? We do identify that you are going on what appears to be a world conquering campaign, so we have to take necessary precautions in which to check this isn't a ploy to help you win easily."

"No no, don't worry that is correct, she by herself just came in and killed half of my army as if it they were nothing with her light magic, you can confirm their deaths with that."

The secretary signalled to some guards and the guards then came to the desk.

"You two go to.."

"This valley over here"

Alzoth pointed to the valley where they had fought the previous day on a map emblazoned on the wall.

"And confirm death of a majority of an army at the hands of light magic."

"Yes maam"

The two went out of the window and then flew off.

"They will be back in about an hour, on which we would have been able to recount the entire matter to the supreme judge."

"Seems good to me."

"However we will be requiring a testimony from Selas herself, a group was dispatched prior to your arrival and she will be entering in just a few minutes if all went okay."

"Yes that makes fair sense to me."

Alzoth, rather impatiently and awkwardly, stood their for a few minutes, until Selas entered, accompanied by a group of five guards.

She still seemed to have the glimmering face from earlier, yet not so obvious now.

"So Alzoth, you resorted to such actions to take me out then."

"You're one to talk Selas, you strode right into my camp and took them out in front of me, I could only save a limited amount."

"Be quiet both of you this matter will be settled in the court."

This voice came from behind a set of doors and an older Airean entered the room.

"Would you please follow me into the main hall."

Selas and Alzoth, accompanied by one guard each followed this Airean through a round hallway until they turned right and behold was a huge chamber which was setup as a court.

This chamber was underneath the central dome visible from outside and the effect of the light was a lot more prominent, shading the entire room in yellow.

They were each taken to their own station and they waited.

Moments later the larger stand in front of them was filled by a judge and advisors, and behind them a jury filed in.

"Lets begin shall we."

A call echoed through the room.